Trip Plans

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"I'm gonna-" I doubled over and started throwing up into a planter next to Archie's office, Snow pulled me away and moved me into the alley. "Okay let it out." She said rubbing my back, I shuddered and stood up, she took the hose that was sitting on the ground and sprayed the cement. My stomach turned and I leaned on Snow, she walked me back to my mansion and unlocked the door for me, laying me down on the sofa. I heard Zelena come into the room and thank Snow, who abruptly nodded and left. Zelena came over and sat down on the floor in front of me. "How are you feeling sis?" She asked rubbing my forehead, I shuddered and grabbed her hand, intwining my fingers into hers. "I feel horrible." I moaned, she nodded and grabbed a plastic bag, handing it to me. "I know- uh I mean, I've seen some of my mothers get sick. I'm sorry." She mumbled, I didn't believe her but I was too miserable to ask now. I sat up and threw up into the bag, my body shaking and sweating, Zelena rubbed circles on my back which didn't do anything, but it just assured me that I was not alone. I gasped and sat back, my head ached so I covered my eyes with my hand and let two tears run down my face. Zelena laid me down and covered me with a sheet and put a glass of water down next to me and told me to drink some, I took a gulp but I couldn't keep it down. I laid down and closed my eyes, it was going to be a long day.


Regina had finally fallen asleep, she had been vomiting all day, which started to worry me. I went upstairs and pulled on a fresh shirt and jeans, I had half of my hair brushed when the doorbell rang, I held my breath to see if it woke up Regina, luckily she stayed asleep. I raced down the stairs and opened the door before anyone could ring again. "SHH!" I shushed and saw Robin's Merry Men standing on the porch, they all widened their eyes when they saw me, all of them drawing their bows. "No! I am not the Wicked Witch anymore, I am here to help Regina with... Emma..." They all lowered their weapons, probably figuring that I would be dead by the Evil Queen's hand, not being roommates with her. "We just wanted to apologize to Regina on Robin's behalf, I don't know why he spoke to her like that!" Will said dropping his head, I saw a little boy poke his head out from behind him and smile, his dimples tugging on the corners of my mouth. He dashed inside before I could react, the Merry Men went to chase after him, but I stopped them, I did not need anyone waking my sister up. "Only you." I pointed to Will, holding my finger up to my lips as we walked towards the sofa where the little boy was, he was sitting on the floor gently rubbing Regina's face. Her eyes fluttered open and stared at the little boy in front of her. Great. "Bag." She moaned, he obediently grabbed the grocery bag and held it in front of her as she got sick, I moved next to her and moved her hair out of her face. When she finished I saw that she was much paler and limp then before, I looked over at the glass of water and it was halfway gone. She was dehydrating and sooner or later she would faint. I gingerly lifted her up and leaned her on me, she trembled and rested her head on my shoulder. "Can you drive!" I asked Will, he nodded and grabbed Roland, who was crying for "Gina", he returned alone with his car keys in his hand. Regina moaned and clutched my arm with her cold fingers. "We are just going to take you to the hospital and get you better." I said to her, Will moved over to Regina and lifted her into his arms, she gagged and reached for a bag, I held it for her, but now she was just spitting up the water that she drank.

He opened the truck and set her in between him and myself. She leaned on me and continued to get sick, the truck thrashing her around. Will pulled up and opened the door and grabbed my sister, running into the hospital with her, I trailed closely behind and quietly filled the doctors in, aware of how my sister liked her privacy. They wheeled her into a room and told me to follow, I saw Will standing in the waiting room so I waved and thanked him, his smile stirring something in my stomach.


The doctors started hooking needles into my arm and hands which made me wince. "My baby." I moaned, the nurse nodded and took a small monitor out, similar to Zelena's, and rubbed it on my stomach. "He or she is just fine." The nurse said patting my hand, my vision cleared, the medicine clearly working. "Where is my sister?" I croaked, my throat felt like sandpaper had rubbed it all day. The nurse disappeared and returned with Zelena, she had a cup of coffee in her hand, huge bags under eyes. "Morning sickness is a stinker isn't it?" She said sitting in the chair next to my bed. "Thank you for taking care of me." I said smiling at her, she nodded and pulled her chair closer to me. "Your son has been missing you, Mary Margaret called and he's coming to visit you." She said patting my hand, I swallowed and nodded, I would just have to tell him, he would understand.

"Mom?" Henry cried, running into my room and hugging me. The motion made my stomach do a backflip, Zelena handed me my bed pan and held it under me, I was shaking and when I looked up Henry looked nervous. I sat back and held my arms out, he slowly moved into them, hugging me back. I moved over and made room for him to sit next to me. "Honey I have something to tell you." I said, butterflies floating in my stomach. He looked scared and he grabbed my hand, those were never good words to hear in a hospital. "I'm pregnant." I said, holding my breath, waiting for his reaction, his jaw dropped and he slowly moved off of the bed. "That's uh- mom you need rest, I uh- Grandma is waiting for me." He said running out of the door. My heart broke and I stared at my hands, Zelena came over to me and took his spot next to me. "He will come around, he loves you, that's the reason he remembers you." She said reminding me of my kiss I gave him. I nodded and sat back, my eyes drifting shut, my body exhausted from today.


I walked out of my sister's room and quietly shut the door, making my way to the cafeteria, Will was sitting in a booth by himself nursing a cup of coffee and a cookie. I slid into the bench across from him and stared into his brown eyes. "I hope you paid for that you thief." I flirted, his face blushing when he realized he had been caught, he pulled out a twenty and slid it under the sugar shakers. "So how is your sister?" He asked awkwardly, resting his face on his hand. I chuckled and took the cookie that he offered me, taking a small nibble out of it. "She's doing a lot better, she still has morning sickness, but it's a lot more controlled now." I said sighing, the nurses gave me this pager and said they would page me if she woke up. I placed it on the table and took another bite out of the cookie. I unlocked my phone and saw that it was already five in the evening. "That's good. Maybe you can give me your phone number in case you need any help when Regina gets discharged." He said, his voice squeaking with nerves, I laughed and grabbed his phone, typing my number in, snapping a picture of the two of us, setting it as my icon. He smiled and did the same in mine. We both chatted for a while when all of a sudden my pager buzzed. "Oh I totally lost track of time!" I said grabbing my pager and phone, shoving them into my pocket. He nodded and returned to his coffee, this time he had a huge smile on his face.

I quietly opened the door and saw Regina sitting in her bed, an irritated look on her face. "Good morning." I said sitting down in the chair, she scowled and balled her hands into fists. "What is it?" I asked, she looked as if she may start crying at any moment. "My magic isn't working like before!" She said flicking her wrists, only small wisps of purple smoke coming from it. I chuckled and sat next to her, taking her hand in mine. "That's because you're pregnant. It messes with your hormones, that's what happened with me- my first magical mother I met." I quickly lied, she raised her eyebrows and looked at me. "Zelena what happened to you?" She asked, turning me so I could face her. I let out a tear and looked down, then took a shaky breath and then raised my eyes so they met hers.

"When I was younger and was in this industry, I met this mother who was looking to adopt, well it just so happened that I had done some things a couple of weeks before and I ended up pregnant, well I knew that I couldn't provide a stable home for him, so I told this woman that I could give her this baby, well as time progressed I started having second thoughts, I loved my baby, and I wanted to keep him. She said no and told me that if I tried to keep him that she would kill him. I had no choice, if I wanted my little boy to live I had to give him up. She locked me in a barn and kept me there until he was born, after he was born she let me look at him, he had blonde hair and beautiful green eyes, he was the love of my life. Well she took him and while she walked down the road, two carts crashed and exploded, they both died, right in front of me." I sobbed, Regina pulled me close to her, I felt her tears wet my hair, I could tell she had lost someone tragically before too. "I'm so sorry." She whispered, cradling my head in her hand. I sat up and wiped my tears. "It's okay, we all get second chances, that's what I'm doing now."


The next morning the hospital discharged me, Zelena helped me up, I felt fine but they insisted that they wheeled me out in a wheelchair, Will Scarlett was waiting out front and greeted my sister with a goofy grin. "Good morning, Regina, Zelena." he hugged her and she hugged back. I just stared as they gazed at each other for a while. I cleared my throat then stood up climbing into his truck. "Oh I'm sorry your majesty." He said helping me inside, I rolled my eyes and scooted to the middle, making room for my sister. I raised my eyebrow at her and smirked, she shot daggers at me and buckled her seatbelt. "Where to milady?" He asked, my heart ached, Will was definitely Robin's little cousin. "Uh the Charming's loft." I said, pulling the bean out of the bag that had all of my belongings. "I have to get ready for a trip."

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