Words Hurt

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Today I would tell Robin, we were going to have a baby, a small person created out of our love for one another. I could barely wait, I stood up out of my bed and started walking when nausea twisted my stomach, I dashed to the bathroom and emptied my dinner into the basin. Someone came in and held my hair back, gently rubbing circles on my back. "Robin?" I whimpered, turning around to see my sister half awake behind me. "Morning sickness is a stinker." She said yawning, I looked at my clock and saw that it was four thirty in the morning. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up, Robin just gets up pretty early and I was going to go and see him and tell him about our little one." I said leaning onto the bathtub, she nodded and smiled. "Its fine! You asked for help with your pregnancy so here I am! Helping!" She said tying my hair into a ponytail on the top of my head, handing me a cup of water that appeared in her hand. "Thanks." I croaked, my throat raw from vomiting. "Now go tell your lover." She kidded, helping me to my feet, I pulled on my jacket and nodded, she followed me but then I heard her fall back into bed.

I crept through the forest, the early morning light not out yet, just purple hues that illuminated my features as pushed past the tall trees. My heart warmed when I saw Robin sitting with his son on his lap, tickling him until he fell over, his giggles filling the early morning air, clearing my brain. "Robin?" I said when I was within earshot of him, he swung around to face me, but instead of the warm welcoming blue eyes that greeted me, it was a foul sneer that dug into me. "Gina!" Roland ran from behind his father and into my arms, I cuddled him tightly until I felt a calloused hand push me back, then pull the boy away. "STAY AWAY FROM MY SON YOU MONSTER!" Robin yelled, pushing Roland behind him. I stumbled back at his harshness, appalled at what he said to me. "Robin what is going on!" I exclaimed, the other Merry Men just as confused as me. "You're a killer, a beast who has no loving bone in your body!" He snarled, I stepped back, tears pricking from the corners of my eyes. "Wha- How could you say that! You love me!" I said staring at him in disbelief, his eyes cold. "How could I love a thing like you?" He said in a lower tone, obviously aware that his yelling upset me. I backed up and ran far away, I heard the other Merry Men yelling at Robin, Roland's cries for me getting fainter as I left the forest clearing. I crumpled to the dirt path and tried to comprehend what just happened. He had confessed his love for me the day before and now he loathed me with every ounce of his being. I dropped my face into my hands and started to cry, I was so distraught I didn't even hear the orange truck pull up next to me. "Oh Regina." Snow said lifting me to my feet then pulling me into the truck. I sat between the two of them, in silence, David pulled up to my house and parked. I heard Snow mutter something then pull me out of the car. It was barely five in the morning and Snow was still in her pajamas, her hair tousled from sleeping. "How did you guys know to come and get me?" I asked, throwing my keys in the bowl. Snow yawned then walked me into the living room, sitting me down. "Robin called David on his emergency number and reported that the Evil Queen was out in the open and tried to assault his son." Snow said in a wary voice, sadness in her tone. My life felt like it was crumbling, I folded into a ball on the couch, sobbing, Snow rubbed my back and understood what was happening.

I sat up after crying for a while, taking a gulp of air. "Better?" She asked, patting my knee. I nodded and went to stand up when a whiff of nausea hit me. I grabbed the small garbage can that was nearby and threw up into it. Snow pulled my jacket off and tied my hair up, I leaned back and wiped the sweat from my face. "Why were you in the forest so early?" She asked throwing the garbage can away outside, handing me a paper bag. I sighed and sat back, figuring that I could tell her. "I wanted to tell him that he was going to be a daddy again." I said running my fingers on top of my stomach, this time she didn't jump up in the air, she just leaned in and hugged me. "That's great news. Congratulations." She said, I gave her a small smile, I certainly didn't feel like celebrating after what Robin said to me.

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