Chapter 4

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I walked with Arthur over to the hotel and he approached the desk. "Hey mister, I need two rooms."

"I'm sorry sir there's only one." The worker at the desk told him.

Arthur sighed and looked out the window at the dark night sky and then at me. I just gave him a shrug. It would have to do. "Fine."

We walked upstairs and got to the room. It was pretty spacious with a big double bed and some draws and the usual furniture in a room. I dropped my bags down which was a relief and sat on the bed. "You don't snore do you?"

"How would I know? I'd be asleep." Arthur shrugged.

I walked over to fish through my bags, I had bought a new night dress. The other one had bad memories and day clothes were too uncomfortable to sleep in. "Turn around." I told him and he obliged awkwardly staring at the wall.

"Do ya have to get changed?" He asked me.

"I'd like to see you try to go about your day in half the things women have to wear." I responded and took off my clothes after checking that he had turned around. I threw them on the floor and got into my night dress. "It's safe to look." Arthur turned around and took a pillow off the bed placing it on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I asked and sat on the bed.

"I'll just sleep here." He shrugged. He was so respectful which I admired but I also felt guilty.

"No you don't have to." I shook my head. "I don't mind you sleeping in the bed. But this," I began and drew a line with my hand down the middle of the bed, in between the two pillows, "is my side and that's yours. If you cross the line or hog the blankets you can sleep in the stable."

He laughed a little. "You sure?"

"I'm not having you sleep on the floor. You've been good to me today letting me come out with you, and you rescued me from that cabin. That's no way to repay you." I shrugged and got under the blankets.

He put the pillow back and sat on the bed, right on the edge. "You don't need to repay me miss."

"Oh please just call me y/n." I began to brush through my h/c hair. "I'm sure we're past formalities."

"I usually like to get to know a lady a bit before I share a bed with her." He joked. There was definitely an awkward tension now that wasn't there before.

"What would you like to know?" I asked him.

"I don't know, anything." He shrugged and began to take his shirt off.

"Well... I moved over here when I was thirteen. I like music, I'd really love to be able to play the guitar, I like drawing too. I have a little book that I draw things in. I don't know everything is pretty boring- and do you have to take your shirt off?"

As I was talking I noticed Arthur was watching me with a small smile. "It's more comfortable!" He protested and I tried not to look. He had a very toned body and big arms, I could feel my cheeks going pink. "I have a book I draw in too. Never was much of a singer though."

"Can I see?" I smiled.

Arthur laughed. "Nope! It ain't just drawings. It's more of a journal, kinda dumb really..."

"I don't think that's dumb." I shrugged. "It's nice to look back on things sometimes. What would you be if you weren't a gunslinger?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know, this life is all I've ever known." He shrugged and I could see in his face he was really thinking about it. "It would be nice to have a ranch though. I like horses. How about you?"

I nodded. "A ranch sounds nice. I don't know there's not many career options for women. If I stayed in London I'd have probably been a maid or a factory worker by now. Nothing too great. I never had time to think of a career, it was always just wondering how I would eat that day." Being my Fathers carer had taken away so much of my life. I didn't really know how to do much other than shoot and sing. "I bet there's a long line of girls jealous of me right now." I chuckled.

Arthur laughed a little. "There ain't. I was thinking the same about you."

I shook my head. "Never really did have time for boys. Just caring for my drunken father."

Arthur nodded "Bet they had time for you though."

"Sure some people but it's never been a priority." I shrugged and laid down getting comfy. My eyes began to feel heavy with sleep. "You're not half as scary as you seem."

"Oh I seem scary?" He looked at me with a smirk

"No... you definitely think you are though." I teased.

"I'm not scary I just know my way around a gun, and a knife, and I can fight." He shrugged and laid down. We were facing each other and I couldn't help but look into his eyes.

I laughed a little. "Alright Arthur. I think it's time for bed now."

He nodded and blew out the candle, I rolled over facing the wall and in the dark I heard his voice. "Get your hair out of my face."

"Sorry." I apologised awkwardly and fumbled around in the dark trying to move my hair and accidentally slapped him in the face. "Sorry!"

I heard him chuckle softly. "Goodnight y/n."

"Night Arthur."


The next morning, I woke up slowly and nuzzled into the thick soft quilts in the bed and Arthur's chest. Oh my lord. I quickly sat up, realising I had been asleep on Arthur for god knows how long. Maybe if I roll over and pretend to be asleep he won't notice? I carefully rolled back over so as not to wake him, my cheeks hot with embarrassment and I pretended to be asleep.

"Turns out y/n, you're the one that snores." His voice was deep and raspy and it sounded like he was still half asleep.

I turned around and he still had his eyes closed. "I do not!" I gasped.

Arthur smirked. "I should know, you slept on me most of the night."

I cringed. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to...I was asleep and well, you should have moved me."

"Relax! I just didn't want another punch in the face." He said teasing me. "After all that fuss about your side and my side."

"I'm sorry about that too." I sighed and got up, I was an embarrassed flustered mess.

"Hey calm down." Arthur told me with a small smile. "I'm not mad at you."

"Turn around." I told him and quickly got dressed into dark some jeans, a black long sleeved shirt and my new leather jacket.

He turned back around when I was dressed and put a clean shirt on. I tried not to look at his body. "I never took you for someone to get all embarrassed."

"I never took you for someone who has a diary." I crossed my arms.

"It's a journal!"

"Okay Arthur." I chuckled and tied my hair into a braid.


Back at camp, Arthur went to put the money in the box and came back to me while I was brushing my horse who I had decided was now called Elsa. "I enjoyed riding with you y/n."

I smiled. "So did I."

"Bringing you along weren't so bad after all, I'll let you know when I have a job for you." He told me and walked off over to his tent. When I looked over I saw that he was sat on his bed writing in his brown leather journal.

The Lucky Ones - Arthur Morgan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now