Episode 19

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please nuella just go , don't visit Anna

" thank you so much for the food" she said

" you are welcome my dear" they replied

She checked her time then covered her mouth with her palm

" omg . I really need to go now. I will surely visit again " she said

" ok my darling . Good bye dear" they all hugged her.

" Anna would kill you" Ryan said

" that's true. How could you forget to visit your best friend " mr grande said laughing

" oh God. How can i forget, I will visit her right now" she said

She walked out and I followed her, then my dads assistant followed with a video recorder since everyone can't size Anna's room.my dad followed

They all including Ryan watched from the projector, they saw us right from when we entered Anna's room

" Anna it's been so long" she said but Anna didn't respond. I smiled

She looked at doctor Tim

" give me her health record" she said and doctor Tim gave it to her

" Anna has been like this for longer than usual.this is not normal, she only had an accident" she said then gave her bag to her assistant then she turned to Tim

" tell me. What is her treatment routine " she said

" she has passed the stage of treatment, we are now giving her drips that would strengthen her muscles and help her wake up " doc Tim said

" which energy drip " nuella said

" just the ones in the hospital nothing much" he said

" oh ok. This one here" she said then picked a bag of drip on the table

" yes ? Exactly that one " doctor tim said

" so do you mix anything" she said

" no, we just give her like that" he said

" ok you just hang it like this" she said removing the old one and hanging the new one. Doctor Tim nodded

" just like that" he said

Nuella nodded then picked the microscope, my heart fell into my stomach

" don't mind me, am just being a doctor" she says

He nodded

" so how come the colour is different, u just said u don't mix anything"She said

" what are you saying , are you trying to frame me? Scientifically drips can change color, if you want you can look at the other one" he said

My dad took the microscope then looked at other drips

" they are all different nuella, it might be the weather" he said

I smiled, thank God I infected them all early today

" oh is it? I am so sorry. Hope you don't mind me borrowing this" she said then she ran out with the drip. The camera guy followed her.

Nuella ran into the hospital store and took another drip exactly the same then she walked into the lab where Ethan the lab technician sat.

" I want to see the difference in the reaction of these two drips on your samples" she said

" ok , I would use rats" he said and she nodded

Ethan carefully injected a tiny amount of each drip into the rats and almost immediately one rat died but the other was still jumping

" it died due to weakness and only one drug with pure colour can do this. Hyemaclux "

" hyemaclux" him and Nuella said at the same time

I almost fell down in shock. Mr grande was surprised

" sir we don't know how it happened, maybe it was the drip changer who sneaked into the room" doc Tim said

" from now on you will no longer take care of Anna. Doctor tony is now in charge " mr grande said

He nodded

"New drips will arrive from India only for Anna. All drips in her room must be burnt. Security will be tightened and I will start my investigation. The offender must face my wrath " my dad said

He then hugged nuella

" thank you so much my child" he said

And that was it, she rushed out with her guards after running my plans

Wait it's the same girl. There is no way she just found out about all this now. Thank God I let her go that day. That means she actually came to save Anna not kill her.

I wonder who she is. I really want to thank her.
I rushed out of the hospital, got to the gate but she was already gone.

Thank you so much , who ever you are.

I better head home, I am traveling for my health mission tomorrow. I need to rest up.

I got a text from assistant that someone from the company wanted to meet me. What now

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