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After an extensive and chaotic fight, only Gigan remained afoot all alone.

The rest of the MUTOs were either killed or brought into submission. Both titan and robot pilots were very exhausted due to the fight, yet they pushed on to fight their last target. The alien titan, Gigan, looked around frantically to either escape or engage its first target to resume fighting. The only problem was that Gigan was now surrounded by the titans and mechs that were ready to finish it off if they resisted. "Give it up. Your servants have either been defeated or have run away. You are alone." Akane said on the mechagodzilla's loudspeaker towards Gigan. The alien titan hissed in seething anger, claws clenched while sword pincers still unfolded out. "No...No one sssays no to me....no one!...I am the greatest...I won't be defeated by some insectsss...Never!" Gigan snarled. ["Well, we did take care of your servants. And your beetle friend just left you to be alone. So...you really don't have a choice. Except bow before your new alphas."] Rick said through Jet Jaguar's loudspeakers, twirling its own spear around proudly as he glanced at the others and the titans. Akane moved Shiryu's head to the side to stare back at him, with a look that said "That is not going to work like it usually does". ["Sorry."] Rick said as he made Jet Jaguar plant the spear hilt on the ground.

Gigan backed up as the titans closed in, still refusing to stand down or submit despite the authoritative sounds that they made. Then it stared at the lifeless and tired bodies of its MUTO servants, and then back at them as its eye visor glowed slight red. ["Really? You think your buddies are going to come back and rescue you now? And you call yourself 'the best' without accepting a hard challenge. Come on, is this really the best you can do?"] Andrew asked through Moguera's loudspeakers, spinning the drills once again while he taunted the alien titan. "Umm...Andrew? I don't think it's wise to taunt or provoke him any further." Akane said to him, now getting a bad feeling as she watched Gigan asses its options. ["What? I'm only shaming him so that he doesn't have any more will to fight. I did that with you before, remember?"] Andrew said as he turned Moguera's head to Shiryu and made a shrug gesture. Gigan made a grin with its beak and gave out a loud screech, making everyone turn their attention back to them before the alien titan jumped and flew above them.

Gigan flew over them and landed where the MUTOs were lying down, eye visor now glowing intensely red. "No...this isn't the best...I have left. I need...more POWER!!!" Gigan roared as some of its body parts, like the three back fins, the chest, the arms, head fin horn, and the eye visor, began to glow intensely red. Then it extended its arms and threw its red flesh-like tendrils, which shot out and latched onto the corpses and bodies of the MUTOs in specific body parts. Gigan used its tendrils to start pulling out something from the MUTOs, both the dead ones and those still alive as they shrieked and gagged in pain while the alien titan did something to them. Then, with a chilling cracking noise, the tendrils tore out something from inside the bodies, leaving the MUTO bodies truly lifeless. What Gigan pulled out looked like red glowing cores of energy, definitely the hearts and lifesources of the MUTOs. Akane covered her mouth as the gruesome sight made her almost throw up, Rick and Andrew having almost the same reaction as they backed up their machines. The three titans watched with possibly the same surprised and disgusted reaction that the humans had, stepping back as they watched. Gigan, having now obtained all the energy cores from the MUTOs, began to rise up slowly high in the air. The tendrils moved the cores close to Gigan's body in a circle around its head, the tendrils starting to pull the red energy from them into Gigan's body. Once the cores were drained completely of their energy, Gigan let go of the cores, which fell to the ground and shattered on impact.

Then, with all the power to itself, Gigan roared loudly and extended its arms as an aura of intense red energy flared across its body.

Everyone on the ground braced themselves as the loud roar and energy shockwave spread across the place, looking up at the newly charged up alien titan. ["You just had to open your big mouth, didn't you?"] Rick asked in a deadpanned manner, glancing slightly at Andrew's Moguera with Jet Jaguar's head. ["Oh...you gotta be freaking kidding me..."] Andrew groaned as they stared up at Gigan. Gojirin and Anguirus snarled at the energized alien titan, though seemed to back away slowly as they sensed something. Akane felt her arm hairs stand on end as she felt something, and then she realized that an attack was imminent. "EVERYONE! EVADE NOW!!!" Akane shouted loudly as they saw Gigan charge up its visor laser with large amounts of energy. The pilots took her warning seriously and moved their aircrafts and machines out of the way just in time before the laser was fired. The attack that Gigan unleashed was three times its previous strength, taring through the ground and the crystals that were either near of miles away as they were destroyed. Gojirin and Anguirus jumped out of the way to avoid getting hit, Mothra barely dodging it as the laser singed her wing tip and made her squeal in pain. The Heron aircrafts also got a close call as some of their wing tips were either singed or melted to the point that the explosion tore off their wings.

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