Undercover Operation

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3 Months Later

The first couple of weeks of this plan was easy, all I did was throw on a loose shirt and pants and I looked the same, now I had a stomach, not a huge one, but big enough to make the shirts look like I was hiding something.

"Regina I bought this outfit, I saw them dress this woman who was eight months pregnant and she barely looked three! This will take your bump away!" Zelena squealed, setting the bag down on the counter, I smiled and pulled the contents out, it was a large tan sweater with spandex, a thick pair of high-waisted leggings, and a large scarf. She grabbed it from me and held it over my chest, showing me how it would look. I smiled and thanked her, resting my hand atop my growing baby. "Have you seen Robin today?" She asked setting the bag down in my living room. I shook my head, our secret meetings were getting harder for us without Gold noticing anything, plus I was also helping the search for Merlin, who apparently lives in town. "Have you seen Will?" I asked grabbing a mug and making some tea. She blushed and nodded. "He went shopping with me today, then we went to go get some food, I of course had to let him go inside and get it since Granny is still bitter towards me. Then he dropped me off here." She said dreamily, I laughed and handed her a mug, I checked my watch and realized that it was already nine pm. I could then feel the fatigue hit my body. I sat down and ran both hands up and down my stomach, the little heartbeat pulsing against my hands.

"Okay I'm going to call it a night." I declared, putting my mug in the sink. Zelena nodded and returned to her cell phone, scrolling through pictures of her and Will. I reached my bedroom and took off my fuzzy black boots, stretching my feet out. I grabbed black cotton shorts and a stretchy cami and pulled them on, crawling into my bed. My phone laid on my nightstand, I grabbed it and FaceTimed Robin. "Hello my love!" He beamed when I saw his face on my screen, I giggled and held the phone out. "Hello my thief." I said smiling at him, he pouted so I knew what he wanted. I pulled the blanket and lifted up my blue camisole so he could see my bump. "Hi baby, it's daddy, I know you wish I was with you right now but we have to keep you safe! So daddy has to sleep in this hotel room with your brother! Any Who! I know you mother is tired so I will let you two go." He said, I pulled my shirt down and lifted the phone to my face, making a kissing face, he returned one then hung up. I sighed and rolled over, that's usually the most I saw him, this stupid plan made me miss him so much, my dumb "father" always screwing me over for no good reason at all.

I had been sleeping for a while when I heard my window slide open, I pulled the covers high above my stomach, snatching the bat that I had kept next to my bed now that my magic was gone. I felt a hand rub my arm, then the intruder took a step closer to me, I gripped the bat and went to swing, but when I spun onto my back I saw Robin. "I'm sorry to startle you love, I just couldn't handle not seeing you for so long." He whispered, brushing his hand across my forehead. I smiled and pulled the blanket back, laying him next to me. I snuggled next to him and felt my eyes getting heavy, I was doing normal Regina actions in a pregnant Regina body, which wore me out. I felt his hands trail to my stomach, where he gently lifted the fabric and leaned over, resting his face lightly on my stomach. It felt so good to just be held by him, he kept my shirt tucked up, pulling me into him, my back against his chest as he draped his arm over me, placing his hand on my stomach. I started drifting farther and father into sleep.

"Robin! Wake up! Something feels- different!" I wailed, he helped me sit up and cradled me in his big brawny arms. "Zelena!" I yelled, I felt tears run down my face, it scared me, something was twisting inside of me and I wanted it to stop. Zelena dashed inside and slid next to me, her hair a mess and her pajamas messed up. "Regina? Darling what's wrong?" She asked scooting next to me, gently grabbing my hands. "Something feels weird! Please help me! Don't let my baby die!" I cried, the tears kept spilling down my face, she nodded and rubbed my arm. "Regina you're okay. Now where and when does it feel weird." Zelena asked, I felt Robin grip me tighter, pressing a kiss on my head, he was just as frightened as I was. "My stomach and right now!" I wailed, she pressed her hands on top of my bare stomach and waited until it stopped. She giggled and took my shaking hand. "Regina, look at me, calm down, take a deep breath." She said rubbing my face, her calm demeanor made me relax, I started to breathe a little better and looked at her waiting. She placed my hand on my stomach when it started twisting again, making my heart rate elevate. "Your baby is kicking and moving for the first time. He or she is fine! I know it's a little scary at first, but you're okay, and they're okay." She explained, grabbing Robin's hand and placing it next to mine, I relaxed and laid back on him, he laughed and kissed my head the baby kicking our hands. I saw the sun coming up through the drawn curtains, which sadly meant Robin had to leave. "I will come and visit you two tonight." He said kissing me, then leaning down and kissing my stomach, I ran my hand through his curls and watched him walk out of the bedroom.


I got up to go and shower but I felt Regina pull on my wrist, her face still a little shaken from earlier. I pulled back the covers and sat next to her, she folded her shirt back down and leaned her head on my arm, both of her arms holding her bump. "Perk up darling, you just felt your baby move!" I said moving the hair out of her face, she sat up and more tears started dropping from her eyes. I was confused and sat her up, tilting my head. "It was just a coincidence that he was here when the baby kicked, but what if he misses something! What if I go into labor and he can't come because Gold is around! I hate Rumple for ruining this! Zelena I don't want him to miss the birth of our baby!" She cried, I felt a huge amount of pity for my sister, she held her bump and wept, I pulled her into my arms and rocked back and forth, seeing her so vulnerable shocked me. "Regina listen to me, mother and I will do everything we can to get Robin to you, you will be hidden so Gold can't find you and we will have people working so he is defeated. You won't be alone, that's what I can promise you one hundred percent, I will never leave your side Regina, I promise." I vowed, she sat up and looked at me, her eyes welled up with tears. "Thank you Zelena." She whispered, flinging her arms around me, I felt her little one kick through her onto me, I giggled and sat up, rubbing the spot. "I'm your sister, of course I'm going to take care of you."


I grabbed the clothes out of the shopping bag and clipped the tags then smoothed them on the bed then went into my bathroom to shower. The minute I stepped in the warm water the baby started flipping around in me, obviously enjoying the water.

I came out and pulled on the sweater and pants then wrapped the scarf around my neck. Zelena was right, I barely looked pregnant, my bump barely visible. I sighed and pulled my socks and boots and make my way downstairs to the kitchen, twisting my hair into a ponytail. I pulled out a couple of cookies and nibbled on them, going through my phone when I got a message from Snow and David in all capital letters: "EMMA IS MISSING!" I dropped my phone and grabbed my stuff, exiting my house and gunning the engine.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MISSING!" I yelled at Killian, him and David were guarding her cell last night just in case. "Well my hot headed Queen, we were ignoring Emma last night watching the entrance when that crocodile came in and knocked us out, when we woke up there was a hole in the cage and she was gone!" He yelled frantically, pointing towards the gaping hole in the bars. "I know what this is about!" Snow said, running around the tunnel over towards us. "He can't hurt Regina or us because he has light magic, but he is trying to darken it, but right now he wants Regina's baby so he can kill it! He must've found out!" Snow said in horror, I rested my hand on my stomach and gulped back in fear. "Don't worry Regina, we will protect you two." Snow said resting her hand on my arm. I nodded and exhaled. "Our main goal is to keep any information away from Gold, he knows you're pregnant, but we are going to tell him that you are only a couple months along, wear those clothes for a little while longer, then we will just keep you hidden the last couple of months." David explained, I nodded and sat down on a rock, fear icing my veins as the thought of Emma and Rumple loose, trying to get my child. Hook lowered down so he was eye level with me, taking my hand in his. "You won't be left alone, you are powerless and they may go after you at any time." He said to me, squeezing my hand. "You two will be fine." David assured me.


"She's powerless and pregnant. At this point I'm thinking about six months." I said clearing the looking glass. Rumple nodded and smiled, clapping his hands. "The child will be here soon, we must prepare for her arrival." He giggled and waved his hand, making a box appear. I rolled my eyes as he pulled out a purple blanket, holding it to his cheek, I pulled it over and saw stitching on the side in cursive. "Regina" spelled out. I sighed and waved my hand, making the blanket and box disappear. "You need to focus! We need to get her baby and kill it!" I yelled, I saw his eyes waver with uncertainty when I mentioned killing the child. "We are going to kill it right?" I asked, the irritation growing in my voice, it turning into a slow growl. He looked uneasy for a second, then his eyes focused on the mirror again. "Why of course dearie. The one thing I care more about than power, it's myself."

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