Javid/ parents ✅

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Little mini oneshot I had floating in my head since I found out that the newsies existed before the boyfriend/girlfriend terms existed ❤️
So here's them using historical terms ❤️
Can be read as either 1992 javid or livesies

One mention of sexual content


The Jacobs family say around their dinner table, finishing the meal that Esther and Sarah had made and chatting as usual.

"So Davey," Mayor exclaimed, "when are you going to get yourself a Belle?" (Girlfriend)

Davey turned a little red and looked down at his plate, "oh come on.."

His mother turned to him and smiled, "one of my friends has a daughter your age! You should meet her, she a lovely girl."

Davey sighed, "mamma..."

Esther turned to Sarah, "what about you Sarah?"

Sarah looked up, "Am I going to get myself a Belle?"

Esther chuckled, "No dear, I mean have you got yourself a sweetheart? I know some fine young men who would court a woman like you."

"Bet the dowery would be better than all the other girls, Sarah." Davey joked,

Sarah shoved him playfully, "you quit that,"

Mayor frowned, "Don't you think you're a bit too young, Sarah?"

"I'm older than Davey!" She exclaimed, laughing.

"Besides, I don't want a public courtship or anything." She shrugged,

Later when Davey and Sarah were alone in their room they sat on the bed next to each other.

"I wonder if they'd be mad," Sarah said,


"Momma and pa, would they be mad if they knew that we had sweethearts but not-" she paused, "but not the right ones."

Davey let that sink in, 'not the right ones'

"I'm sure they'd still love us," he smiled reassuringly, "besides, I think they're worth it."

He sighed softly, thinking of his lover, Jack.

Sarah smiled as well, no doubt think of Katherine.

"They really are,"

-time skip- (next part is based loosely off of a fic from tumblr/ao3)

A tap rattled on the window next to David bed, as he groggily awoke. Then again.

He looked over and saw the silhouette of a familiar wannabe cowboy at his window. He scrambled over and opened the creaky glass pane.

"What are you doing here?" He crinkled his nose, "and why are you soaking wet?"

Jack laughed, "lost a bet and Race pushed me into  water.. look I need somewhere to stay for the night, it's going to be too cold for me on the roof and the lodgings full.." he looked sheepishly as he asked, "plus these are my only clothes and they're uh.. soaked" he scratched his head

Davey laughed, "yea, here you can borrow some of my clothes. Does Crutchie have somewhere to be?" David walked to his dresser and pulled out a spare undershirt and other clothes for Jack to wear.

Jack trudged into the Jacobs's bathroom and changed out of his soaked clothes, hanging them up to dry carefully.

After he was done he went back into davey's shared room and looked around, "where the rest of the trio?" He asked

Davey shrugged, "Les is with my aunt, he wanted to see her really badly and my mother was going over to chat anyways, and Sarah's over at a school friends for the night." He lied down on the bed and patted a spot for Jack to lay next to him.

Jack followed and rested his head on Davey's chest, listening to his heartbeat slowly until he fell asleep.

The next morning Jack awoke to the a gasp. He looked up groggily to see David's parents staring at them. He quickly sat up and looked around, realizing that there was no way of escaping this. His heart beat quickly and he turned to Davey, who was still asleep next to him.

He shook Davey, who grumbled sleepily, "what is it, dearest."

Jack blushed, "your parents!"

Davey shot up, his eyes sprinting between his parents and Jack in his bed. "Oh-!"

His parents stood, shock on their faces. His mom's face turned pink and she turned around to fan her face. "David!"

"Momma, I'm so sorry I can explain I! I swear I'm not - I'm not-"

"You're not what?" Mayor asked,

Jack got defensive, "what so you're just gonna hate him because he likes a man instead of a girl?" Jack swung his legs over the side of the bed so he was sitting on the edge, "he's still your son!"

Mayor and Esther momentarily stopped their panicking, "what?" Esther said,

"Well because Jack's... you know.." Davey squeaked,

Mayor's eyes widened in horror, "no! No! We don't care about that David!"

His mother nodded in agreement, "we just that- well Davey you're 16 you really shouldn't be-" Esther winced and turned redder, fanning her face even more. She waved her hands around descriptively.

Davey turned redder than a tomato, "No! Momma it's not like that! I swear!"

"David he's wearing your clothes! He's in your bed!" His father cried,

Jack stared, "oh. OH-" he turned a similar shade of pink, but laughed. "Nah, I wish. Dave's practically a saint. He let me borrow his clothes cause mine got soaked, and I slept here cause of the cold. Nothin more, nothin less."

His parents stopped, "oh that's a relief." Esther sighed, "well you better get going before it's too late to sell." She said,

"Yea go grab your clothes, love." Davey said, flopping back down on the bed.

When they were walking down the street to Newsies Square, Davey smiled at Jack. "Did you really tell my parents to their face that you wished you had slept with me?"

Jack coughed, "whoops?"


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