All Black

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We all watched as they lowered the casket into the ground, Robin grabbed my hand that was not being occupied by Cecilia, him and Zelena stared blankly as they finished lowering the simple coffin into the wet earth.

We all stood in silence until it was time for Robin to speak, as the leader of his Merry Men he always spoke if one of his men ever passed, but this was Will, and he loved him. He let go of my hand and walked over to the headstone, I moved to Zelena and Henry, Emma stood obediently next to me, not making a sound. Robin cleared his throat which made Zelena grab my hand, resting her other hand on her small stomach.

"Good morning everyone. I'm Robin Hood Locksley and I'm here to talk to you about your dear friend Will, you may know him as the pain in the ass that stole your flour in the middle of the night, or the man who drives you and your sister to the emergency room when needed." He said making Zelena squeeze my gloved hand, a croak coming out of her mouth. "But, I just knew him as my cousin, the little boy that I took in as my brother. I know not many of you got to know him well, but those who did, were very lucky people, because he was a real gem." He said choking up, I knew he had written something different, but he spoke from the heart and right now it was aching too much to form a beautiful poetic speech.

Right before they escorted us out, Zelena slowly walked over to the hole in the ground and removed her ring, gently setting it on the casket.

We made our way back to Granny's for a reception and everything seemed dark and somber. I entered with Robin and Cecilia, Emma holding my hand as we walked in, Robin had Roland cuddled against him, trying to provide relief to his grief-stricken father. Zelena followed us in with Henry, she sat down at a table and stared at her phone, completely unaware of the food that Ruby set in front of her. Cecilia started to fuss when Ruby came up to me and pulled me aside, setting her tray under her arm. "Regina, your family is on the house tonight, and I'm really sorry. I don't think she's going to eat that and you seem to be the only person she listens to." She said giving me a half-hearted smile before walking away. I didn't want to give the baby to Robin right now, and I needed to talk to my sister but I couldn't do that with a screaming newborn. Snow was holding Neal and Emma- well she could barely write her own name. "I can take her for you Regina." I turned and saw my mother standing with her arms out, I took a deep breath and handed her over. "Thank you mother."

I walked over to the booth and slid in, Zelena looked up and frowned, many people had lined up and given her their condolences at the viewing and now all she wanted to do was grieve. "Hey. You should eat this, it's free!" I said trying to lighten the mood slightly, she just shook her head and pushed the plate away, biting her lower lip. "Zelena, I know you are hurting, I've been with you this week, I know it feels like your world is crumbling into nothing and that you have nothing to live for, but Zelena this time you do have something to live for! Your baby! You have a little piece of Will with you, and you have to keep this baby safe and healthy, now I know it seems crazy of me to ask you to do anything for anyone right now, but do it for your baby and eat this sandwich." I said pushing the plate back to her, she wiped a tear away and grabbed the plate and started nibbling on a fry, then took a bite of her sandwich. "Thank you." She said swallowing, I smiled and grabbed her hand, trying to seem warm and gentle towards her. "It's what I'm here for."

I was playing with my salad holding Cecilia when Belle ran into the diner with her book tucked under her arm, Emma moved out of the way and climbed into the booth onto my lap. "Regina! I've got it!" She said showing me the book, I saw a spell that would return Emma to her original state, but I didn't know if she would still be injured from Robin's arrow. I looked over at her eating her sandwich, she smiled up at me then continued with her peanut butter. "Okay. But we need to do this somewhere else, get Hook and her parents." I instructed, she nodded and ran off to gather them. "Hey Emma, we are going to go somewhere, I need you to come with me." She set her food down and scooted out of the booth, grabbing my hand as I crawled out.

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