The Birth Of A Princess

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Robin's loud snoring made me smile, as the morning sunlight poured through I kissed his temple and sat up, our first night with a newborn had been rough, hourly wake up calls of crying for full diapers, hungry tummies, or just wanting to be in her mama's arms. Robin insisted on tending to most of them but I told him that there were just some things that I needed to do, like the grueling feedings which were uncomfortable and long, but either way we were happy, we had a beautiful baby girl who we were too fortunate to have. He was exhausted, I'd wake up to find him trying to soothe her without waking me, insisting that I go back to sleep. My body still felt a little sore, but nothing excruciating like what I felt yesterday, this was a walk in the park.

I got out of bed and slowly walked into the bathroom, pulling out a long black maxi dress and red blazer for later when we would go to Granny's and celebrate. I peeled off my black shirt and cotton shorts and stepped into the shower, all of the grime and tears from yesterday washing off of me until I felt somewhat normal. I could feel my magic slowly coming back, with a flick of my wrists I was able to brush my hair back and dry it, the loose material falling against my body. Normally I would have scoffed at this outfit, but I was in no mood to be in pain today, I had enough of that yesterday.

I walked out of the room and shut the door, trying to allow Robin to get some rest. As I walked towards the stairs I heard a faint wail coming from the nursery, I quickly walked into the room and scooped her up before Robin woke up, I forgot how it felt to hold such a small baby, she curled into me and stopped crying, she started smacking her lips and scrunched her face, threatening to wail if I did not feed her fast enough. I rushed down the stairs and pulled out a bottle that I had pumped before she was born and gave it to her, I was rummaging through the refrigerator with my elbow to see if I had anything worth eating in there, I sighed and turned away disappointed. The house was quiet and I liked it, I sat down on the sofa and looked at my baby, she had light brown hair like Robin's but a fair complexion matching my own, and her brown eyes and pouty lips belonged to me, her little cheeks pierced with her father's dimples.

I felt a calloused hand brush against my back, the smell of pine welcoming to me, clearing my head from my warm daze. "I told you I'd get her." He whispered playfully, he ran his hands on my shoulders and started massaging the knots out, breaking them with his strong hands, I slightly moaned at the wonderful feeling, leaning back onto the couch. "And you did get her, multiple times last night." I returned, he smirked then finished tending to my tense shoulders. "Your shoulders are really knotted! What's been bothering you?" He asked kneading my back, I rolled my head back and took a deep breath, my body relaxing. "Well there was the small factor of a human being making its way out of me. All nine pounds of her." I said tickling her tummy, she kicked in response and then stared up at us, her wide eyes absorbing her surroundings.

"Robin, something happened yesterday, when she finally came out I closed my eyes for a second and you freaked out, why is that, then you kissed me like I was going to shatter if you held me too hard. What's wrong?" I asked placing my hand on his, he stopped rubbing my neck and came around to sit by me. I saw pain run through his eyes and he rubbed his face. "When Roland was born, I was only allowed to sit and watch from another room through a window, that was the midwife's rules, well this was after she had been imprisoned and she apparently caught something. Well she conceived Roland after she was released. Anyways, I watched Roland's birth from afar, it was wonderful, but when I went into the room to see him, they placed him on her stomach and she had her eyes closed, the only difference was, she never opened hers. I was just so scared that history would repeat itself." He shuddered, I never really had given any thought into their relationship deeply, I knew she made him happy but that was all, I never asked for details in order to avoid any uncomfortable conversations, but he loved her, and I felt awful for asking. "Robin I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry for scaring you like that! I just needed to rest for a second so-" He shook his head and cupped my face in his hands, giving me a look. "Regina, I've made my peace with it, and don't apologize! You pushed a rather large baby out of your body! I just got nervous for a moment, you did nothing wrong." He said brushing his thumbs against my cheeks, I smiled and rubbed my forehead against his, kissing his nose. We stopped when we felt little kicks against our chests, he looked down and grabbed her from me, kissing her small face. His unshaven face making her fuss. "Aw come here! Daddy's scratchy face made you squirm huh." I cooed, he looked at me sheepishly and rubbed her head. "Now, shall we get ready for our party at Granny's?" He said pulling out a large stroller from the kitchen, I nodded and watched him race upstairs and change, returning in record time. I went upstairs and changed her into a white onesie that covered her feet and hands which prevented her from scratching herself. I pulled a pink hat on her head and bundled her up.

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