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Instead of a crashing sound or metal being cut, there was an explosion. And Gigan was heard roaring in pain.

When Akane opened her eyes, she noticed that indeed something had impacted and exploded on Gigan's back, making the alien titan cringe in pain. From above, something in the shape of a large humanoid descended and landed in between the two enemy titans with a heavy thud, shaking the ground tremendously. Before any of the two enemy titans could react, the barely visible humanoid brought around its fits and punched the beetle titan away. Immediately after it countered the first titan, it moved its arms around and blocked the sword attack from Gigan with its two arms. Then it freed its one hand and delivered a strong upper cut blow to the alien titan, also giving it a kick to push it away from Shiryu. Once that was done, and the smoke of the explosions cleared, Akane could now see in more detail that the one who saved her and the mechagodzilla was a humanoid robot. "What in the...?" Akane breathed, beyond confusion and relief to see what had saved her. The humanoid robot looked back at Shiryu, eyes glowing with energy and strength.

When she examined it, she remembered what robot it was

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When she examined it, she remembered what robot it was. One of the prototypes she had come to know: Jet Jaguar.

["Hey Akane! Sorry I'm late for the party."] came the voice of Rick in the radio. Jet Jaguar then extended a hand to Shiryu, which Akane moved its hand to grab on so that the mechagodzilla could be helped back to its feet. "Rick? Is that you piloting remotely Jet Jaguar? Or...are you actually here?" Akane asked as she finished straightening up Shiryu. ["Yup, that's me. Can you believe it? I'm finally piloting a mecha from my dreams!"] Rick exclaimed in excitement, moving Jet Jaguar's arms up in a cheerful manner. Akane giggled a bit when she saw her friend do that in his machine. "How were you able to pilot Jet Jaguar? More so, how did they let you pilot it?" Akane asked him. Then a commotion was heard, and the two of them jumped back when Gigan tried to shoot them with their scatter laser. ["Long story. Short story: they knew that you needed backup ASAP. So they made preparations beforehand."] Rick explained. "I can't believe the military approved of lending out one of their units." Akane said as they faced the recovering alien titan and the beetle titan. ["They didn't make it. It was Colonel Togashi who risked nearly his whole career doing so."] Rick said, which surprised Akane.

Saving that to think for later, they now focused on fighting the alien titan once more. "Alright then, what are you armed with?" Akane asked Rick. ["Not much. Just a spear and some nice strong punches"] he replied to her. "Just that? Nothing else?" Akane asked with concern. ["It's still something. Besides, the entire weapons loadout was given to another guy having decided to join us."] Rick said, l a smile being heard in his voice. ["Alright everyone! Time to bring out the rain of fire and pain!!!"] a familiar voice shouted immediately after into the radio. Right at that moment, some whistling sounds were heard in the sky, and both turned to see several missiles raining down around. The MUTOs that were about to arrive and aid the alien titan were met with a rain of missiles, Gigan and the beetle titan also getting hit. Shiryu and Jet Jaguar braced themselves as explosions occurred all around them. When the smoke settled, while some fires still raged on across the ground, the roar of rockets made them look up again. Descending from the air was another giant robot, and now Akane could identify this one as Moguera.

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