Redfinch ✅

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Very short because it's getting late and I have important tests early tomorrow-

Based on the image above and other drawings by @/crystalizedtwilight on tumblr

Albert burst into the lodging and stomped around furiously. It wasn't fair. It seemed like everywhere he went there were couples. Jack and Davey. Jack and Katherine. (hey how come Jack gets *two* partners??). Buttons was going out with Elmer. Race and Spot. I mean even Romeo had managed to get Specs to fall for him!

But nobody ever notice Albert in any way other than as a brother or friend.

He huffed around angrily for a bit, making sure that the only person in the lodging, a tall dark haired boy named Finch, wasn't looking

Finch lazily shot a wad of paper at him with his slingshot. "Lighten up, Albert" he twirled his sling shot in emphasis. Apparently he had noticed anyways. Maybe it was that obvious he was upset...

Albert stalked over to him. "Ise don't feel very bright, why should I? Hmm??" He crossed his arms as if his statement made total sense. He was determined to stay mad about this as long as he could.

Finch glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. "Why?" Finish patted a spot on the bed, motioning for Albert to sit down "what's up?"

Albert sighed and sat down on the bed, resting his elbows on his knees. He was only a little upset about being treated like a kid, he really wanted someone to complain to, especially Finch. "It's just not fair!"

"What's not?"

Al put his head in his hands. "Ise just mean, Jack gets to date Davey *and* Kath, which is so not fair. And then everyone else gots a partner, even Romeo wears down some poor soul, he's has been on more dates than me! Like it's *sooooo* easy."

He paused for a second to breathe "but *god forbid* I want *one person* to notice me, and now half the house is off on dates and I'm sittin here like ain't even been kissed!" He sighed.

"I'll kiss you." Finch didn't even look away from his slingshot straight in front of him.

He said it so casually that Albert thought he miss heard him.

"..What..?" Albert asked in a voice nearly above a whisper.

"I'll kiss you if you want" Finch restated in a firm yet surprisingly calm voice.

Albert felt like his brain was lagging. Was he hearing this right?

"..I can't tell if you're joking.." Albert admitted, his brain was in shambles. But Finch wasn't more than a friend? They were just two friends curing boredom and curiosity....right?

Finch sat up and looked at Albert, swinging his legs over the side of the bed to sit next to him. They were so close that their shoulders were almost touching.

"I. Will." He stated, looking into Albert's eyes, "kiss you. If you want me to."

Albert was speechless. He felt as if his brain was put into a salad spinner (brrrrrr brrrrrrr{I'm really tired}). He couldn't even form words properly so just nodded his head a bit.

Finch grabbed Al's face gently and brought it up to his, glancing quickly at Al's lips before closing his eyes and connecting them. Albert was in shock, it was like fireworks were going off inside him.

Soon, a bit too soon in Al's opinion, Finch pulled away. Albert was visibly starstruck with this sort of dazed look in his eyes.

Finch chuckled, "We can do that again if you'd like."

Albert's face went redder than his hair. "I mean! Well-! If *you* want to!"
Woo another fic. Most of this comes from the drawings previously mentioned cause I don't feel like being original this evening

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