Mother 2.0

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I pulled into my house and saw the lights on in my bedroom, someone was upstairs, making themselves comfortable. "Robin." I sighed, walking up to my doorstep, the room warm and homey, I dropped my purse on the table and threw my keys in the bowl, making my way up the stairs towards the sound of the commotion. Just as I was about to turn into my room my phone buzzed, it was a text from Robin saying that he was going to stay with Roland and the Merry Men tonight. I froze, I had someone intruding in my house, and I was alone. A fireball appeared in my palm and blazed as I approached my room. "I'm not here to fight my love." My mother said, perched on my bed.

"Mother!" I yelled, flinging my arms around her, she was alive and sitting in my house, then I remembered what she lied about. "You lied to me! You never told me about Zelena or Rumple!" I yelled, new tears falling down my cheeks, it was odd, I never cried in front of people, especially mother, she would disapprove and think I was weak. "I know my love, that's why I wanted to come and apologize." She said pulling me down next to her, I scooted away, remembering the last time she tried to apologize to me about Daniel, it had horrible outcomes. "Regina, I am sorry I didn't tell you about your father and sister, I just wanted to give you everything I couldn't have, and now that I have my heart back in my body, I now regret how much I hurt you, making you marry the king, almost costing you your son, choosing power over my own daughter. Regina I promise to never hurt you again." She said looking me in the eyes, I was nearly sobbing, hot tears running down my face, I still had anger in my heart over those things, but I was still touched that my mother apologized in the first place. I nodded and hugged her, resting my head in her shoulder like a child, the tears wetting her shirt. "I'm sorry dear." She said brushing her hand against my hair. "Thank you mama." I replied, sitting up and wiping my face off.

"Now my girl, tell me what has been troubling you?" She said rubbing her hands up and down my arms. I sighed and blew my nose, then faces my mother. "Mama, I think I may be pregnant." I said, fiddling with my hands, I saw her eyes widen and she sat up straighter. "But I drank that potion! You saw me do it! How can this happen?" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air, she gave that look that I constantly saw from Zelena, she knew something that I didn't. I tilted my head and looked in her eyes. "Mother?" I asked. She took a deep breath and gave me a small smile. "When I visited you, I couldn't bear the thought of you doing that to yourself out of anger towards me, I saw you getting the ingredients in your magic chamber, I switched out the ingredients and you drank a potion that gave you cramps for a little bit. You were never barren sweetheart, and I knew that when you were ready you would find out." She said cautiously, my hands mindlessly dropped to my stomach and my mouth hung open. "I can have a baby?" I whimpered, my heart filling so much I thought it might burst, then the tiny seed of dread knotted in my heart. "Rumple wants my baby, if I am- or even do get pregnant. He said my firstborn daughter would be his undoing." I said, my voice cracking as I grabbed my mother's arms. "Shh. Darling, I won't let that happen, why do you think I never acknowledged him as your father? He knew this prophecy long ago, and I had to protect you, I thought he meant you would be his undoing, but when he never showed up for you I then realized that your daughter was the baby. I won't let anything happen to you or your children." She said kissing my forehead, I nodded and stood up, my head started spinning and I grabbed the dresser, my stomach turning. "Woah." My mother stood up and walked me into my bathroom and sat me on the toilet lid, making a box appear in her hand, handing it over to me. "You need to know. Let me know what it says, I got one of those magic talking boxes." She said handing me a paper with her cell phone number on it. I nodded and she walked out of the bathroom, shutting the door. I stood up and stared at the box that sat on the counter, the tiny box that had the power to change my life forever.

I bounced my knees as I sat on the bathtub, I had thirty seconds left, they were the longest seconds of my life, my phone buzzed and I grabbed the stick off of the counter and held it in my palms, the two distinctive purple lines stuck out through the little window, as if yelling the answer to me. "I'm pregnant." I whispered.

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