Goodbye Scarlett

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2 months later

Henry was still getting use to Robin staying in the house, but Roland still hadn't returned, we were waiting until his things got set up and Robin and I were a little more stable. Today was the day he was going to come home, which made me giddy for his arrival.

The doorbell rang which woke up Cecilia so I went into the nursery to grab her, but Zelena waddled in and offered to grab her. "Go, say hi to Roland for me." She said lifting Cece into her arms. I raced down the stairs and found Robin opening the door and embracing his son. "Papa! I missed you!" He exclaimed, jumping into his arms, I smiled at the sight and leaned on the wall watching them interact. "Gina!" He cried ripping away from Robin, running into my arms. I lifted him up and pulled him against my chest, kissing his face repeatedly. "I missed you Gina! I knew you wouldn't give up on me!" He cried, burying his face into my shoulder, I squeezed him tightly and then set him down, he grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs to his bedroom, which I had set up after Robin moved back in. He put his bag on the bed and pulled out his coloring pad and pulled out a drawing that he made of all of us. "I made this for you Gina!" He said handing me the paper, I took it and kissed his head then waved my hand making a frame appear around the coloring. He started babbling about the past couple of months when all of a sudden I heard a scream come from the nursery, Roland grabbed me and looked up at me frightened. "REGINA!" I gently peeled Roland off of me and ran into the room and found my sister clutching Cecilia, but her body was leaning on the crib. "Zelena!" I saw blood trickling down her legs, forming a pool off it on the carpet. I gently took my baby and set her in the crib, then grabbed my sister's arms. "Regina help me it hurts! What is going on!" She cried as she squeezed my arms, I didn't have the heart to tell her if I knew she could still be helped. I tried to move her but she screamed in pain, grabbing onto me harder. "Henry!" I called, he came rushing into the room and saw the horrifying sight in front of him. "I need you to help me get your aunt into my car!" I said swinging her arm around my shoulder, Henry doing the same thing. He helped us down to the car and gently placed her in the backseat. "Henry sit with your aunt, I need to drive." I instructed, he nodded and climbed in, grabbing Zelena's hand and clutching it.

I pulled up and ran around while Henry got out and called for help. I threw my keys at him and followed the gurney that they had whisked her out on. She was hysterically crying when they moved her over to the table. "Hey, you're going to be okay." I said grabbing her hand, Dr. Zambrano came in and started cleaning Zelena up, then dragged a large machine into the room. She rolled up Zelena's shirt and squirted some jelly onto her stomach, then placed the wand on it, waving it around on her abdomen, a loud noise filled the room, but it was lacking one, a heartbeat. She set the remote down and closer her eyes, then started wiping the jelly off and pulled her shirt down. She then sat down on her chair and rolled up to the both of us. "I am so sorry, but it looks like you miscarried. I am going to give you two a moment, then we are going to have you deliver your baby." She said somberly, I slowly closed my eyes and nodded, then when I opened them she was gone, Zelena looked at me then started bawling, she grabbed her stomach and sobbed. I gently sat next to her and wrapped my arm around her, tears falling from my eyes too. She rolled over and started sobbing into my chest, I cupped the back of her head and held her close for a while.

A nurse came in and wheeled Zelena's bed upstairs then handed her a gown to change into, I helped her into it and sat her back down silently. The nurses came in and started hooking her up to tubes and medications, one that would induce her labor. I nodded as the nurse filled me in outside of the room, she would have to deliver her stillborn baby. I rubbed my eyes and turned away while she walked away. I slid down and leaned my head on the wall and dropped it into my hands. "Mom? Is Auntie Zelena going to be okay?" Henry asked sliding down next to me, I looked up at him and grabbed his hand. "She's going to be fine, but Henry, she lost her baby." I said squeezing his hand, he nodded then leaned his head on me. "Ms. Mills we are going to start working on your sister." Dr. Zambrano said peeking her head out of the door, I nodded then stood up, dusting my pants off, Henry stood up and hugged me before I entered the room.

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