Grade A Care

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3 weeks later

I couldn't wait, this little quest that Rumple is having me run for him is going to benefit me immensely, Regina would suffer, which means I would finally live to get my true happy ending. This was it, her baby was coming today, and I could not wait to snatch the little brat from her arms and crush its heart into ash.

I appeared back in Rumple's secret lair, he was waiting with his Dark One outfit on. "You haven't made ANY preparations besides a wardrobe change! Regina's baby is coming and you haven't done anything! Pathetic little imp!" I growled, he stood up and held his arm out to me, I finished applying my red lips and linked mine in his. He grinned devilishly and walked me over to a room where he held all of his prized possessions, pulling out my dagger, handing it over to me, I sheathed it on my hip and laughed, a high shrill now. "Ready to get this baby?" He asked grinning, pure adrenaline and excitement rushed through my veins, making my golden eyes illuminate. "I've been ready ages ago."


"Zelena! Wake up! I think my baby is coming!" I cried and grasped my stomach with my hands, the clock read 2 am and Zelena shot out of her bed and grabbed a small bag and strapped it to herself, slipping a pair of boots on her feet. "Ahhh. This hurts." I moaned, I hunched over and placed my palms on the wall, rotating my hips slightly, the muscles in my stomach tightening. Zelena came over to me and rubbed my back until the contraction ended, I heard her take out her phone and dial. "Robin! It's time! My mother is coming to get you, meet her behind the special rock just west of your camp." She hung up and smiled at me, turning me around, I had my hands on my stomach, groaning as another contraction tensed my stomach muscles. "Ah! Zelena! I mmm this hurts!" I whined, leaning into her, she took out her phone and dialed, balancing it between her shoulder and her ear while rocking me back and forth. "You're doing fine Regina, just breathe. Mother! Regina is in labor and I need you to bring Robin to the special place, he's waiting by the rock entrance." She slipped the phone into her pocket and rubbed my back, I sat up and exhaled. This was it. I was going to have my baby. It was coming and I wasn't ready at all.

Zelena poofed us to the tunnel, shutting the top so no one could follow us in. "AHH!" I yelled grabbing her shoulders and swaying back and forth, she rested her hands on my sides steadying me. "Regina! We have to stay quiet down here, they can hear us up there, we have a soundproof room at the end of the tunnel, but right now I need you to breathe until we get there. In and out." She whispered, I couldn't reply without screaming out in agony so I hung my head and nodded. She swung my arm around her neck and half dragged me into a small underground bunker. Zelena slammed the door shut and sat me down on the bed in the back of the room. "ZELENA THIS HURTS! UHHH HEEE HOOO!" I screamed, she came over and kneeled in front of me, grabbing my hands, she started panting with me, I blew air in and out through my clenched teeth, my hands shook from holding Zelena's so tight. "Robin!" I yelled, tears streaming from my eyes once the contraction ended, Zelena moved up and rubbed my arms which shook from my crying. Suddenly the door burst open and my heart leapt, hoping Robin was here, but sadly Snow dashed in with her bow and arrow slung around her. "Regina!" She yelled shutting the door, I felt my muscles contract and cramp under my hands which were now clutching my stomach. "GAAAH WHERE IS HE!" I screamed, more tears streaming down my face. Snow came over and kneeled behind me, gripping my upper arms. "He's coming. We are here right now for you, now focus on your baby." She whispered, my hands shot up to hers, she moved closer to me and hunched her shoulders around me, allowing me to lay back. "Now breathe." She instructed, I squeezed my eyes shut and started to pant, blowing big breaths of air in and out. I relaxed and felt my body loosen for a second until I felt a huge gush of water between my legs. "ZELENA!" I screamed, she came over and gently pulled off my cotton shorts then moved my legs apart. "Alright Regina, your water broke, I'm going to check you, let me know when your contraction stops." She said rubbing my knee, I nodded and groaned, squeezing the edge of the bed, a sharp pain ripped through my stomach, making me twist in agony. "GAHHHHAHAHA ZELENA!! HEEE HUUUHH!!" I screeched, sweat started to make my hair stick to my face, my loose black shirt caking to my chest. My body relaxed and I slumped onto Snow, she rubbed my arms and shifted under me per my sister's request. "I'm going to check you now honey, just hold Snow's hand and breathe for me." She said examining me, I shifted a little when she started, but this was nothing compared to my pain before. "You're about 3 cm. You have some time, lets get you up, maybe that will help speed things up for you." She said helping me off of the edge of the bed, I felt Snow gently nudge me from behind as I stood. Zelena grabbed my forearms and slowly rocked side to side as I felt the muscles start to tense. "Haaaaaahhh it hurts! Oh my god!" I yelled, my knees buckled and I lowered down into a squat, my sister balanced me by holding my arms, I clenched her bony shoulders and let out a shudder as the contraction continued to surge through me, lasting longer. "Hoooo heeee! HOOO HEEE!" I yelled, sharp pain ripping through my stomach, Snow came over and wiped my face off, which was covered in sweat. "Snow, come here, just let her lean on you like this, I need to check her." Zelena whispered, sliding out from in front of me, Snow replacing her frail frame. My pain climaxed and I completely leaned into her, crying out. "AHHH! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME THIS HURTS! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" I screamed, Snow rubbed her hands up and down my back, relieving some of the tension in my back. "Regina calm down and take a deep breath, you can do this, you're fine." She said looking at me, I whimpered and dug my face into her chest, my hands wrapped around my large stomach.

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