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I sped off and away from my house, I should have kicked him out, but I couldn't do that to Roland. I had no idea where to go, but I knew I had to get away. The Charmings were busy with getting Emma back and healthy again, and well they were the only people that seemed to have me. My mother was spending time with my sister, so I pulled into the only place I knew I could find some comfort.

I knocked repeatedly until the door swung open. "Hello?" Belle said, confused at the sight she was looking at. "I'm really sorry to do this Belle but Robin and I got into a huge fight and I didn't know where to go and I just can't be with him for a couple days and-" She stopped me and pulled me inside of her new home, it was above the shop and it was furnished with wooden tables, and antiques everywhere. She set my things down then hugged me, sitting me next to her on the couch. "What happened?" She asked gently, I could barely sort out the topic of our argument, but it angered me. "He blames me for not putting him first and leaving the funeral and Will's death and Belle I tried to forgive him the first time we fought but now I'm so angry and he is just being a jerk!" I cried, I felt tears brim my eye lids, Belle nodded and rubbed my hand as I cried. I was exhausted, my body felt worn and betrayed, it ached and I just wanted to crawl into a ball on the couch.

"Regina you look horrible, go lie down, I will watch Cecilia for you, don't worry, it looks like you haven't slept in ages." Belle offered, I gratefully took it and laid down in the spare room and fell into a blissful sleep.

I woke up the next morning horrified that I had slept through the whole night. I jumped out of bed and ran into the living room where Belle and Henry were sleeping, both of them slumped on each other. They both had my shirts on and Henry had my large coat around him, Cecilia was strapped to his chest in the bijorn that I bought, she was also sleeping quietly on him. I gently removed her and unstrapped the sling from him, the minute he felt the clasps undo from his chest his eyes shot open and he woke Belle. "Grandm- Belle! Wake up! My sister is gone!" I gently rubbed his face and set him back down, he blinked a couple of times and then relaxed when he saw Cecilia in my arm. "Mom!" He whined, flopping down on the couch again. "You can't scare us like that!" He scolded, rubbing his eyes, I was still confused on why he was here, he normally never spent time with his paternal grandparents, and now with that relationship on the rocks I didn't know why he was there. "Henry what are you doing here?" I asked sitting on the couch next to him, he groaned and took off my coat and set it on the table in front of us. "My grandma and grandpa were at the hospital all night with my mom and I wasn't allowed to go, so when I got to your house I saw you pulling out of the driveway crying with your mean face on. Well when I went inside Robin was a mess, he was drunk off of his ass so I took Roland to stay with the Merry Men and called you. Well Belle saw it was me and then called me and told me that you were here. So when I got here you were asleep, so I told her that I'd help her with Cecilia, I know a newborn is a handful." He said taking my hand, I smiled and kissed his head, it felt good to know that even in this mess I could depend on one man in my life loving me. My Henry. "Thank you my love. Now tell me why you two are wearing my clothes?" I said giggling as he pulled off my satin shirt, Belle was asleep in my red long sleeve sweater, her pretty bun messed up from laying on the sofa. "Cecilia was crying for you last night and the only way to get her to sleep was if she thought we were you, we put your shirt on because it smelled like you." He said yawning, I felt bad, they were both exhausted and I mindlessly slept for a good thirteen hours. "You should have woken me!" I said gently rocking Cecilia who started to stir in my arms. "Belle told me what happened mom, I'm sorry Robin is being such a jerk, you are doing way too much! He may have been grieving but she is his daughter too." He said gravely, I gave him a half hearted smile and hugged him, all of my anger and sadness melted away when I embraced my son. "Thank you Henry." I said kissing his cheek, he nodded and got up to grab a bowl of cereal while I looked at my tiny daughter.


My head was pounding from last night, I had spent the night trying to soothe a crying infant and I'm pretty sure I now smell permanently like my mother. I poured myself some cereal and sat down to eat it when there was a knocking at the door, Belle was asleep and my mother was feeding Cecilia, at least she had the decency to be discreet, my grandmother would feed Neal whenever and wherever. I got up to get it, nodding at my mom who continued uncomfortably feeding my sister in the corner.

"Hello?" I said opening the door quietly, my face dropped when I saw an extremely hungover Robin on the doorstep. I glared at him and shut the door a little more so he was away from my mom's view. "Henry who is it?" I heard her croak from the corner, I continued glaring at him, stepping back so I could answer. "Its the mailman, mom I have to go and check on this delivery for Belle, I will be right back." I said through my clenched teeth, I slipped my shoes on and slipped out of the loft.

"We are going to talk." I said walking Robin into the other hallway, clutching his bicep, pushing him in front of me. "You. You pathetic man who thinks he can just waltz in and toy with my mother's emotions, you already hurt her Robin, I almost lost her because you were so careless with her heart, you may have won her back but you just keep hurting her over and over. You may have gotten her pregnant and had a baby with her but she is still MY mother and you screwed up. You screwed up big time! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO HER LIKE THAT! I JUST SPENT ONE NIGHT DOING EXACTLY WHAT SHE HAS BEEN DOING FOR A WEEK STRAIGHT AND I WANT TO KILL SOMEONE! ALL SHE HAS EVER DONE WAS PUT YOU FIRST, HOW DARE YOU SAY OTHERWISE! THEN YOU GET DRUNK OFF YOUR ASS INSTEAD OF TRYING TO FIX THINGS?! YOU NEED TO TAKE A GOOD LOOK IN THE MIRROR BEFORE COMING AROUND HER! I DONT WANT YOU AROUND HER OR MY FAMILY UNTIL YOU HAVE DECIDED TO GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!" I screamed, he just hung his head, then looked up at me and tilted his head. "Henry I've realized what I've done. I need to see her." He whispered, his breath reeking of whisky, nearly burning my eyebrows off. "No. This is not the image of a man who has their life together. Sober up, then maybe we will talk." I growled, stalking back into the loft. "Wait! Henry, take care of her please." He begged, I was appalled that he needed to ask. "Of course I will. She's my mother."

I shut the door and saw my mom standing in front of the door, her mouth hung open, she heard everything. Crap. "Mom... I just..." She stopped me and grabbed me, hugging my exhausted body. I felt her tears on my hair, then her body shake as she held me against her. "Thank you Henry." She trembled, it was a weird feeling standing up for my mother, it was always the other way around, but I knew I couldn't let this man hurt her anymore. I held her tighter and felt her start crying on me. "Always."

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