My Light

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"NO! NOT WITHOUT-" I was cut off when the large door swung open, I was hunched over on Snow, my knees holding me up, Zelena was getting situated and her supplies in order then I saw relief in her eyes. "Robin!" I wailed in relief, he ran over to me and cupped my face, kissing my forehead profusely. "Regina oh my god! I am so sorry I got lost in the tunnels, darling are you okay!" He asked rubbing my hands, I felt the pressure again and my face contorted into a grimace. "She's going to start pushing Robin." Zelena said pulling some gloves on, Snow moving over for Robin to clutch me, he wrapped his arms around me and cradled my head. "Regina push when you get your next contraction." Zelena said kneeling behind me, I felt the sharp pain rip through my stomach along with the burning pressure in my hips. "Okay Regina push!" She said, "ahhhhh!!" I grunted, Robin rubbed the back of my head and kissed my cheek. I kept pushing until I ran out of energy and slumped into him. "Great job love!" He cheered, I moaned and rested my head on his chest. Zelena pressed on my stomach and slightly pulled me away from Robin, I whimpered and reached out for him but Zelena moved so she was in between the two of us. I felt the contraction start and I pushed down. "Baaaahhhh!! HUUUHH heeeee!!" I screamed, then reached over and squeezed Robin's hands, I shut my eyes and grit my teeth while my body shook. I continued pushing until I heard a commotion in the tunnels. "Robin!" I yelled grabbing my stomach. He rubbed my arms and then placed his bow and arrow next to him just in case. "I'll protect you, just focus on the baby!" He said peeling my hands away from my stomach and holding them in his. I nodded and continued pushing, flashes of light flashed under the door which told me that they were close. I couldn't think about it for long because it felt like there was a fire building up inside of me. "SON OF A GAHHHHHH!! IT BURNS!!" I screamed pushing down, my knees shaking under my weight, Zelena scooted in between Robin and I and placed both hands on my stomach. "Sweetie stop, you're stretching, I can see the head, now stop before you tear, breathe." She instructed, checking me. I felt the urge to push and my body listened, but I tried to control it.

They were getting close, I could hear them hitting the door with large objects which made me jump. "I'm going to secure the door!" Robin yelled, I whimpered and Snow ran over to me and placed my hands on her shoulders. I felt a huge burning feeling in my hips which made my knees nearly buckle. "IT BURNS HELP ME! PLEASE LET ME PUSH!" I screamed, Snow tilted my head up and gave me a sympathetic look. "Regina ten more seconds, breathe in and out." She said smiling, I nodded and locked my eyes on her and took one deep breath making me whimper in pain. "Good Regina, your baby's head is out. You can push now." She said, I gasped in relief and pushed, a sharp pain embedding itself in me. "Zelena something is wrong!" I wailed, she looked stressed and nodded, agreeing with me. "Lets lay you back." She said scooting to my side, her and Snow gently rolling me back besides my protests. My sister took out her monitor and placed it at the bottom of my stomach, the baby's heart rate dipping, causing mine to elevate. She motioned for Snow to hold the machine in place while she pressed on my stomach. "ZELENA HURRY PLEASE! GAHH!" I yelped, the pain intensifying, Snow grabbed my hands and let me squeeze them until it finished. "Regina your baby is caught on your pelvis, I'm going to have to break its collar bone, it will heal quickly but I have to get it out, we are kind of on a time limit, once I break the bone I'm going to need you to push okay!" She said with a hard look, she looked pained but she put on her mask and took a deep breath. "Robin. Barricade the door then get over here." She said sharply, he pushed a chest against the door then ran over to my side and grabbed my hand, Snow moved to the other side of me and clutched my other hand. "Okay just take a deep breath and try not to think about it." Zelena said with an apologetic look and then separated my legs farther, she took another deep breath and reached for the shoulder, my eyes bulged and I screamed. "ZELENA STOP PLEASE! IF YOU LOVE ME STOP!" I screamed, Robin and Snow moved closer and tried to comfort me but we all stopped when we heard the loud snap of the baby's bone. I felt tears run down my face and a sob release from my lungs as my heart broke, Robin held me closer and kissed my head, shaking from the horrible noise. "Regina you need to push now." Zelena said wiping a tear from her cheek.

"AHHHH PLEASE BE CAREFUL!" I trembled, my heart was iced with fear while that horrid noise replayed in my head. I pushed hard, Snow and Robin had my legs in their arms and held my hands, Robin looked over my leg and offered me an excited smile. "I can see the baby sweetheart!" He said, I had my eyes squeezed shut but he still planted a kiss on my forehead. "Good. Relax Regina, you've earned it." My sister said motioning to Snow and Robin who set my legs down. I laid back into Robin's arms and gasped, my eyelids threatening to shut. "A couple more and you will have your little baby in your arms." Zelena said offering a smile to me, I groaned when I felt my muscles tense, Robin helped me up and lifted my leg, Snow mirroring him. "UHHHH!! NO!! SHES GOING TO TAKE MY BABY!!" I yelled as I felt the baby move, I tried to shut my legs but both of them held them too tightly for me to move. "Hey, nothing is going to happen, I know it's scary! BELIEVE ME, I know, but you're going to have your baby! the shoulders are nearly out!" She said, I nodded and continued to push, giving all of my energy. "Regina look down." Robin said with tears glinting in his eyes. I looked down and the baby was nearly out, the tops of the shoulders were out along with the head. I let out a half sob half laugh, gripping both of their hands, one more push and my baby would be here. "HUUUUUHHHHH!!" I wailed, every ounce of strength and energy was put into getting my baby out, I think the bones in both of their hands shattered under my iron grip, the light in the corner started to glow and illuminate the room. "Regina! Stop! You're done! You did it!"

Robin and Snow both lowered my legs, I leaned back onto the headboard and shut my eyes, gasping at the relief that flooded through my body. "Darling open your eyes!" Robin said, his voice full of fear, my eyes fluttered open and he sighed with relief. Zelena placed the squirming baby on my stomach, gently rubbing it's back. I sobbed as I grabbed it and pulled it close to me. "Robin, we have a daughter." I sobbed, cradling her in my arms, Robin cut the cord while Snow snapped pictures from behind with a camera. She started to cough, then a small cry released from her lips, we both had tears spilling down our faces as Robin scooted next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, I leaned down and kissed her little face which was scrunched against my chest. Zelena was busy writing down some information, then she looked up and smiled, she lowered my legs and scooted my shorts on me. She walked over to me and handed us a white blanket, she brushed my hair aside and smiled, tears running down her face. "Congratulations Regina, she's beautiful." She said spreading the blanket over my stomach, gently swaddling her. "Thank you Zelena, for everything. I couldn't have done any of this without you." I said, still sobbing, she nodded and sat next to me, placing her arm around me. "You're my sister, I love you." She said, I looked up at her and I felt new tears fall down my face. "I love you too."

Snow came over and congratulated us with a hug and small kiss on the baby's head. With a wave of her wrist all of Zelena's equipment neatly piled into a bag and sat in the corner. She pulled out a small scale and measuring tape and set it on the desk. I unwrapped my little girl which made her squeal and start crying, I placed her against my chest until Zelena came over with outstretched arms. "May I hold my little niece please?" She asked smiling, I placed her in her aunt's arms and watched her carry her to the scale. "Wow sis, I'm impressed, she's a large one! 9 pounds eleven ounces !" She said lifting her into her arms, she snuggled into her sweater and muffled her crying, she returned her to me then started setting up the camera while I wrapped her back up.

Snow came over and sat at the foot of the bed and started going through the pictures that she took while Zelena fiddled with the stand. "You did great Regina, I've never seen anything like that before, it was beautiful. Oh and so are you. I love you." He said leaning down and kissing me, I kissed him back, it wasn't passionate but delicate and gentle, he seemed frightened that he would break me but he continued, his kiss full of "I love you's" and "I chose you." He pulled away when we felt our daughter move in between us. We both giggled and looked down, our noses pressed together.

"Ah! Look at the happy family!" Emma said as she strode in with Rumple by her side, her dagger was sheathed on her hip and a devilish smile appeared on her face. "Its a shame that this is going to end up so pathetically tragic! Well I don't want to ruin this little pow wow so I'm just going to collect my treasure and go!" Emma said flicking her wrist, my baby instantly disappearing from my arms.

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