True Love's Kiss

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I started burping Cecilia when Snow walked into the bedroom carrying a fruit basket in her arms. "What's going on?" I asked finally getting a burp out of my baby, Snow set the basket down on my nightstand and pulled a chair next to me, dropping her face into her hands. "How did you do it! How did you walk around while Henry had no idea of who you were, the life you shared with him?" She said, tears streaming out of her eyes. I balanced Cecilia in between my knees and turned to my step daughter. "It was the hardest couple of weeks of my life. Constantly being reminded that in his eyes Emma raised him, tucked him in every night, soothed his nightmares, made him smile. She was his mother in his eyes and it hurt like no other pain I've ever felt. We are trying to get her back but it hasn't been easy." I heard a crash in the door frame, we turned and saw Emma standing in the door way with her mouth hung open. "You are trying to take me back!" She cried running down the stairs, the cold rain chilling the house. "Emma no!"


After our lovely morning Will and I decided to take a walk, we were engaged, I was going to marry my best friend, maybe the Wicked Witch could find happiness after all. As we made our way down Main Street, Will stopped in front of a flower shop and bought me a bunch, they were wild orange flowers wrapped in a brown paper covering. "They're beautiful! Thank you darling." I said kissing him softly, he smiled and grazed my face with his finger tips. "Not as beautiful as my gorgeous fiancé." He whispered taking my hand and walking down the street.

"Well, shall we tell your sister?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist, I tossed the flowers back and flung my arms around his neck. "We will, but right now I just want to spend some time with you." I giggled, he nodded and walked me towards a fancy restaurant.


I shoved two painkillers in my mouth and grabbed my jacket and then bundled Cecilia up and held her close to me. I kicked the covers back and jumped out of bed, using Snow to balance me. "Regina no! Robin said to keep you in bed! You need to recover!" She said grabbing my arm, I shook my head and started pulling my boots on along with my leggings. "EMMA IS LOST OUT THERE AND I NEED TO FIND HER!" I yelled, Snow looked shocked and looked at me. "I just feel responsible for this whole thing, so I am going to find her." I said quieter, Cecilia made a faint cry which snapped me back into reality. Snow nodded and grabbed her coat, "She is my daughter, I am coming with you." She said forcefully, I nodded and agreed, we rushed out of the room and into the kitchen, just as we were about to leave Robin blocked the door from me and crossed his arms. "Robin! Emma left and we have to go get her!" I yelled, trying to move around him, but he stepped in front of me again. "I know, I let her go, she needed some air, she will be back." He said calmly, my head started to cloud and my patience was lowering. "Robin she is four years old! She is younger than Roland and she thinks we are taking her back, we can't let her roam out there, Rumple will hurt her!" I yelled, making Cecilia fuss, I pressed her against me and started to unlock the door from behind him. "Regina you are not thinking! She is not our daughter, Rumple wants Cecilia too! We can't just put her out in the open for that! Emma has parents, they need to go and find her because this is not our responsibility!" He said holding my wrists, it took everything in me to not smack him across the face. "Exactly! EMMA IS MY FAMILY! I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR HER TURNING DARK AND GETTING REVERSED INTO A CHILD! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT I DO NOT NEED TO DO THIS BECAUSE BESIDES THAT SHE IS THE MOTHER TO MY SON! SHE ONLY REMEMBERS ME AND I LET HER DOWN ROBIN! SO I DO NOT NEED YOUR PERMISSION TO DO THIS NOW I AM GOING WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" I screamed, Snow laid her hand on my arm and frowned at Robin, his words hurting her too. I grabbed the car seat and snuggled Cecilia into it then marched over to the door, unlocking it with my hand, slinging the diaper bags over my shoulders. "DON'T WAIT UP!" I yelled, slamming the door behind me. I stormed outside and strapped Cecilia into the car and then went to get into the driver's seat until Snow grabbed my keys and walked me to the passenger door, she got into the car and then looked at me. She pulled out and turned out of my driveway, pulling over two blocks away.

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