Chapter 11

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I tried so hard to act nice like a Lady
You taught me that it was good to be crazy
Every now and then the stars align
Boy and girl meet by the great design
Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones?

A few days later and I was sick of bed rest. I wanted to be useful again. The mobility in my left arm was awful because of how deep the cut was, it might well be awful for the rest of my life. Good thing I was right handed.

Miss Grimshaw saw me get out of the tent and smiled "Good to see you better dear, I should take those stitches out for you."

She sat me down on the bench and got a small pair of scissors. I didn't want to look at the ugly scar on my arm so I looked the other way. The sensation of the thread running through my skin was disgusting and I was grateful when it was over. I looked at my arm to see a fresh looking pink-white scar. I was ruined. "It's so ugly." I sighed.

"It shows you survived." She told me. "And I didn't think you were going to in all honesty. Im glad you're okay." Miss Grimshaw smiled and went back to wiping down tables.

I left my h/c hair hanging loose because it covered a bit of the bruise on my face and I went straight over to Dolly. "Hey girl." I smiled and gave her a brush. She nuzzled into me gently. "I missed you too, you're a good girl." That horse had saved my life.

Arthur looked pleasantly surprised when he saw me up and about. He walked over to me and hugged me from behind, giving me a kiss on the head. "It's good to see you on your feet."

"It's good to be out of that tent." I chuckled.

He turned me around and looked at me with a smile. "You look beautiful."

I shook my head. "Did you miss the huge bruise on the side of my face?" I never thought I was the prettiest girl in any room I walked into but now I would kill to look how I looked before. Despite all that, Arthur looked at me like I was the prettiest girl in America.

"Bruises heal don't worry about it." He ran his thumb over the side of my face. "Still beautiful."

We were interrupted by John walking over "You ready Morgan?" He asked and began to saddle up his horse, Sean followed behind. "Oh hello English, good to see you recovered."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"I'm off to rob a Cornwall train." Arthur told me and let me go after a quick kiss on my forehead.

Leviticus Cornwall was a rich old man who owned all kinds of expensive companies. Anything that was his was guaranteed to carry a lot of cash.

"Can I come?" I asked him.

Arthur sighed "You just got better. What if something happens again?"

"It won't I'll be fine please let me come." I was desperate to go out after being stuck in a tent for so long.

"Fine come on." He sighed but I could tell he wasn't annoyed because he had a small, fond smile when he spoke.

I smiled and got on Dolly. She seemed desperate for a ride too because she bolted off and I had to slow her down to the others could keep up. "Easy girl." I patted her neck. Sadie told me how Arthur had to wash my blood off her I could only imagine how clearly that showed on a white horse. My poor girl must have been so scared.

"The train will be going from Valentine to Rhodes. We have to stop it before it gets there. There are passengers on board, none of which need to die but we must make sure nobody escapes." John explained as we rode.

It turned out John had already got an oil wagon to stop the train. Arthur pulled it in front of the tracks while we all hid and stood on top of it covering his face with his black bandana and he cocked his rifle. I couldn't help but admire him, something about him in that bandana was so hot, he looked so scary and I loved it.

I waited tensely praying the train would break in time. If it didn't and it hit the oil wagon, it would blow up with Arthur stood right on it. I watched in terrible suspense as the train got closer and closer.

Thankfully, it came to a screeching halt. So far so good. Arthur climbed into the front and knocked out the driver and we all split up going into carriages to rob people and work our way down. It was guarded towards the back, that's where the cash was. After covering my face with a red bandana, John and I went to the front, John had a big bag for everything we were going to rob.

"This is a robbery!" He yelled "Give us everything you got!" All the passengers looked upper class. They definitely had money to spend.

The First Gentleman looked at me like it was a joke so I bashed him round the head with my rifle "You heard him!" I yelled. A certain part of me felt the rush of power all these men probably got from doing stuff like this. I felt untouchable. It awful to admit but part of me enjoyed it.

We worked our way down the train as everyone was giving up all their belongings. When we finished collecting the goods form the carriage I yelled at the people "If anyone thinks about running, I'll put a bullet in their skull!"

By the end we had a pretty heavy bag. Sean and Arthur had killed all the security guards and I stood watch while Arthur grabbed the cash. I kept checking to see if anyone was running then I saw a bunch of lawmen coming for us.

Bullets flew at us through the dark sky and we all got into cover to shield ourselves. "It's the law!" I yelled and John and Sean started shooting at them while Arthur grabbed the rest of the money.

"How the hell did they find us!?" John cursed as he shot. He had a point, there were no witnesses and it was dark outside we were far from any Sherifs office.

My aim was getting good with more practice and I was getting less guilty. I saw it more as fighting for people I loved than mindlessly killing. That made me feel better.

"We have to get out of here!" Sean yelled over the gunshots. "Quick go round the other side."

I whistled for my horse and ran to the other side of the train jumping on to her. John threw the bag of money and jewellery to me and then jumped onto his horse. I wound not ride away without Arthur. Sean jumped off too. "Come on Arthur!" I yelled. He was taking a while because of the amount of cash there was to take.

He ran out and jumped off and then we all rode off into the night, more rich than we were a few hours ago. I didn't like to admit that I found that fun but it was such a rush. I only wondered how the hell the law found us. No one got away to tell them. Who told them?

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