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The whole preparation was taking forever it seemed.

It was true, it was a monumental task to switch out components, replace them, or repair them when it came to prepping a large machine like Shiryu for battle. Akane also worked with them to give support, mainly inside the cockpit as she followed instructions. Nearly a week has passed since the first encounter with Gigan, and that's all that Akane was thinking about. She was fearing that at any moment, Gigan and the MUTOs would come out from any Hollow Earth portal in any place of the earth, and start wreaking havoc on densely-populated cities. Those thoughts...made Akane worried once again. She didn't want to be late and see that hundreds of lives have been lost due to her tardiness. Some other thoughts interrupted her, reminding her that everyone involved in the repairs was doing all they could to finish in time. That didn't help her stop her anxious thoughts from continuing.

A familiar voice made Akane exit her thoughts and look up to the side. She was currently watching how the repairs progressed for the mechagodzilla, sitting at a bridge that was intact after what happened days ago. Akane noticed both Chen and Ling approaching Akane where she was sitting. "How are you feeling?" Chen asked as both twins sat down beside her. "You know when I am either feeling fine or down. And I will be glad to tell you in detail what I am worried about." Akane said with a small sight. "It's about what Mothra said through us, is it?" Ling asked her. "On one part yes. On the other is about Gigan, and what he would do." Akane said, still looking at Shiryu that was in front and deactivated. "The monster that has come from the stars truly is a vile being. Only the incoming battle will determine the outcome." Ling said. "I'm aware of that. What I am worried about is becoming stronger, and at the last moment failing. The only thing that I can remember was when I survived 2014. Would things have been different without me?." Akane explained to them, looking down at her own hand. "Don't say that. Life is a precious thing. Every life is worth something. For everyone. Including you. That's the reason Mothra fights; to protect. You should know that." Chen said, sounding shocked at first but then trying to encourage her friends. "Nothing is guaranteed. What is, however, would be what you decide. You get to decide what kind of person you want to become. And to us, you are right on that path." Ling said to Akane, making her smile a bit.

Though her smile faded gradually as she thought again about what the queen of the monsters had said. "As for Mothra...I don't really get why she at first said that Shiryu was a mistake. Yes, he was built by us to fight titans. But...Shiryu has life too. You two felt it the same way I did, right? He was angry...and scared. He doesn't want a monster like Gigan to come back and defeat him. Shiryu...he also wanted to be a friend to me. How can I accomplish such when, after everything is done, some will force him to fight? Or they destroy him as soon as he was built?" Akane said as she stared at the head of Shiryu while the mechagodzilla was dormant. Both twins stayed silent for a moment, thinking of a response to give. "Mothra is right in one part. She has wisdom and experience for centuries on end. She knows what she is doing. Still, she is compassionate to let go of some things. We were both surprised how brave you were to speak to her. I am guessing that's why she gave you and Shiryu permission to fight alongside her." Ling said to Akane. "How did I sound? Was I brave enough?" Akane asked, attempting to lighten up the mood herself. "Indeed you did. It wasn't just fake bravado like you usually expressed" Chen said. "Wait...was it all that I have been doing before?" Akane asked, shocked and scared for hearing that. "Well...in some occasions" Chen said, casting a mischievous smile at Akane. "Don't be silly. This is serious" she scoffed in japanese, nudging Chen as the twins laughed. Some time later Rick and Simon came over to them. "It's already break time. Want to accompany us to lunch?" Simon asked them. "Yes. Sounds like a great time for a break" Akane said as she began to get up.

* * *

At the end of the week, Shiryu was repaired and fully loaded.

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