Swan Queen

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"Emma?" I stuttered in shock, she nodded and started crying again, she looked frightened so I pulled her close to me, she crawled into my lap and buried her face in her hands. "Oh my god. What is going on." I whispered, she looked up at me and sniffled, she was freezing and soaking wet from the rain. "Honey I am going to be right back." I said gently moving her off of me, but when I went to get up and find Robin she grabbed my hand and shook her head. "Okay..." I trailed through the diner and found him with Roland, eating a sundae in a booth. "Robin I need to talk to you, NOW." I said pulling him out of the booth and into the hallway. "What's wrong?" He asked, I felt Emma peek her head out from behind me and once she saw Robin horror graced her expression and she started crying uncontrollably. "Honey you're okay, you're safe." I said trying to console her, she wrapped her arms around my leg and refused to move any closer to Robin. "He hurt me!" She yelled towards Robin, he looked lost and a little offended at the statement. He tilted his head towards me and waited for me to explain. "Robin dear, this is Emma. Emma Swan." I said putting emphasis on her name, his eyes grew and his jaw hung open. "We have to get her to Snow and David!" He said moving towards me causing her to flinch, I pressed her head against my leg and lowered my voice. "I don't know what mindset she is in, she doesn't remember being an adult, but she remembered me. If I were a child I'd find my father if I were lost, but in her case she came and found me. Then that means she's still an orphan in her head." I said painfully, that's why she looked so distraught when she came inside, that look of hope lost. She looked up at me and her bottom lip started to quiver, I squatted down slowly with Robin's help and held her face in my hands. "I'm going to take you home with me so you can change out of these wet clothes and rest up. Okay?" I said to her, she nodded and then looked at Robin again, flinging her arms around me.

I took Emma's yellow bug and went around, making a booster seat appear. I strapped her in and started driving towards my mansion. Robin agreed to take Roland and Cecilia home after the party. I got out and helped her out of the bug, taking her hand and walking inside. I set my things down on the table and realized that she was still standing in the foyer. "Come in Emma! You don't have to be shy." I said walking her into the living room, her shiny black shoes squeaking against the hard wood floors. She sat down next to me and crossed her legs, sitting completely still. I got up and waved my hand, making a blue dress and socks appear, the same size as Emma's damp attire.

I returned to the room and I saw Emma perk up, tilting her chin at me. "Umm, excuse me Miss uhhh..." She trailed off, I smiled and sat next to her on the sofa. "Regina, you can call me Regina." I said tapping her nose, she smiled and then returned to asking her pressing question. "I'm really cold." She said, I felt her hands and they felt like ice, her yellow dress was filthy, but the stains weren't recent. "Oh, you're freezing!" She nodded and held herself, I scooted her off of the couch and led her upstairs to my bedroom. I grabbed a towel and washcloth and set it on my sink. "I'm going to fill up the bathtub and you can take a bath." I said wrapping my blue robe around her, sitting her on my bed. I turned on the water and made sure it was warm enough, then plugged the tub, pouring some soap into the faucet. When I finished I returned to the room and saw Emma in the same position, her face nervous. "All ready!" I said opening the door for her, she clamored down and then stopped in front of me. "Regina, I'm only four, you have to be six to take a bath by yourself." She said playing with her wet dress, I nodded and followed her into the bathroom and helped her out of her dress and socks, placing them on my sink, she climbed in and shuddered at the warmth, then she reached over and handed me the wash cloth, I gently started to wash her face then worked my way around her until I was done. I unplugged the tub and wrapped her in a white towel, I pulled the blue dress off of the bed and slipped her into it, then pulling her socks on. I sat her on the sink in front of me and combed her blonde hair out, then braided it into two pigtails. Something I constantly did for Snow when she was a child. She hopped off of the sink and thanked me, still closed off and shy. We made our way downstairs and she returned to her previous spot on the sofa, remaining completely still. My heart hurt for her, this little girl was so closed off, I sent her here and created this shy, damaged child. While I wallowed in my own guilt I heard Robin quietly walked behind me with the car seat in his hand, Cecilia's cry making me spin around.

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