Chapter 25

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Sean's death had set a new sense of vulnerability in everyone. We were hated across the country and there was no reason why any one of us could  not be next. He was a good man, he always made fun of me for being English but he brought a lot of laughter to the camp. I regretted not getting to know him better. My heart ached for Karen, the had a strange relationship but they cared for each other in their own Karen and Sean way.

As we returned to camp everyone was crowded around Dutch who was yelling at everyone to calm down. When Dutch saw us return, he immediately walked over. "Have you seen Jack?"

Before we could answer Abigail rushed over. "Where's my son? They took him didn't they, they took my son!" Her eyes were wide with panic.

"Who took him?" I asked, this day seemed like shock after shock and I was in a constant state of fight or flight.

"We think the Braithwaite woman took him." Hosea told us, pointing in the general direction of Braithwaite manor. "Kieran saw a couple of fellas that sounded like Braithwaite boys, I think the dog was with him. We heard barking and men yelling."

I called Rufus over and he plodded over to me, his mouth was bloody and he seemed to be chewing on something.

"Maybe the damn wolf ate him." Micah suggested and I shot him a look.

"He wouldn't," I shook my head and Abigail nodded in agreement. I bent down and pulled a bit of fabric covered in blood from his mouth. "This looks like Braithwaite uniform...well from what I can make of it."

"Maybe Rufus tried to defend him." Arthur suggested.

"I've watched that dog play nicely with my boy for weeks I know it ain't him." Abigail said firmly giving Micah a look. "Where is my son Dutch Van Der Linde!"

"We will find him, we will bring him back to you. We will kill any fool that had the temerity to touch one hair on that boys head! Abigail you have my word." Dutch spoke loud and clear in situations like this. Stepping up as our strong leader.

By this time John had walked over. "I will get that boy back so help me God. Right now!" Dutch, Arthur and John began to walk towards the horses and I followed. I loved that boy like my own and was already imagining killing everyone who took him.

"Dutch!" Bill called. "We just heard about Jack, need some extra guns?"

"Why not. Micah, Kieran, anyone that turns up. You kill em! Rest of you, let's ride!" He commanded and we all mounted our horses and rode off in a long line. The sky was dark and our faces firm. I rode near the front with Arthur due to Dolly's speed. Everyone knew Arabians were the fasted horses. "Let's go get that boy back!"

"They must have figured out what we was up to, Dutch." I heard Hosea call.

"Yeah, we just got shot to hell by the Grays in town!" Arthur relied, speaking loudly over the sound of horses hooves.

"I know, I heard about Sean too." Dutch said solemnly. "I don't even want to think about that right now, we have to focus on Jack."

"I swear, I'll kill everyone there!" John yelled, his voice bubbling with rage.

"Easy John, try to stay calm." Dutch said to him. "We are getting him back and they will pay."

"What about the gold?" Bill asked.

"Who gives a damn about the gold?" John sounded like even the notion caring about anything but Jack at this minute disgusted him. "They got Jack!"

"I hate to break it to you. I don't think there is any gold." Hosea sighed. "I've turned every stone."

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