What Now

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"EMMA!! No!" I cried running towards the silver dagger that laid in the middle of the street with her name written in fancy script - Emma Swan - Robin, The Charmings, and Hook ran up behind me and stared at it in horror, tears running down my face as I realized what happened, Emma sacrificed herself so that I could get my happy ending, again. "Regina it's not your fault." Snow said gently, Robin pulled me close and kissed my head, obviously relieved that I didn't disappear into the nothingness, both of us had lost each other too much, and this was one close call. I handed the dagger over to Hook and nodded, knowing he would guard it with his life, this was the love of his life's source of being, and he would take good care of it. "We will get her back." I said, replaying the moment my best friend was consumed by darkness that was meant for me. Everyone just nodded and started walking towards Gold's shop, everyone still in shock over what just happened. Robin held me and ran his fingers through my hair, calming me down. "Let's get you home." He said kissing my forehead gently.

He walked me to my front door and then stood on my porch uncomfortably, fiddling with his belt. "You can come in you know." I said pulling him inside of the foyer, he stumbled in and pulled off his black jacket, his sweatshirt exposing his muscular abdomen. I pulled him closer and sat him on the couch, he brushed a piece of hair back, my ebony locks were wild from the wind and our little adventure we had gone through in the past three hours. "You're beautiful." He said, keeping his hand on my cheek, I blushed and looked down, then meeting my eyes with his, his beautiful blue eyes that were so kind and understanding, who saw the woman behind the Evil Queen. "Thank you, and I think you're not bad looking yourself." I replied, moving in and kissing him gently, he kissed back, a little more passion in his response, I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into him, pinning his back against the arm rest, my hands moving down to his shirt, lifting the thin cotton material up, exposing his abs. "Shall we continue somewhere a little more comfortable?" I whispered into his ear, a grin forming on his face, he nodded then scooped me up, making me giggle and feel happy on the inside.

What am I doing! Emma has been missing and I spent my night that could have been used looking for her making s'mores with Robin! I gently rolled out of his warm grip and ran into the bathroom, turning the shower on, scrubbing away the dried blood, dirt, and guilt from yesterday. I looked down at my flat stomach and saw a faint scar on my torso from where Rumple stabbed me, it felt fine, as if it happened ages ago. I got out of the shower and used my magic to dress myself, pulling on a black dress with red heels and a black jacket, my hair feathered in layers falling just past my shoulder blades. As usual I applied my red lipstick and brown eyeshadow, and with a wave of my hand mascara coated my eyelashes making them regally dramatic. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Robin sitting up in the bed, a goofy grin slapped on his face. "Good morning." I said walking over to him and kissing him quickly. "I have to go and meet up with the Charmings and see if they found anything on Emma." I said grabbing my purse from the chair, winking at Robin as I turned around and walked out, I could feel his eyes staring into me as I shut the door.

"Did you guys find anything!" I asked flinging the door open to the loft, they all looked up at me and gave me a warning look, then Snow pointed to the staircase, letting me know that Henry didn't know yet. "We wanted you to tell him, he'd listen to you." Snow said handing me a cup of coffee, I nodded and placed the mug on the table, scooting next to Hook who was bent over Henry's book, frantically flipping through pages about the Dark One. "Let's go check in on Rumple, he may have some information about all of this Dark One crap." I said standing up, everyone else followed as I made my way to the shop.

Gold was behind the counter with Belle, both of them polishing a display case together, he looked up when he saw me enter with everyone behind me. "Why hello dearie, what brings you all in here?" He said flashing a cunning smile to all of us. We all nearly had to tackle Snow to restrain her from strangling Rumple. "My daughter took a fate that you deserved! She saved your life! Now you are going to help us!" She yelled, clawing at the floorboards. He nodded and walked around the counter and waved his hand, his magic no longer a dark cloud, but a light blue mist that danced around the object that appeared in his hand. "A locator globe, this is what I used to find Henry in Neverland, our Prince and Princess can use this to find their beloved daughter, so now I have fulfilled my end of the bargain, goodbye." They thanked him and cautiously exited the shop, as I turned to leave I saw Gold's eyes glow, then something radiate out of me. "What the hell was that?" I asked, stalking over to him, he looked at me in awe, then came over to me, pulling me close, grabbing my face and inspecting it. "Hands off you imp! I have someone!" I complained, smacking his hand away, the room became heavy and I felt his mood shift. "What?" I said fixing my hair. "I just saw the future, Regina, I just wanted to finally tell you the truth before I tell you about your future." An evil grin forming on his face, he took a deep breath, he was about to tell me a secret, and I didn't know how to feel about that. "Well? Spit it out!" I said, my sliver of patience dissolving. "Regina, I've always felt a connection with you, you were the young girl who cast my curse, you were my student for quite a long time, and I've always felt this need to protect you." He said, I scoffed and walked over to the counter and glared at him. "Protect me as in, making Zelena fake a pregnancy to break up Robin and I, to kidnap me and try and make Emma dark! To constantly torture me and gloat about your happy ending when you were responsible for mine slipping through the cracks?" I yelled, slamming my palms down on the glass. He gently removed my blazing fingers and wiped the glass off. "Okay, I'm going to stop giving a speech and just come out with it, Regina, I am your father." I stumbled back in shock, this crazy man was not my father, I knew who mine was and I loved him dearly, I loved him so much that I had to kill him! "No, you're not, my father was Henry." I said folding my arms, the morning light now spilling in and surrounding the both of us. "Regina, your mother had an arranged marriage, much like you. But that didn't stop her from seeking other suitors! When I saved her life, she was very eager to... thank, me. And then you arrived, it was very easy to cover up those tracks, but I was always there watching, making sure my little princess was safe." He said with a sly smile that might have passed as compassion. I narrowed my eyes at him and laughed, none of this matched up, but at the moment I didn't really care, he was a crazy old man. "Now tell me why this is so important." I said rolling my eyes at him, he nodded and moved around the counter. "Well you see, your son, and my grandson was suppose to to be my undoing, but luckily he wasn't, so he lived, but with finally admitting my relation to you, there is a new prophecy, the firstborn daughter of my own daughter shall be my undoing, so I plan to eliminate her from the equation." He said wrinkling his nose, I laughed then pulled my purse up my shoulder. "You overestimate your power of foresight, if you were really always there - daddy. You would've seen that this prophecy is wrong, I'm barren." I said, my voice threatening to crack, he smiled and looked at me up and down. "Barren ay? I don't think so..." He giggled, I rolled my eyes and stalked out of the shop, slamming the door behind me.

"Regina where were you!" Snow cried as I stalked into the loft, my head pounding from my visit with Gold. "I was at the drug store, I have a really bad headache." I lied, they didn't need to know my personal business, plus, that prophecy would never come true. Snow came out of the kitchen and handed me two Advil's. "Thanks. Now are you guys going to do that special globe thing?" I asked moving next to Hook, staring at the globe. As I sat there and tried to focus on Emma, my mind kept drifting to Gold's remark, I was barren, I knew I was, I did it to myself! Then why was I having so much doubt about it, I looked up and saw everyone focused on the globe but Snow, her eyes were fixed on me, studying my expression. I turned my attention towards Emma and tried to think about the task at hand, but I couldn't and the room suddenly felt smaller, everyone started moving around me, growing, I was too small and the walls were caving in, it felt like my lungs were working overtime and and I felt hot tears spilling down my face. I wanted to crawl under the table and hide, so that's what my body attempted to do, but all it succeeded with was throwing myself on the ground. "Regina! Regina calm down!" I felt someone touch me and I shuddered, my body falling into them. I finally snapped out of it and looked around, my mascara was running down my face from my tears, sweat caked my chest, causing my black dress to stick to it. I looked around and saw Snow and David on both sides of me, her arms around my shoulders. "I'm fine." I lied and stood up, my red pumps wobbling under my feet. "Regina come with me, I think I found a clue..." Snow said handing me my coat and pushing me out of the door.

We were walking down the street and Snow stopped me, she grabbed my shoulders so I was facing her. "Now are you going to tell me what really happened?" She said crossing her arms, it was freezing and I knew the only way to get out of this weather was to tell her. "Rumple told me this prophecy that my firstborn daughter will be his undoing." I said leaving the whole daddy drama out of it. Her eyes widened and then she smiled. "Regina are you pregnant!" She squealed, jumping up and down on the pavement. I let a tear fall out of my eye and shook my head. "No, Snow I made myself barren in the Enchanted Forest a year after Daniel died." She stopped jumping and placed a hand over her mouth, and then another one on my arm. "What?" She whispered, I nodded and looked at her, biting my lip. "That's why you and my father never..." She stopped and then tears came out of her eyes, she pulled me close to her and hugged me, wrapping her arms around my tiny frame. "But wait... I drank that potion too..." She said pulling away from me, I looked at her in confusion, "Snow, you have two kids, I was there when you gave birth." I said annoyed, she shook her head and pulled me behind Gold's shop. "True love's kiss! That's what cured me! I have seen you and Robin, you two love each other so much and I have definitely seen you two kiss and prove it." She said, her eyes lighting up. "In the asylum! When I told Zelena that she couldn't ruin my life! I didn't know she didn't have her heart and Gold was controlling her so I confessed my love for him and we kissed!" I beamed, she smiled and hugged me again.

"So you never told me why you freaked out in there?" She said nudging me with her shoulder, I sighed and figured that I should tell her and not have her find out on her own. "Well the reason Gold wants my firstborn is because... I'm apparently his daughter." I said hanging my head down as I walked. "What? So you are Henry's mother and his aunt!" Snow said waving her hands in the air, a chilly breeze blew through my hair causing my hairs on my neck to stick up. "Well technically! But he is still my son! I guess I got a little stressed back there and with the whole Emma thing going on-" She stopped me and gave me a look. "You need to stop stressing, we have the globe, it told us that Emma is in the Enchanted Forest, we just need a way to get to her!" She said patting my shoulder, I nodded and continued walking, my heels which normally felt fine, were killing my feet, I saw a bench and sighed with relief, stumbling onto it. "Ahh." I slipped my foot out of the red pump and stretched it out on the cold pavement. "Regina what's wrong?" Snow asked taking a seat next to me, I stared at the shoe and stretched my foot out again. I shrugged and rolled my ankle, trying to relieve some of the tension. "Your feet are swollen!" She said pointing to my foot, I stared down at my ruby toes and they looked normal to me. I shoved my foot back into my shoe and pulled my jacket tighter around me. She didn't seem convinced, but I didn't even know, how could she?

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