Chapter 9

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I was unsure how much time had passed, could have been days, could have been mere hours. Was Arthur coming? Did I even want him to? If he came to find me and he died it would all be my fault. The door to the basement opened and I could see it was dark outside. Colm entered carrying a plate of food.

"You hungry?" He asked and I ignored him. My stomach growled but I didn't trust anything they would give me and I didn't want to show any weakness. "You must be. See if you just tell me what I want to know, you can eat and drink as much as you want."

Again I completely ignored him.

"Okay we'll do it the hard way. It's a shame to ruin such a pretty face. Now. Where is your camp?" He asked me pulling out his knife.

"Like I said, I don't know." I shook my head. What he had said about his boys wanting a turn on me lingered in my head, I genuinely hoped he would kill me before that happened.

He pulled his knife out and held it against my throat "Tell me the truth!" I said nothing and spat in his face.

"You're lucky we need you alive girl." He growled and grabbed my arm.

((TW : Cutting))

I let out a scream as he carved a D for O'Driscoll into the top of my left arm, blood ran down and I couldn't help but cry in agony and beg him to stop. I could feel the knife slicing through layers of skin and muscle. " You're a dead man Colm O'Driscoll, a dead man!" I screamed.


Arthur's POV :

I rode on y/n's horse with Charles, John and Sadie with me. Dutch had sent the four of us to get her while the others stayed back at camp. We would make a decision on what to do next when y/n was back safe. I let Dolly lead the way, horses usually remember and none of us knew where to go first. There was no time to waste.

"What's the plan Morgan?" John called to me over the thunder of hooves.

"We'll scout out the camp, try and get to her without being spotted, maybe set a distraction. If not, we kill every one of the bastards. If we find Colm, take him back to Dutch." I told him. We all stopped when we heard a gut wrenching scream and I knew it had to be y/n.
Her horse reared almost bucking me off. Through the trees, I could see a camp fire with some run down old buildings.
The O'Driscolls were staying in the abandoned town called Pleasance. The town had been taken by some sort of plague years ago, last I saw it the houses were all boarded up and covered in overgrown plants, the land reclaimed by nature, with warnings painted on the walls. "Hide the horses here." I told everyone and we all dismounted. Everyone looked at each other nervously after hearing the scream and Sadie looked even whiter than y/n's horse.

"I think we should make a distraction. A fire or something." Charles whispered.

"Hold it, we don't know where Y/N is." Sadie pointed out and it was a very good point. Didn't want to burn the wrong cabin.

"What about the trees there? Draw them all out. There's a cabin there with two guards outside that could be the one." John added and as I watched I saw Colm O'Driscoll walk out of it, his hands covered in blood. I felt as though my blood was boiling with rage and I had never wanted to kill someone so badly. Everything he did to y/n I would repay tenfold.

"That's the one." I nodded.

"Sadie set a fire there. Charles take out the guards with your bow. When that's done I need both of you to stand cover John and I while we go in. Everyone understand?" I asked and everyone nodded.

The Lucky Ones - Arthur Morgan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now