Chapter 21

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It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tell me all the things you wanna do
I heard that you like the bad girls
Honey, is that true?

About a fort night later and Arthur had fully recovered after a lot of nursing from me and guilt-ridden apologies from Dutch. Rufus rarely left his side, he slept loyally at the bottom of the bed. He was growing fast, soon I would not be able to pick him up and hold him.

Arthur was sat by the water on a small fishing chair, writing away in his journal. His hair had grown so long he had tied it back in a small ponytail I was surprised by how it actually looked good.

After doing sewing some repairs into the laundry, and a lot of needle pricks in my fingers, I joined Arthur by the lake. "It's good to see you out of bed." I smiled.

"I need a hair cut." He grumbled and closed his journal to look over at me. I was sat in the grass next to his seat. "you been into town yet?"

I shook my head. "No, I haven't really left camp other than to look for you."

"Well let's go then, seems like we need to get out for a while." He stood up and walked over to the horses with me.

"Can I bring Rufus?" I asked him.

Arthur crossed his arms and searched the stubble on his chin. "I don't know, look at how Marston reacted to him. There's a lot of crazies with guns in town."

"No one will try to hurt him with you around." I frowned.

"It's your choice darlin." He shrugged.

I found Rufus asleep at Jack's feet while Hosea was giving him reading lessons. "Am I alright to leave him here with you while Arthur and I go out?" I asked Hosea.

"Of course." Hosea nodded. "I'll keep an eye on him."

"Thanks." I smiled appreciatively and joined Arthur who was tacking up his horse.

Even though Arthur had a way with horses, he struggled to keep Blackjack calm when he got in the saddle. "Easy boy!" He gripped onto the reigns trying to control the horse. "Seems like he's dying to get out too."

Rhodes was exactly how Arthur described, dusty. Even the people looked dusty, I didn't know that was possible. The almost sandy orange dirt got everywhere. The shops were sun faded and run down but it had a gun smith, a general store and a saloon. What more would we need? A homeless war vet stood by the general store, leaning on a crutch due to his missing leg. He held a coin pot that can't have had more than two dollars in. I walked over to him and Arthur followed. "Here." I smiled and gave him five dollars. "Get some food."

He smiled appreciatively "Thank-you Miss." The man looked at Arthur as though they already knew each other. Maybe they'd met when Arthur was out exploring. "I been seeing bounty hunters around Mister, does that worry you?"

Arthur shook his head. Even if it did, he wasn't the type to voice his concerns unless it was necessary. "Nah, you have a good day." We walked away towards the general store and he took my hand. "I don't want you riding round here by yourself."

"What, I need you to supervise?" I frowned and looked up at him.

"No it's just there's Lemoyne raiders who will see you as an easy target, bounty hunters. Its not safe." His blue eyes met mine and they were filled with concern. "I'm not saying you can't go out without me, but just not alone."

I sighed. "I don't like being told what to do."

"I ain't telling you what to do. Please, for my peace of mind." I could tell by his face this really concerned him so I begrudgingly agreed.

The Lucky Ones - Arthur Morgan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now