Mother Knows Best

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My daughter is possibly pregnant and she hasn't called me! I grabbed my comb and started brushing my hair anxiously, waiting for Regina to call. Nothing. I gave up, I was going to call her, and not with this strange magic box that Regina insisted I got the last time I came. I needed to use magic.

I pulled up a talking portal and thought of my daughter, then suddenly her face appeared, she wasn't in her large house that I visited a couple days ago. She was sitting in her castle in the Enchanted Forest with a baby boy in her arms. "Regina!" I called out, she turned to me and grabbed the object that this projected on. "Mother!" She cried, her face lighting up, she looked different, her usually bony frame looked healthier, fuller, when she set the object down I saw her zip up her dress, grimacing as she did. She was pregnant. "Darling, you never called me after you took your test." I questioned, she smiled slightly and looked down at the baby she was holding and brushed her pointer finger across the side of his face.

"I'm pregnant." She said quietly, I felt a tear run down my face and I smiled, this was all I wanted, my daughter to say those words to me. For ten years she never told me that she had a son, and I managed to screw that situation up too. But now she trusted me enough to tell me. "Congratulations sweetheart." I said to her, she smiled and laughed, then thanked me. But now I had to deal with Rumple, I had to manage to keep my daughter's condition a secret and get rid of him before she started to show. No one was going to hurt her or her baby. I needed to talk to my other daughter, she could help too, from what I heard she was trying to change and she befriended her sister. "Regina honey, where is your sister?" I asked, biting my lip, trying to formulate a plan in my head. "She came with us to keep an eye on me." She whispered, the baby stirring in her arms, I scowled and tried to create a back up plan. I knew that I had to warn her while this was still open, because I may not be able to make another call. "Regina listen to me, you're going to need to be extra careful over there, you're pregnant now, which means your magic is going to start acting erratic, soon it will start leaving your body, your sister is going to have to protect you over there, stay with her, you will be safe with her. Try not to separate from her, especially around Emma!" I yelled, the connection losing, my daughter's face vanishing.


I have never missed my mother more, seeing her vanish from my mirror made me long for her. Neal woke up and started to cry, spitting his pacifier out, I grabbed it and tried to put it back in but it just made him more upset. I lifted him up and rested him on my shoulder, I started to dig through his bag and quickly realized that there was no formula in his bag. I started to panic so I rushed down to the kitchen where the kitchen maids looked horrified that I was down there. I dismissed them and rummaged through the cooler and found a jug of normal milk and filled his bottle with it, this would have to do until his mother came back. I returned to my chambers and started feeding him, remembering when I would feed Henry, OH MY GOD HENRY! I had completely forgotten about him, I put my old clothes in my closet, which held my cell phone. I balanced his bottle in my hand and grabbed my phone. I didn't have any bars so I tucked it back into my pants. I grabbed the mirror that I talked to my mother on and concentrated, Henry's face coming up on the mirror.

"Henry!" I called out, he was in the loft by himself, flipping through his storybook frantically. He looked up and grabbed whatever I was projected on. "Mom! What the hell! Where did you all go!" He yelled, I set the mirror down and he raised his eyebrow. "And what are you wearing?" He asked crossing his arms. I ignored the last comment. "I am in the Enchanted Forest, we all are! We are getting your mom, I will explain it all when I get home. Please stay safe and don't go anywhere unless I say so! Be careful!" I yelled as the connection lost.

I saw Neal was done so I burped him, gas coming out of his mouth, I flopped onto my large bed, closing my eyes, I forgot how comfortable it was. I kicked off my shoes and pulled the thick blanket over both of us, moving Neal into the crook of my elbow, both of us drifting to sleep.

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