Chapter 19

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I hear the birds on the Summer breeze,
I drive fast,
I am alone at midnight.
Been trying hard not to get into trouble but I,
I've got a war in my mind
So I just ride.

Days had passed. I had ridden every path from Ambarino to West Elizabeth to Lemoyne in search for him. I could not rest until I knew he was okay.
After two days and nights riding, only stopping to allow Dolly to rest, I returned to camp weak with fatigue. Arthur was still not there. I stumbled off my horse, my clothes were dirty and my h/c was knotty.

I walked into camp aiming to go straight for my tent, it was about evening time. Sadie rushed over to me with Mary-Beth. They both looked concerned.

"Y/N you were gone for ages." She put her hand on my shoulder looking worried.

"I have to find him." Was all I could manage to say.

We got to the entrance of the tent and went in "Dutch has been sending out search parties too." Mary-Beth assured me "He'll be home before you know it."

"They'll kill him." I said, exhausted and numb. I collapsed onto my bed roll and fell into a deep and haunted sleep.


" The Get up! He's back!" Sadie shook me abruptly waking me and I gasped. "Arthur's back y/n."

"Oh my god." I whispered and ran out the tent. He was being carried over to his tent by Dutch and Charles. I tried to make him out in the dark, it was hard to tell if he was even conscious. Everyone parted to let me go up to him. His shoulder was caked in thick, sticky looking blood from a gunshot wound, which by the looks of it, he had already tried to tend to. My poor Arthur. I just wanted to hold him and kiss him and tell him it was going to be okay. I knelt down beside his bed. Miss Grimshaw and Dutch were stood by him. Dutch was rubbing his beard nervously.

"I've given him some medicines y/n help me clean the blood off him." She told me and I nodded. I trusted miss Grimshaw, she had taken care of me well enough.

As gently as I could, I wiped the blood off and Arthur winced a bit. "I'm really sorry it has to be done." I said to him gently.

"You're a fine woman y/n." He said weakly.

"Shut up and save your energy for getting better." I told him but I couldn't help but smile a little.

Once he was cleaned up, Miss Grimshaw told me there was nothing else to do but rest and pray. I was not religious but I prayed to any God, Deity, Saint or Spirit that was out there to make Arthur well again. I sat by him for a while, stroking his hair to sooth him. "Don't go." He whispered "Stay with me tonight."

Carefully, I got into bed so as not to hurt him and laid on my side facing him "I'm not going anywhere. Get your rest."

He held my face in his hand. "I just had to see that face again." Every word was strained and it made my heart break to see him like this.

"Don't do that." I frowned but I put my hand on top of his. "You're not dying tonight Mr Morgan."

"I love you y/n. Once again I should of listened to you." He smiled a little, somehow finding humour in this dire situation.

"I love you more. Get some sleep and wake me if you need anything I'll be right here." I gently kissed his head and laid back down. I did not go to sleep, I was watching him, listening to his shallow breaths, watching his chest rise and fall as though I was willing him to keep breathing. He could not die. I wouldn't allow it.

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