Chapter 12

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I put all the money back at the camp, taking my own share first and a pretty gold bracelet out of the jewellery bag that I thought looked nice. It was early morning by the time we got back and Dutch came out to see how we did. He smiled at the sight of the big bag we had. "How did it go?"

"Well we got the money." Arthur said as he put it in the box. "My only question is why did the law show up so soon? No one ran off and we were in the middle of no where. It should not have ended in a shooting match. We hardly escaped."

Dutch frowned. "Now that is a very good question Arthur. We shall have to see how the next job goes."

I turned to walk to the tent I shared with the rest of the girls minus Molly when Arthur grabbed my hand. "Y/n."

"You alright Arthur?" I asked him. I was tired, I adored him but I wanted to sleep.

"I was thinking- it's okay if not, but... would you come stay with me tonight? I've missed you." He sounded nervous and it was a strange sight. Sarcastic, cocky Arthur stumbling over his words.

"Of course." I smiled and he put his arm around me as we walked to his tent.

Crashing into bed was a rewarding feeling. I closed my eyes, feeling Arthur's warm body against mine. Now there was no awkwardness in being so close to him, there was no embarrassment. I was his and he was mine.

Arthur cuddled me close to him and whispered in my ear. "I think there's a rat in the camp. Don't say anything I don't want to spread mistrust but I'm keeping my eye on people."

I nodded. "Who do you think?" I whispered back.

"I don't trust Micah or Trelawney." He was talking very hushed so no one overheard. "Trelawney is always disappearing for ages, god knows what he gets up to and Micah is Micah. He only considers himself. You didn't say anything to the O'Driscolls did you?"

I frowned, offended. "You think they would have beaten me so bad if I did? Carved into my arm? Hm?" I snapped.

"I'm sorry." He shook his head. "I shouldn't have asked."

"No you shouldn't have. You should have known that I would have died right there before I gave them anything that could hurt you." I rolled over annoyed.

"Hey don't do that." He pulled me back to face him. "Forgive me darlin don't be angry with me. I'm sorry." He said kissing my head.

"Okay I'll forgive you." I cuddled closer to him and he smiled. I could not stay annoyed at him.

"My girl." He whispered, his voice deep and gentle "I'm so glad you're back."


The next day, Arthur went out sheep rustling with John. I did not go with him. I was exhausted from the night before. He told me he should be back in a few hours.

I went round the camp doing some chores, I wanted to give back to Miss Grimshaw after everything she did for me.

I was washing laundry, scrubbing someone's shirt against a wash board and Molly walked past looking in her mirror. "Care to lend a hand?" I asked. I had been here for weeks now and I hadn't seen her do much more than stare in that mirror of hers. I wanted to get along with her but she frustrated me.

"Your reflection ain't changed since you checked it 5 minutes ago." Karen laughed over from where she was sat sewing.

"I would y/n but I'm just so in love!" She said with a sigh. I gave Karen a look as if to ask is she serious???

"Yes I'm sure you're the first person to ever experience that." I was in love with Arthur but it didn't mean I waltzed around camp all day staring at myself. I didn't like to look at myself much since I had this scar on my face. I had on a black shirt with long sleeves to cover my scar with a brown corset and black jeans and a black Fedora hat.

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