Real Life

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It was getting late and I could feel my ibuprofen wearing off, I groaned as I got up and placed Cecilia in the bassinet for a second then went into the kitchen and found two more painkillers and popped them in my mouth. I heard the door open and I turned to see Henry in the doorway. Great- how was this going to work. "Henry, I'm now the guardian of your four year old mother." He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar and sat down next to me, facing me. "How are you feeling mom?" He said nonchalantly, I smiled and faced him, pinching his cheek and smiling at him. "I'm a little sore but I can deal with it." I said breaking a piece of his granola bar off and popped it in my mouth. His face turned concerned and he looked down at his hands. "My grandparents seemed really upset when they got home, they were crying and said I should probably stay here tonight. They really miss her mom..." He trailed off, I sighed and shut my eyes, nodding towards him, I pulled him close to me and hugged him, kissing his head which was full of curls. "I know you miss her Henry, and I feel awful that your family keeps getting messed up because of me. I'm so sorry sweetheart." I said to him, he pulled away and took my hands again, sitting me down so he was higher then me. "Mom, you did not mess up my family, you are a part of my family and you have just made it more interesting. We will find her and save her." He said, I smiled at my grown boy in front of me, which reminded me of the scene in the diner.

"Henry, was that your girlfriend in the diner?" I asked giving him a smile. He immediately blushed and covered his face, then he looked up to see if I was still staring at him. "Yes. Her name is Lauren and she is Anna and Elsa's younger cousin, we've been seeing each other for a while." He said quickly, he grabbed his coat and started making his way to the door, irritated that he was being interrogated by his mother. "Mom, I'm going to stay with Killian, you have your hands full with Cecilia and I think I can help him with my mom." He said quickly, my heart dropped slightly and I nodded, grabbing him and hugging his slender frame. "I love you Henry, be careful." I said opening the door for him. "I will, and I love you too." He said closing it behind him.

Emma was sitting on the same spot in the living room, staring at her lap while I talked to Henry. "Are you tired Emma? I know it's been a long day for you." I asked gently, she nodded then scooted off the couch towards me, I took her upstairs to any unoccupied room and let her in. She gently unstrapped her shoes and sat them next to the bed. "Do you have any pajamas?" I asked, she shook her head and continued to climb into bed, I walked over to the empty dresser and made pajamas and a couple more dresses appear. "There you go." I said smiling, she cautiously took it and thanked me. "Alrighty, good night Emma." I said walking out and shutting the door.

Robin was sitting in our bedroom with Cecilia in his arms, she was in her pajamas and snuggled into him. I crawled into bed completely exhausted from today, my body not fully recovered. "Hello my little princess." I said taking her, she twitched and then returned to sleeping. "I'm going to put her down, say goodnight to mama!" Robin said taking her, leaning her over so I could kiss her.

He returned empty handed and crept under the covers, pulling me into him. He draped his arm over my stomach and locked me under his grasp. "I bet this is a lot easier now." I said half awake, I heard him giggle then press his lips up against my head. "It is, but I do miss that adorable belly that you had." He joked, I rolled over and looked at him, my face close to his. "Well maybe later it can make another nine month appearance." I said resting my head in his neck. He laughed and kissed my forehead, then I heard his breath deepen and then him fall asleep.

I normally slept like the dead, and tonight was no exception, I had slept for almost five hours until I heard a faint cry in the baby monitor. I groaned and quietly slipped out of bed, she was kicking in her crib, furious that she was not being tended to. I picked her up and felt her full diaper, I grabbed a diaper and the package of wipes and quickly started working, she soothed herself and started sucking on her hand. I lifted her into my arms and grabbed her pacifier and tapped it on her lips. I kissed her face and set her down in her crib then gazed at her for a while, she finally fell asleep so I crept out of the room, gingerly shutting the door.

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