Redfinch/ drinks ‼️

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‼️= sexual topics and drinking

In which Albert gets really drunk lol
(It's after midnight when I'm starting this so pray I don't fall asleep before I finish)

This isn't necessarily a modern au, but Finch owns an apartment of sorts/a room at least (maybe a few newsies are roommates?) and isn't dirt poor.... they're over 18 btw

Finch stood awkwardly near the corner of the bar, holding a glass of whiskey. His friends and boyfriend, Albert, were all chatting, slightly scattered about, and drinking. But Finch was standing and awaiting someone to come talk to him first, because decisions are hard.

He felt a body come up and hug him from the side, and he jumped, turning around to see who it was. A very drunk Albert has wrapped his arms around Finch and was now hastily pressing kisses to his neck.

"Red, what are you doing?" Finch twisted himself to try and get Albert off but he persisted. Finch knew that Albert enjoyed drinking, but he'd never actually seen him drunk.

Albert looked up at the taller boy, while rubbing him arm around Finch's torso and arms. "You're really hot, you know that?" He began kissing his neck again, this time closer to his jaw. He paused briefly, "we should totally-"

"Albert I'm not sleeping with you." Finch detached Albert's arms from around him and brought the boy to face him.

Albert pouted, "why nooott?"

Finch snorted, "cause you're drunk!" He patted Red and ruffled his hair.

Albert huffed, and then tried to kiss him.

Finch grew a little more defensive, "Albert stop! I'm serious."

Albert crossed him arms drunkenly, "oh come on, babe. You're totally enjoying this."

"Albert," Finch said sternly, "not when you're drunk. You're not in your right mind and it doesn't feel right to extort that."

He gave Albert a quick peck on the cheek and watched as the red head whined.

Eventually Finch followed Albert over to where Race, Spot, Mush, Buttons, and Specs were chatting at the bar. Finch took a seat next to Mush who waved at him. "Heya Finch!"

"Hey, Mush! How's it going I-" he was cut off my Albert stumbling into the seat next to him.

"Oh are you ok, Red?" Finch tried to hide a smile.

Albert pouted again and whined, "the stools are too far apart :(" (hey he audibly he did a frowny face)

Finch sighed and grabbed Albert's stool and brought it closer to him, so Al would calm down.

"That better?" Finch glanced at Albert who was staring at him with big, love sick eyes.

"Did I ever tell you how sexy you are?" Albert asked, "I'm sure you have at som-" "your eyes and face and" Albert sucked in a breath, "body... they make me want to do unspeakabl-" Finch was turning as red as Albert's hair.

"Hey let's not say that in front of friends, ay Albert?" He smiled. Albert just shrugged.

After a little bit of talking Albert decided he was bored, and started to reach for Finch's whiskey.

"Heyy," Finch took the glass away from him, "you're drunk enough already, no need for my drink, love."

Albert frowned and tried to grab the glass from out of Finch's hands, to no avail. "What if I just kissed you? Hmm?" Albert tried to kiss Finch but was held back.

"Albert!" Finch firmly pushed him back into his seat, pressing his back to the back of the chair. "Not now."

Albert's response was a soft moan, he bit his lip.

Finch went red. He could see Mush and Specs staring from his peripheral vision, he stared at Albert. "Do you always get so horny when you're drunk?" He asked him.

Albert smiled, "wouldn't you like to know."

He grabbed Finch's arm and led his hand into Albert's red curls, cupping his face slightly as he set his head on to the counter.

Finch continued his other conversations whilst playing with Albert hair, talking to Mush and Specs about whatever current events were taking place with the Newsies. After a bit he heard Albert whining and looked back at him. "What's up, Red. Use your words"

Albert glanced into Finch's eyes, "I want to be closer to you." He pouted. He then crawled into Finch's lap and smiled, "you're verrrrryy hot, Finch."

Finch sighed, "thanks,"

Albert started trailing kissed down Finch's neck and sucking on his collar bone specifically.

Finch detached him, "Albert, no."

The redhead frowned, "but I thought that turned you on." Finch coughed, and turned an interesting shade of red.

"Albert! We are in public!" He looked around and saw only Mush giving him odd glances.

Albert stared silently at Finch for a few moments, a serious look on his face, before declaring "you're very sexy Finch."

"You too, Albert." Finch laughed slightly.

"Mmm I love to-" Albert started swaying his hip a little on top of Finch's lap.

"Al, stop." Finch smirked a little and grabbed Albert's hips to keep them in place.

Albert groaned, "mmm, I'm very hard right now Finch." He licked his lips as he looked at Finch, who had turned bright red.

"Jesus, Albert. What the fuck." He glanced embarrassedly at Mush who was snickering.

Finch sighed, "I think it's time for us to go," he picked up Albert, who clung onto him tightly, and their belongings. "Great seeing you guys."

- at the room -

Finch dumped a giggling Albert onto his bed and sighed, "come on, let me take off your vest."

Albert let out a little love sick sigh, "I'd let you take off way more than that." He gave Finch very sloppy finger guns.

Finch laughed, "no, not while your drunk love." He unbuttoned Albert's vest and put it away. He crawled into bed beside Albert and closed his eyes.

He felt Albert hug him, and then start softly grinding again his leg. He turned over and moved away, "Albert please, for the love of god go to sleep."

Albert looked at him directly in the eyes, then kissed him once slowly, and grunted. "Mmm finchiloveyou" I slurred drunkenly.

Finch sighed, "I don't even want to know if you just came- go to sleep dumbass." Finch rolled over. It's Albert's problem, not his. (Oh how sinful of me)

-the next morning-

Albert awoke with a splitting headache, he felt like he was being stabbed with very thin needles. He groaned and pressed his hands to his head.

He heard the door open and close and a small chuckle from Finch, his wonderful boyfriend. Finch walked over and handed him a glass of water and some medicine. "Here take this,"

Albert gratefully took the water and drank it, swallowing the pills and leaning back. He sighed and stared and Finch. Finch smiled, "I'll take it you probably need a new pair of boxers as well.." Finch chuckled and Albert stared at him before registering something.

He turned very red, "oh-" he stuttered, "what the fuck happened last night?" Finch laughed a placed a kiss on top of his forehead

Every time I write Redfinch I get possessed lol

Idk why I wrote this lol sorry absbgsvegd

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