Chapter 15

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Just as Lenny said, we showed Dutch all the money that we'd made and he congratulated us. Javier started to play some music and there were crates of beer places around camp. The mood was lively and it was nice to relax after a lot of tense situations.

"Do you want a drink y/n?" Arthur asked me and uncapped a beer bottle with his teeth.

"Oh I don't really drink." I shook my head. I'd never tried alcohol out of fear that I would like it too much and inherit my fathers habit.

Arthur nodded understanding why "Do you mind if I have a drink or two."

His thoughtfulness made me smile "Drink all you want." I told him.

I danced with Sadie to Javier's music, we twirled each other around and it was good fun. Sadie was definitely a bit drunk and she wouldn't stop laughing. "Y/n I am so glad you're with us! Well I'm not glad you were trapped by the O'Driscolls but I'm glad Arthur and Dutch found you!" She rambled. "You're good fun!"

I laughed and put my arm around her. "So are you Sadie, so are you."

"We need to go on jobs together!" She gasped. "We'd be so good! The world would not be ready!"

I chuckled and nodded. "That sounds like fun."

"Come on y/n have some of this." She said holding a bottle of Tennessee Whiskey.

"I'll have some!" Arthur came over and took the bottle which made me laugh. He had a swig and handed it back to Sadie.

"Oh go on then." I laughed. There was no harm in having a drink at a party.

"Sip it slowly." Arthur told me.

"But you didn't sip it!" I protested and lifted the bottle to my lips taking a big gulp. It was then that I realised why he had said. I tried not to make a face at the strong taste and Sadie and Arthur laughed. "It's really nice." I grimaced which made them laugh more.

After a few more drinks and a few more dances, Javier called over to me "y/n come play a song with me!"

"Sure!" I smiled with new found confidence even though I was not at performance level.

I grabbed my guitar and sat by him. I tried to remember the songs I used to sing and Javier started playing some chords.

Strawberries, cherries and an angels kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I will give to you, my summer wine.

I sang the choruses and Javier sang the verses, I managed to play the chords without any mistakes and he drummed a beat on the body of his guitar. It was good fun and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

When I woke up the sun was shining in my eyes
My silver spurs were gone my head felt twice it's size
She took my silver spurs, a dollar and a dime
And left me craving for more summer wine
Oh, summer wine.

When the song finished we got a round of spot and I went back over to Arthur. I tripped and he caught me, I couldn't help but laugh. "You've got a pretty voice darlin." He smiled and put his arms around me.

"You've got a pretty everything." I replied and drank a bit more. He laughed and kissed my head.

After a few hours of laughing around the campfire and dancing to music we decided it was time for bed.

Arthur and I collapsed into our little camp bed and I cuddled up to him. "I love you." I mumbled.

"I love you darlin." He smiled and put his arms around me. I reached up and kissed him deeply, kissing him made my head go quiet and I found solace in that. All I could think of was him. I felt his hands on my waist as he kissed me back. He rolled over so he was on top of me and his hand travelled under my skirt to my upper thigh. I loved the feeling of his skin on mine and I wanted more. In a passionate frenzy, I began to hurriedly unbutton his shirt and I felt him smirk against my lips.
He pulled his shirt off and threw it on the floor before moving me to sit on his lap as he started to undo the back of my dress. I didn't know where this was going and I'd never done anything like this before but I wanted it all, I wanted him.
I could feel that I was sitting on something hard and I started to move my hips. He sighed and kissed down my neck then gently pulled my dress down off my shoulders.

The Lucky Ones - Arthur Morgan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now