Charming Life

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CECILIA!" Everyone in Granny's cheered as we walked in, she smiled and clapped at the mention of her name, her gold tutu sparkled under the dim lights as she was passed around by her aunts and uncles. "Come to Nini!" Emma said grabbing Cecilia, she clapped and pulled on a blonde lock of her hair, making her wince. She kissed her cheek then handed her off to the next awaiting person. "Auntie Zelena wants a turn!" She said swaying quickly back and forth on her hip, Cecilia tossed her head back and burst into a fit of giggles, it made me glad to see my sister so happy again. "Alright love don't give her SBS." my mother said gently taking my daughter from Zelena. "Its Grandma! Happy birthday my love!" She said tickling her stomach, the pile of gifts sat in the corner and Snow nudged me over to them with Robin. "Noni's turn!" Snow said carrying her over to me, setting her on my lap, next to Robin.

"Alright the birthday girl is going to open her gifts!" Snow yelled, Henry and Roland pulled up a chair and sat in front and Henry pulled out his camera, snapping pictures. We flew through presents from everyone, thanking them as they appeared. Finally we got down to the last few gifts, I picked up a box elaborately wrapped in pink paper with bows spouting from the top. I lifted the box and held it in front of Cecilia who was mesmerized with the sparkly attachments to the box. I pulled out the card and opened the envelope. "My dear Cecilia, I know I may never have a daughter of my own, but you are the closest thing I have. I love you more then you could ever imagine, Happy Birthday sweetheart. Love, Auntie." I looked up at my sister and didn't realize that I had tears in my eyes, she smiled and pointed to the unopened box, I tore away the paper and it revealed a velvet box, when I opened it I saw a green emerald, similar to the one on my ring, but hers was embedded in a good heart shaped case, with her name written on the back, then when I pressed the clasp on the heart there was a picture of her and Cecilia together. I clasped it around my daughter's neck, then stood up and hugged my sister. "Happy Birthday darling." She said kissing Cecilia on the head, I sat back down and picked up another gift, this one slightly larger then Zelena's, I pulled the card off and handed the large bow to Cecilia, who started playing with the glittery ribbon. "To our little Cece, Happy Birthday little one, we are so overjoyed to be celebrating your first birthday! Now I know that every princess needs some sparkle, so keep this super safe! We love you very much sweetie! Love, Uncle David, Noni, and Nini." I looked up at them and smiled, but I gasped when I opened the box, Snow's tiara that her mother had given her on her birthday, the one that was returned to her when my mother killed her nanny. It was sitting in the box, this was Snow's most prized material possession. "I was hoping that her mother could teach her how to wear it one day, how to dress for her proper ball." She said smiling in the corner, I got up and nearly knocked her over with a hug. "Thank you Snow." I said quietly, she hugged back and then whispered back to me. "Of course mom." I pulled away and smiled at her, returning to my seat. There was one final gift and it was in a large box, there was not card so I gingerly opened it, inside sat Henry's storybook, unchanged and normal, but when I opened it I gasped when I saw what was inside. It started with Emma turning dark, then going into our crazy undercover mission, up to her birth, then everything that happened leading up to now. Beautiful illustrations filled the pages, along with the fancy script. Henry gave me a devious smile and discreetly held up his quill.

We thanked everybody and slowly people started leaving, hugging Robin and I, kissing our daughter. Once we loaded everything into the car we drove home, Henry and Roland decided to spend the night playing video games in his room, so I decided to join Robin on the couch with Cecilia. "Happy birthday darling." He said brushing his finger against her sleeping face, she was passed out in my lap, snuggled in my legs which were crossed. "I can't believe she is one. It seems like just yesterday I was running through a tunnel at two in the morning." I said brushing her light hair back, I looked up at Robin who was staring at her lovingly. "It seems like just yesterday I was running through a tunnel to find you and allow you to break every bone in my hand." He joked, running his finger across my jawline. I blushed and rubbed my pointer finger across our baby's cheek. She rolled over and rested her head on my thigh, her tiny mouth forming a circle. "How did I get so lucky?" I murmured, lifting my sleepy daughter into my arms, he chuckled and kissed me gently, answering me. "I guess that smell of forest wasn't so repulsive after all."

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