Karah/Newsbian / walks✅

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Sarah sat on her bed, patching one of Les's socks when she heard footsteps from the fire escape. She assumed it was probably Jack, clamoring up the steps to talk to Davey, who has groggily reading a book. But then a knock came on her window. She looked up.

Katherine Plumber was standing anxiously at the window, fiddling with the hem of her skirt. Sarah opened the window and stuck her head out. "Can I help you, Kath?" She smiled politely

Katherine smiled back at her, a look Sarah couldn't quite read in her green eyes. (I've decided Kath's eyes are green now.) "uhm.. I just, I needed someone to talk to and- and I didn't know who else to come to..."

"Oh, well in that case." She smiled and turned around "David! Can I borrow your clothes, I'm gonna go for a walk with Katherine."

Davey looked up from his book. "Yea, but not my good shirt I need that one." He waved at Kath and went back to reading.

A few moment later Sarah had pulled a shirt and pants on over her corset and shifts/combinations. She climbed out the window and walked down the stairs and streets with Katherine.

Eventually they wandered into a park and sat down on the grass, watching some ducks in a pond. "So, what's on your mind?" Sarah asked

Katherine sighed, "well it's just.. a lot of pressure is on me to write this story for the children's crusade, and convince Bill and Darcy, not to mention hope that the janitor or someone doesn't tell my father. And Crutchie's still in the refuge, even if we can somehow manage to win the strike we still can't help all those poor kids in the jail." She dug her fingers into her hair.

Sarah looked at Kath, taking in how the moon light reflected onto her skin, making her look all the more beautiful.

Katherine groaned, "not to mention a certain cowboy-" Sarah laughed

"That Jack! He's always flirting with me or something, have you seen the looks he gives me?" Sarah chuckled,

"I do see them actually," Kath grumbled, "it's also a reason why we broke up. He's always flirting-"

"You guys broke up??" Sarah gasped.

Katherine laughed, "yea, I broke things off.. he's clearly not into me, he wants to be, but he isn't."

Katherine looked into Sarah's eyes, and saw Sarah looking straight back. They both drew slowly forward, before long they were almost touching. Katherine's eyes flickered to Sarah's lips and she slowly closed the gap between them.

Sarah felt like butterflies were flying in her organs. She stood perfectly still, frozen with shock and confusion. Then Katherine pulled away, looking panicked. "I'm so sorry Sarah! I- i-"

Sarah stared, a blank look of confusion on her face. Then back at kath "you kissed me?"

Katherine nodded,

"On the lips" Sarah whispered, looking down at the ground.

"We don't have to talk about it" Kath hurriedly said.

Sarah looked back up at her and gave her a small sweet peck on the lips. "I'd rather talk about it, kitty."

Katherine blushed at that nickname and smiled, "I just thought since- well- and most people think it's wrong. Or that it's against Christianity or-"

Sarah giggled, "Katherine I'm Jewish.." she put her hand over Kaths

Kath blushed even more, "yea, I know, sorry I-"

Sarah smiled and kissed her again. "It's getting late, kitty. Better head home."

Yea lesbians

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