Chapter 95

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It was almost midday on Sunday, and Natasha, Bucky, and Wanda were all still deeply asleep, exhausted from their early morning return. Wanda had remained largely silent during the drive home, Natasha was aware that the car wasn't the best time to have a talk with Wanda about the red room so she decided to hold off until they had gotten home and got some rest. The kids had shared things about the red room, but Natasha knew there was more to it especially with Wanda whatever she hadn't yet spoken about was eating her alive and Natasha didn't want her to continue suffering.

AJ was seated at the table, working on her homework, when Steve entered the room, carrying bags of groceries just back from shopping. Tommy entered the room behind him, looking mischievous. He proceeded to ruffle AJ's hair, which she promptly slapped away, "Leave me alone"

Tommy chuckled at her reaction, clearly enjoying getting on her nerves. "Ooh, someone's grumpy today," he teased.

AJ expressed her annoyance with a frustrated huff, not finding Tommy's behavior humorous. "T, just fuck off," she groaned, causing him to laugh even more.

Steve witnessed the exchange and couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Ava, mind your language," he reprimanded, then turning to Tommy, "And you, stop bothering your sister."

Steve resumed unpacking the groceries with Tommy's help.

"Where's Nat? She normally goes shopping with you on Sundays" Tommy asked.

"She's still asleep. She and Buck had to go and pick up Wanda late last night."

Tommy and AJ's expressions immediately turned to concern, "Why is she okay?", "What happened?" They both asked at the same time.

Steve paused in his task of unpacking the groceries to address the concerned kids. He placed the items he was holding down and looked at them reassuringly. "She's fine, kiddos," he stated calmly, attempting to alleviate their worry. "She was just a little upset and wanted to come home. There's no need for you two to stress about it." Steve was aware of the strong bond between AJ, Tommy, and Wanda, even though they often bickered and quarreled. The trio's protective nature toward one another was evident, and Steve understood this dynamic well.
"Just don't press okay, if she wants to talk about it with you guys she will if she doesn't then leave it be"

Tommy and AJ nodded in acknowledgment, their concerns confirmed. They had a strong suspicion that the Red Room's trauma was haunting Wanda. The Red Room was a source of unease for all three of them. Despite having good days, there were still times when they found themselves involuntarily revisiting the painful memories associated with that place. Moving past it was easier said than done, even if they were much happier now.

Once Natasha had freshened up and was ready for the day, she made her way to Wanda's room, hoping to have a talk with her. She stood in the doorway, watching as Wanda dried her hair at the vanity after her shower. Natasha gently asked, "Hey Wands,
do you mind if I come in?"

Wanda looked up at her mother and nodded, "You can come in," she responded, giving Natasha her full attention.

Natasha closed the door, shutting out the rest of the world, so it was just her and Wanda.
She then took a seat at the end of Wanda's bed, gently patting the spot next to her, indicating for Wanda to join her.

Wanda let out a sigh as she settled down next to Natasha on the bed. "I'm sorry for making you guys come and get me," she confessed. "I was just being stupid."

Natasha firmly shook her head, refusing to let Wanda dismiss her feelings. "That's not gonna fly today," she stated firmly. "Whenever you're upset, you tend to try and brush it off by saying it's just stupid. We're not doing that now. Today, we're talking about our feelings, okay?"

Wanda sighed in resignation, realizing that there was no escape from the impending conversation. She knew her mom well enough to recognize that when Natasha had made up her mind about something, there was simply no point in arguing. In that respect, Wanda was wiser than her younger sister.

Natasha looked deeply into Wanda's eyes and spoke clearly. "Wands, it's a lot to ask, but I need you to tell me everything that happened at the Red Room. I won't settle for half-truths or missing details. If you want to move past this, I need to know it all."

Wanda's brow furrowed as she protested the perceived unfairness. "That's not fair," she argued. "Why just me? You don't make Tommy and AJ reveal everything. They also skip over details when they recount what happened in the Red Room."

Natasha let out a heavy sigh, her gaze unwavering on Wanda. "Tommy and AJ have been opening up more, particularly in their therapy sessions. They've made considerable progress, even if not directly to me. But you, Wanda, you still refuse to talk. If you don't want to talk to Dr. Raynor, then you'll speak to me."

"It's your decision," Natasha continued, her voice firm yet filled with concern. "But I can't just stand by and watch you suffer any longer."

Wanda's voice was soft but determined as she spoke. "I don't want to talk to Dr. Raynor about it," she confessed. "She doesn't understand the way you do. You've been there, you understand the Red Room... better than any therapist could."

"Then talk to me Detka" Natasha reassured her as she took Wanda's hand in her own.

Despite her initial reluctance, Wanda found the words pouring out after she began. She shared everything, from the moment she was informed she was in the Red Room to the purpose of her existence – to produce an enhanced child in partnership with Tommy, all to fulfill the Red Room's desires- Wanda relayed the details of the prophecy, the revelation about her role as the Scarlet Witch and Tommy's as the Sentry, and the alleged power they possessed together. Wanda shared the depths of her torment with her mom. She spoke about Dreykov's manipulative tactics, how he made her believe her family wanted nothing to do with her. Wanda recounted the moments when she lashed out at the guards, leading to her being isolated in a solitary cell. With a heavy heart, she revealed the atrocities the guards subjected her to, forcing her to endure actions against her will. She talked about how despite feeling so disgusting and horrible after what had happened , a part of her was glad she ended up in a cell because AJ ended up being right next door. She had been seperated from AJ not knowing was killing her but hearing AJs voice put her mind at ease.

As Wanda reached the end of her confession, tears streamed down both her and Natasha's faces. With every word, Wanda's burden lightened, providing a sense of relief. Natasha swiftly enveloped her in a tight embrace, holding her close as they both cried.
Natasha's heart was filled with a potent mix of emotions – anger, guilt, and profound pain for her daughter's suffering. Beneath it all, a deep well of pride coursed through her for the strength Wanda had summoned to share her painful experiences, despite the difficulty.

"I'm so proud of you Wanda" Natasha whispered before kissing the girl on the head, "you feel better?"

Wanda nodded, "So much"

A/N: A cute little heart to heart with Natasha and Wanda, long overdue.
Thank you for reading🫡

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