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I thanked Belle for her hospitality and child care services then loaded everyone and our things into my car. Henry sat in silence, fiddling with the seatbelt. "Lets go home mom, we all need a shower and some rest." He finally said, I uneasily looked towards him and kept my eyes on the road. "Henry, Robin is there and-" He looked at me and glared into my eyes. "Mom, that's your house. You should be allowed to come and go as you please, and I promise Robin won't be an issue there." He said, I sighed and pulled into my driveway, Henry jumped out and ran inside then ran back out and took Cecilia out of her car seat, while I took the bags.

I walked inside and I frowned when I saw the house, it was cleared of all things Robin, his arrows that were tucked in the corner were gone, I ran upstairs and his clothes were cleared from my closet, the razors that he used were thrown away. When I walked back into the bedroom his side of the bed was made and the pillow he used was lost, the pillowcase washed, tucked between two new ones. My heart sank as I sat down, he was gone, he really left and was not coming back until he felt he was worthy enough for me. A thought popped into my mind, this would really tell me if he was gone for good.

I walked down the hallway and opened the door, Roland's bed was made with the printed sheets folded on his bed, the toys piled neatly in the chest and all of the drawings that he was working on for me were piled in a stack on the bare dresser which was normally cluttered with his trinkets and toys. Tears ran down my face as I walked through the bare room, my little Roland was gone too, when I opened the dresser it was empty except for a folded up piece of paper on the bottom. "GINA" In large letters on the front. I unfolded the paper and started reading, the words written in Henry's handwriting.
"I got your letter Gina, I miss you and papa is acting scary, I don't want to go away, my monkey is hidden and Henry knows where it is, let Cece play with it until you and papa stop fighting. Don't forget about me.

I shut my eyes and placed the letter against my chest, taking Roland's pillow and holding it against me, burying my face into it and crying.


I was staying with my mother while Robin grieved Will, I know he acts like he doesn't blame me but I know he does, I was the reason Will died, and now I have to live with that guilt every day. Mother was out running an errand so I decided to take a bath, I felt awful, I had been vomiting all night and I felt raw and weak. I slipped into the warm water and shut my eyes, trying to calm my upset stomach, I'm going to have to give Regina a big fat "I told you so" about that dumb sandwich that I ate.

I was in for about ten minutes when my phone started ringing, it was Henry. "Hello?" I answered, there was lots of wind in the background which made it hard to hear. "Auntie Zelena, I need you to come back home, mom needs you." He said quickly, I sat up in confusion, then started draining the water. "What's wrong?" I asked, but he hung up, Regina's voice coming into the conversation.

I quickly got out of the tub and grabbed my things, I scribbled a note to my mother then raced out of the apartment over to Regina's house. Once I got there I texted Henry and told him that I was outside, suddenly the back door opened and he came outside with the "garbage". "Henry what in the world is going on! I told you all that I was going to let Robin have his space!" But the look on Henry's face told a different story. "Mom and Robin are taking a break from each other and she's not taking it well, he was extremely rude to her so I had a little chat with him, well him and Roland moved out for a while until he gets himself under control. Roland wrote her a note and hid it in his dresser, well she found it and now she won't stop crying. She's been up for hours, last night she got a full night of sleep but she's still exhausted, she wanted Robin to grieve so she has been doing all of the work around the house and late night feedings. I'm worried." He finally said, dropping the bag filled with his socks in it. I hugged him and then looked him in the eyes. "Thank you for calling me, we are going to make sure your mother gets through this."

I quietly walked in and kissed Cecilia on the head, she was sleeping in the swing while Henry led me to my room, setting my bag down. I heard quiet sobbing coming from the room across from mine, he nodded and pointed towards the door, then he walked down the stairs to get his crying sister.

"Regina." I said sitting next to her, taking the paper from her and pulling her close to me, she rested her head on my shoulder and squeezed her eyes shut, her tears wetting my pants. "Robin just needs some time to get his bearings, what your son did was help you, he saw that you just kept getting hurt and he realized that you couldn't take it anymore! He still loves you, and I know you love him, he just needs some air, and so do you." I said rubbing her head, she sat up and wiped her eyes, smoothing her shirt down. "There you go." I replied, she blew her nose then turned to me. "No Zelena, it's my turn to take care of you. You're pregnant and you need my help." She said smiling at me, I knew this would only distract her from Robin so I agreed, even though this was my job.


3 Days Later

"Regina!" Zelena wailed, I ran into her room and found her hunched over the trash can vomiting. "Okay, let it out." I whispered, rubbing her back and tying her thick hair back. She gasped and leaned back, wiping her forehead off. "Zelena how far along are you?" I asked resting my hand on her tiny stomach, she rested her hands on mine and cleared her throat. "Four months." She said, rubbing her eyes, I opened my mouth to say something but the doorbell's high pitched ring interrupted me.

I picked up a crying Cecilia and opened the door to see Robin standing on my porch with a bouquet of flowers. "Can we talk?" He asked, I pursed my lips and nodded, letting him inside. I walked him to the couch and sat next to him on the couch. "Can I hold Cecilia?" He asked setting the flowers down, I nodded and handed her over to him, he cradled her in his arms then looked back up at me. "Regina, I am so sorry, Henry was absolutely right, I have been nothing but a complete jerk and totally unfair towards you. I told you that we would figure this out together and I have not done that. I had not been the Robin that you know and I am determined to win you back Regina, and treat you properly." He said holding our daughter close to him, I smiled and grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Robin, you don't need to win me back, you just told me that you didn't appreciate me and it was just extremely frustrating. And I had nothing to do with Will's death, I promise." I said looking into his eyes, he nodded then pulled me into a hug, kissing my forehead. "I know Regina, I never should have blamed you. I am so incredibly sorry." He cried, I rubbed his back and closed my eyes, I missed him so much. "I am so tired of being angry at you. Please come home." I said smiling at him, he looked at me with shock. "Robin, we got into a fight, this probably won't be our last one, but I'm not going to give up on us because I love you." I said, he smiled then leaned in and kissed me softly. "I love you too."

"Regina!" Zelena called, I giggled and stood up, leaving Robin on the couch. "Can you watch her please?" I asked running up the stairs, Zelena was hunched in a ball on the bathroom floor, her rosy complexion now a sickly grey color. "Okay Zelena, lets get you up." I helped her to her feet, she slumped into me and started sobbing, I felt bad, morning sickness really knew how to ruin your day. I set her down in the bed and pulled the sheets over her, then set a cold pack on her head. I sat there for a while until it looked like she was falling asleep, I was about to get up when I heard her croak. "Regina I'm scared." I tilted my head then placed my hand on hers. "What if I'm not meant to be a mother? You saw what I could become, what if I damage my baby? I can't do it Regina! I can't keep my baby!" She cried, my eyes widened and I sat back down next to her, brushing the hair away from her face. "Zelena, listen to me. You are not that woman anymore. Do you think the Wicked Witch of the West would have taken care of me, delivered my baby, then fallen in love? You are a woman more then fitting to be a mother! When you see your baby, an incredible amount of love will surface for it. Don't be scared, I am with you, I will never leave your side."

I got up and went into my bedroom to grab something when I heard yelling downstairs, Cecilia started crying which meant Robin was involved. I raced downstairs and saw Henry yelling at Robin who was trying to calmly explain himself. "Henry! Henry it's okay! We are okay!" I said pulling him away from Robin. He swung around and looked at me exasperated. "Mom!" He yelled, I smiled and nodded which made him calm down, nodding back at me. He turned towards Robin and then walked up to him slowly. "This is your second chance. Don't blow it." Then he walked away.

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