Chapter 24

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"And then we rode off with hundreds of guards on our tail! I was dodging bullets like a cat dodging the rain but they were no match for dead eye McGuire!" Sean was explaining in a very animated way what him and Arthur had got up to last night, I couldn't help but feel like it was slightly exaggerated it was amusing to listen to. "And then we disappeared into the night! They haven't a clue who it was."

"Hundred of guards?" Karen smirked sounding unconvinced.

"Yes hundreds! Isn't that right, Morgan?" Sean turned to Arthur who was sat beside me.

Arthur chuckled. "I don't know about that. There were a lot though, seemed like they came out of no where."

"I'm glad you got out okay." I put my head on his shoulder. I looked over at the lake where Rufus was splashing around in the water. He ran over to me after a while, proudly presenting the big stick he had in his mouth and dropped it at my feet. I threw it for him towards the lake, he bolted off to follow it.

"Y/n had an adventure yesterday too, she came home with a gator!" Karen smiled.

Arthur turned to me. "You killed a gator?"

"Well yeah I didn't want to be it's dinner." I shrugged.

"Was Sadie with you?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I decided to do a bit of exploring." I knew he probably wouldn't be happy but I would not lie to him.

"Y/n you know it ain't safe." He frowned. "What if the Lemoyne raiders jumped you? What then? You gonna fight off ten men by yourself?" He clearly wasn't pleased but I knew it was out of concern.

"Yes as a matter of fact I will. You go out by yourself. Why can't I? It was one time Arthur. You can't expect me to stay cooped up at camp." I told him calmly, there didn't need to be an argument.

"The lady can take care of herself Morgan." Sean added and I gave him an appreciative smile.

"I had to fight of Murfrees all the time before you knew me. I think you underestimate me. I'm not helpless." I crossed my arms. I didn't like that people assumed I was useless because of my gender.

Arthur was quiet for a minute and then sighed. "Maybe you're right. Maybe. Come with me." He stood up.

"Where are we going." I asked and got up.

"Seeing how good your shooting is." He said simply and we walked over to the horses.
We rode at a trot, I felt like it would be easier for Arthur to actually talk now that we were alone. "I ain't trying to control you, y/n. I don't think you're helpless. I just- you mean the world to me I'd hate for something to happen." He sighed.

"I know and I feel the exact same about you but I don't stop you doing things you want to do You'd hate that I know you would." I looked over at him and met his blue eyes, this wasn't really an argument but we needed to talk about it.

"You're right. But still, to give me some peace of mind just humour me for a while." He got off of Blackjack and placed some bottles along a fallen tree in the woods.

"Stand over there and shoot them off, in five seconds." He said simply. I got off of Dolly and stood a good few metres away to get a good range.

"Alright." I sighed reluctantly. I didn't see this as necessary but if it proved I could shoot then fine.

Arthur counted down and I began shooting. The bottles made a satisfying noise when they shattered on impact of my bullet. It was actually fun. I shot the last bottle and looked over at him with a smile. "How's that?"

"You've improved. When I found you, you couldn't even throw a punch." He chuckled.

"So I don't need supervision?" I smirked and crossed my arms.

The Lucky Ones - Arthur Morgan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now