Can We Ever Be Happy

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The next ten months flew by, the hunt for Gold and the Blue Fairy was taking place, they hadn't been seen since they killed Will and everyone agreed that they needed to avenge his death. Zelena had began to regain some of her faith in the world, since Scarlett's passing she had been a whole new person, but she was coming out of her darkness and letting some light back in.

I cuddled Cecilia on my side while I packed food for Henry and Roland's lunches, she was nearly one and I couldn't believe that my little girl was almost one years old! The boys came down and grabbed their food which was packed in their bags for them. "Thanks mom!" "Thanks Gina!" They both yelled running out of the door into Emma's yellow bug. "What are we going to do today Cecilia!" I said hoisting her higher up on my hip, she laughed and pulled a lock of my hair into her chubby hand, then laid her head on my shoulder. I heard someone coming down the stairs, thinking it was Robin I grabbed his green jacket and draped it over my arm while I rummaged through the refrigerator for my coffee creamer. I heard the person enter the kitchen, so I turned to face them, juggling Cece, the creamer and jacket. "Good morning! Say hi to da-" I stopped speaking when I saw my sister sitting at the counter, showered and dressed. "Well hello sis... How are you feeling?" I asked setting Cecilia in her bouncing seat, she looked up at me and smiled slightly. "I'm feeling better." She said taking a breath, walking over to the seat and taking Cecilia out. She giggled and nuzzled her head into her neck. "Auntie missed you!" She said kissing her chubby hand, I smiled and handed her a cup of coffee, relieved that my sister was breaking her walls down.

"I was thinking that you and Robin deserve a night alone while I watch the little ones for you, in case you two feel like letting loose." She giggled, bouncing Cecilia on her hip. My baby clapped and then put her hand in her mouth, I rolled my eyes and leaned on the counter crossing my arms. "Okay thanks, now, stop making my daughter laugh over my sex life." I said grabbing her and going up the stairs to change her.

"Hello! Are you excited to spend the day with mama and auntie? Well let's get you bathed and dressed!" I cooed, lifting her clothes into my arm, then made my way into the bathroom and started to fill up the sink. I laid the towel on the sink and started peeling her pajamas off, the cold December air making her cry. I was waiting for the sink to fill so I lifted her into my arms, snuggling her against my long sleeve shirt. She gripped my collar and started to muffle her crying, I shut off the water and set Cecilia inside, the warm water shocking her, she splashed the water and soaked my shirt, giggling and clapping at the mess. "Cecilia Adeline Locksley!" I said washing her, she smiled and grabbed her ducky that she loved and splashed it in the water, wetting my face and hair as well. I rinsed her off and wrapped her in the princess towel that Mary Margaret bought her. I set her on my bed and started changing her, the minute I unwrapped her she started to fuss. I changed her quickly and put her in a pair of pink pants and a white long sleeve shirt, I pulled her close to me and started bouncing her on my hip. My phone rang and I reached over and answered it. "Ms. Mills this is the hospital, I'm afraid there has been a car accident involving Ms. Emma Swan and your two sons." I clutched Cecilia to me and snapped my fingers, making my clothes and shoes appear. I hung up the phone and grabbed the diaper bag, racing down the staircase. "ZELENA! LETS GO!" I yelled grabbing the insurance card then climbing into the car.

We sped over to the hospital, I pulled up in front and jumped out, my sister moved over and parked the car for me. "WHERE ARE MY SONS!" I yelled, running into the hospital, I saw them wheeling Emma, Roland, and Henry into different rooms. "I'M FINE GET MY SON LOOKED AT!" Emma screamed from her gurney, trying to rip the wires off of her. I ran up to her and saw them rush the boys away. "REGINA I AM SO SORRY I WAS DRIVING AND RUMPLE WAS IN HIS CAR AND HE RAN A RED LIGHT AND-" I grabbed her hand and nodded, she seemed fine except for a couple of scrapes and bruises.

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