Chapter 3

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A week had passed and I was settling into camp. I made sure to do my chores and keep Miss Grimshaw happy. Sometimes I went out and brought back deer for Mr Pearson and I had aquatinted most people in the camp. It started to feel like I belonged somewhere and that was nice, I pulled my weight but so did everyone else and there were actually some people my age to talk to. Since my mother died, I spent all my time looking after my father that I didn't have time for friends so it was nice now to be with people like Sadie.

I was scrubbing some dishes from last nights dinner when I saw Arthur go over to his horse. "Arthur!" I called and walked over to him. We had not spoken much, he said hello when he saw me but for some reason I wanted him to talk to me more.

"Oh hey y/n." He said with a small smile while strapping his saddle on his horse. It was a black shire, much bigger than my horse.

"Where are you off to?" I asked. It seemed random but I wanted to go out.

"There's a stage coach South of here. Some rich opera singer I was told about." He explained and pulled out a brush to brush his horse. One thing I had noticed was that he took good care of his horse.

"Can I come?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow.

"You ever robbed a stage coach before?" Arthur asked me like he already knew the answer.

"No but I used to pick pocket rich folk when I lived in London. Although I was a lot smaller then." I knew my point was not a strong one but I was desperate to go out on an adventure.

He sighed "Listen y/n you seem a nice girl but-"

"I won't be any trouble! I'll help distract them so you won't need to shoot anyone. You may be good with a gun Mr Morgan but I have English charm." I told him with a smile.

"Come on then." He said reluctantly.

I grinned and got on my horse. It was obvious Arthur preferred to do things solo but I was determined to show him I could be useful.

We rode out of camp and south towards Blackwater. I looked around admiring the scenery, it was a nice sunny day and I could spot deer running away as we rode down the path.

"That horse have a name?" He called over to me.

"I'm not sure yet. I nicked her from a dead O'Driscoll." I shrugged. That was a good point, what should I name this beautiful horse?

"How'd you end up there anyway?" He asked me, he spoke loudly over sound off hooves striking the dirt.

"My dad borrowed some money he would never be able to pay back. They killed him and took me to do the washing and cleaning for them. I was trapped in that cabin for about a week before you came." I explained to him, maybe that was one of the reasons I wanted to come with Arthur. I didn't mind doing chores at camp but I wanted to do more with my life that cleaning. I hated how people assumed just because I was a woman that was all I was good for.

"We'll I'm sorry to hear that." Something about the way he said that sounded really genuine but I shrugged it off because I didn't want the conversation to go all sad.

"He was a drunk old fool anyway." I said dismissively. Even though I resented my father for how he acted towards the end, I still mourned for him, part of me would give anything to go back to the way life was before my mother died. "How long have you been with Dutch?" I asked.

"Around 20 years. Probably too long. Dutch and Hosea are like fathers to me." His answer surprised me, I assumed he'd been there a while but twenty years was a long old time.

The Lucky Ones - Arthur Morgan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now