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🚫Trigger warnings🚫: homophobia, abusive parents, queer used negatively, conversion therapy/camp mentioned, minor self harm, and a lot of self hatred and internalized homophobia.

I'm listening to music in other languages so I don't get caught up in lyrics lol


Davey walked into the kitchen of his family's house to get breakfast ready for Les. He was a bit startled to find his parents awake and sitting around the small wooden kitchen table. He was even more worried by the upset look on their faces.

"David." His father said, his tone was full of hate, "explain this." His father slid an opened letter across the table to him. He looked to the letter, it was addressed to Davey from- oh no- it was from Jack. His face grew red and he felt his heart drop.

With a shaken hand he picked up the letter and read it, it was a pretty sweet note from Jack about how much he appreciated Davey and how lucky he felt to be with him.

Davey looked up to his parents again, his mother was fanning herself with her hand and she looked like she just learnt her son had died, and he might as well have.

"David, how could you do this to us!" His mother cried.

Davey sat down and put his head in his hands, tears streamed down his face.

"Have you been poisoned? Have you lost your mind!" His father yelled, "how dare you join those- those queers!"

His mother had tears in her eyes, "what happened to that lovely girl you liked a year ago?"

"Ma, you know she got a boyfriend! I moved on."

"To b-bo- I can't even say it!" His mom looked at him with a look as if she saw staring at some sort of monster.

"Pack your bags," his father commanded.

"What- where-"

"I said pack you bags! We're taking you to get corrected." His father demanded.

Davey went to his room, and started packing a suitcase even thought his eyes stung with tears.

The door to his shared room creaked opened, "Hey Davey- wait why are you packing? What's going on..?" His sister, Sarah, quickly closed the door behind her, panick was creeping into her voice as she looked at the bag Davey was packing.

Davey crumpled onto the bed and let out a muffled sob. "They found out... about... about Jack.." he managed to get out those few words before burring his face into the covers of his bed.

Sarah gasped, she was the only person who knew about Jack and she herself was in a relationship with Katherine Pulitzer, a reporter who helped them during the strike. She immediately ran out and tried to beg their parents not to make them leave, but to no avail.

~time skips and a pov change (crazy ik)~

Jack sat on the edge of Race's bed at the lodging, shuffling a deck of cards, a nervous habit of his. He stared intently at the cards as he lined them up, a frown plastered on his face.

"Hey, Jack?" His blonde friend, Crutchie, called to him. Crutchie was limping over to sit next to him, walking through the lodging beds with a little difficulty.

"Hmm..?" Jack snapped his attention away from the cards as if broken from a trance. "What's up?"

Crutchie paused, "are you ok? You've seen distant lately.. like something's bothering you."

Jack sighed, "it's- it's Davey... he hasn't been here to sell lately and I'm worried about him.."

Crutchie looked sympathetic, and he started to say something, no doubt something sweet and comforting, but before he could Racetrack interrupted. "He probably just got too busy having a family, and school." Race sat quickly onto his bed, kicking Jack a little in the process.

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