Chapter 6

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I tried so hard to act nice like a lady
You showed me that it was good to be crazy

Summer was certainly here, the breeze that rustled through the trees carried bird song and the smell of all the flowers and plants along with it. The sun warmed my face as I stood by Pearson's wagon peeling and chopping carrots for tonight's stew. My attention was drawn off by Jack as he ran up to John.

"Papa can you play with me?" He asked excited to see his father. John was often on a mission, him and Arthur were planning something.

John looked down at Jack as if he didn't know what to do with him. "Not now kiddo I've got things to do."

"You always have things to do!" Jack complained. "You can help me make a necklace for mama out of flowers, or we can play hide and seek, or we can-"

"Jack I said not now." He sighed and Jack ran off back to Abigail.

I didn't realise but I started chopping harder making a thud, thud, thud on the table.

John looked over at me "What's up with you

I sighed. "My heart breaks for that poor boy." I looked over to check Jack was out of ear shot "You could at-least try to make him feel like he's wanted. I know what it's like to have a dad who doesn't care it's awful John, at least I was old enough to understand why, he's just a kid."

John frowned defensively "I'll take parenting lessons from you when you have kids of your own."

"He'll be the one you'll want to take care of you when you're old, John, remember that." I said simply and went back to chopping my carrots.

I finished up and moved onto turnips when Micah came over to be, I visibly rolled my eyes in annoyance without meaning to. Even when I kept quiet, I had been told my face was as readable as a large shop sign.

"Hey y/n." He said leaning on the table by the wagon.

"Hello Micah." I replied flatly and began peeling turnips.

"You know how to handle that huh?" He smirked.

"Don't make me sick." I shot him a look and carried on then swiftly chopped it into little pieces "Consider that a warning."

He only laughed but I wasn't joking and when I looked over I saw Arthur was brushing his horse, Blackjack, but he was watching. "Hey I was only joking lady." He said moving forward and he joined me behind the table that was separating us. "You make me feel things y/n."

"Leave me alone." I glared at him as he looked at my body with hungry eyes, I was cornered in by the table and had no means of escape. Surely he wouldn't actually do anything though?

"Hey come on, I'd love to see what's under that skirt of yours." He smirked and went in for a grab.

I pounced at him like a wildcat. "Get the hell off me you ugly scrawny bastard!" I yelled hitting him any where I could. I was not even trying to fight him in self defence I just felt so angry and violated.

He quickly backed away from the wagon but I followed him pounding him with my fists. Weak but passionate attempts to make this fool leave me alone. By this point Arthur had come over and so had Pearson who restrained me holding me back with ease. "Let go of me!" I yelled trying to kick and wriggle my way out.

"For God sake calm down, woman!" Pearson grumbled trying to hold me back.

Arthur pinned him against the wagon "You touch the lady again and it will be the last time you have hands you hear me?"

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