Chapter 18

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Peace sells,
Peace sells but who's buying?

A few weeks had passed and Sadie and I had became quite a fearsome duo. We'd often go out robbing, shooting, we'd find O'Driscolls on the road and kill them. We kept our robberies clean, or tried to, but on the occasion that we found O'Driscoll boys, there would be no survivors.

The best part was, when we left the scene, nobody suspected two women. Unless there were witnesses nobody batted an eye at us. We never told anyone other than each other or Arthur our plans and the law never showed up. The camp only knew what we did when we returned. I could not help but notice that whenever nobody knew about our plans, the law never showed but with Arthur's plans that were known by all the men in camp, Pinkertons always made an early arrival to the scene. Something wasn't right.

I was returning from a job with Sadie and I went to find Arthur and Rufus. Jack was playing fetch with Rufus under supervision from Abigail. Rufus had grown an inch or two just in the last few weeks, I often wondered how big he would be. As puppies do, he had big clumsy paws, bigger than the rest of his body and a lot of loose skin to grow into under his thick coat of fur. If he really was a wolf he would be huge.

"You having fun?" I smiled at Jack.

"Yeah! Rufus is my best friend. Don't worry about having a baby anymore." He said innocently and Abigail laughed.

"What on earth is he on about?" She smiled amusedly.

"He was begging me to have a child with Arthur so he had someone his size to play with." I chuckled.

Abigail laughed. "Take it from me y/n, don't."

I laughed and went to find Arthur, he was writing in his journal by the lake. "Hey." I smiled and sat with him.

He closed his journal and smiled at me. "Hi y/n. How did it go?"

"Good as always. Turns out my jobs run smoother than yours." I teased him.

"Shut up." He laughed and put an arm around me and I opened up my sketchbook to finish my drawing of Rufus. "That dogs getting big."

"You sure he's a dog?" I chuckled.

"No, don't tell Marston though. Let me see some of your drawings." He asked and I reluctantly obliged.

"They're not that good. I just draw things that I see beauty in." I shrugged and gave the book to Arthur to flick through.

He opened the first page "Where's this?" He asked. The drawing was the view from the front of my house when I lived with my Father. I drew it from memory of spring time at home, when the woods were green and bright.

"Where I used to live." I told him. He nodded and flicked through the pages. There were just silly little sketches of rabbits, deer and the sort then came a sketch I did of Horse Shoe Overlook when I first joined. There was a sketch of my hose and Mary-Beth reading, then after a few more was one of Arthur that I forgot was there. "Oh I forgot about that..." I blushed.

He smirked. "When did you draw this?"

"After you took me out on that job." I said quietly, my cheeks flushed red in embarrassment.

"I like it. Now I know why you stared at me so much." He chuckled. His hair fell in his face slightly as he looked down at the drawings, he had on a white shirt with the top button undone and his sleeves rolled up as usual. The white in the shirt showed his tan.

"I did not stare at you." I protested and turned the page. There were drawings of the lake, of the field I played with Jack in, Rufus of course and more of Arthur which he did not hold back from teasing me over.

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