Dark Swan

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"Sorry I'm late." I said tucking the bean into my pocket, Snow ran up to me and hugged me gently, the worry evident in the lines on her face that formed over night. She then moved over to Zelena and shook her hand. "Thank you for taking care of my stepmother." She said calmly, a smile poking through her lips. "Anytime." She replied, smiling back. I sat down and realized that Snow had filled everyone in about the plan, Killian and David already had their swords and food packed. "Well since everyone is filled in I guess we can get going." I said flicking my wrist, changing only my shoes. I grumbled and individually changed my wardrobe. My sweats and tank top under my jacket turned into a thick blue sweater and warm leggings, my fuzzy boots changing into sturdy black riding boots. "Regina I don't think you should-" I cut Snow off and glared at her, my mind was made up, I was the reason she was gone, I was going to help get her back. "I'm going. I'm fine, I can do the same things as before." I said, not leaving the topic up for debate. "Fine, but I'm going with you." Zelena said just as stubbornly as me.

I focused and made the mirror appear in the loft, knocking a stool over. "Now we all have to be connected to go to the same place, so everyone grab hands and think about the Enchanted Forest." I instructed, Zelena linked her magic bag around her shoulder and grabbed my hand, Killian offering me his hook. David had Neal tucked close to his chest, he nodded towards Snow and started running into the mirror, everyone getting pulled in.

We all dropped on the beach, I twisted my body in the air so I landed on my back, the wind getting knocked out of me. Zelena and Snow helped me up, both of them trying to check if I was okay. "I'm fine. Now, where the hell are we?" I asked David, he pulled out his map which was enchanted to lead us to Emma, Neal was screaming from the trip, distracting his parents from the map. I grabbed him from David and gently started bouncing him, he rested his face on my shoulder. I placed my hand on the back of his head and turned to David again. "It says that she's in Rumple's old cage, it's far away, about a two week journey." David said popping his neck, I sighed and sat down on a log, Neal had fallen asleep on me, clinging to my jacket, his little legs gently kicking my stomach. I moved him over and cradled him in my arms, David walked towards me and offered to grab him. "No it's okay, I miss having a little baby around to hold." I said staring at his little face, he looked just like Henry, his little hand brushing against his scrunched face. "Well let's get going." David said helping me up, trudging into the forest.

After walking for hours, my arms started to burn, and I was wishing more then ever that I had my magic under control. "Let's rest." Snow suggested, without complaint I sat down on a rock and sat Neal up on my lap. I ran my hand through my hair and took a deep breath, I lied, I could do everything I did before, but now it just exhausted me ten times faster. "Regina? Are you okay?" Killian asked, handing me his flask, I pushed it away and nodded. "I'm fine, just a little tired." I said gently rubbing my stomach, which no longer was completely flat, it was starting to curve around the baby, but if you were unaware I was pregnant, I could just pass it off as bloating. Zelena and Snow saw my fatigue so they decided to speed up the journey. "Okay, I know we are using a map but we are all pretty tired and let's just get to out destination." She said flicking her wrists, making us appear farther up on the map. "Thank you." I mouthed, everyone started setting up camp in the middle of the forest, Snow took Neal, allowing me to lie down on my pack, it seemed like the minute my head reached the bag I was asleep.

"Regina! Get up love!" I woke up to Hook shaking me awake, everyone was grabbing their supplies quickly, the familiar sound of a carriage racing down the path. "It's your black Knights. We have to go." Snow said clutching her baby close to her chest. I scoffed and stopped them all. "We are not going to run from my servants, I just found us a ride."

"Zelena, I need you to change my clothes into my queen gown!" I said standing back, I heard them approaching so she changed me quickly, the corset lifting around my small bump. I forgot how uncomfortable these outfits were compared to my normal clothes, now was time to summon my Evil Queen persona. I stepped out into the road and held out my hand, hoping that they would stop. The carriage halted and they all got out astonished. "My queen." They all said in unison, normally I would have told them to get up, but I had to act the part. "Now stop whatever foolish brigade you have been pursuing and take my guests and I to my castle." I commanded in my most fearsome voice I could muster. They nodded and the rest of the Knights got out of the carriage, holding the door open for me to enter. I climbed in and the rest followed me. Zelena had changed them all into their fairytale clothes, even Neal had a brown blanket over her footie pajamas. "Now what's the plan!" Hook said leaning back onto the plush seat. "Well, it is currently ten pm and I think we slept a total of thirty minutes so we are going to go to my castle, shower, go to bed, and be one week closer to finding your girlfriend!" I snapped, my corset closing in on me, making my patience lower, he gave me a look then realized he should stop asking questions.

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