Chapter 8

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It's getting dark too dark to see
I feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door
Knock knock knockin' on heavens door.

When I awoke I was in a dark basement dimly lit by a candle. My arms were bound to a post and my legs were tied together. There was no hope of making a run for it. I could feel something warm running down the side of my face, blood.

After taking some deep breaths to gather my thoughts I realised I had been knocked out and captured by the O'Driscolls.

A man walked down the steps and the sunlight from outside dazzled me. My mouth was too dry to speak I just stayed there looking at him. In the dim light I could not make out who he was just that he was about average height and wore a hat, that was it. To my surprise, he began to wipe the blood off me with a cloth. Maybe he was going to help me?

"Please I need water." I whispered because that was all my throat could handle. He handed me a bottle of water and had to feed it to me. It was lukewarm and tasted old but I didn't even care I was so so thirsty. "Where am I?"

"The O'Driscolls camp." He told me.

I knew that voice. Colm O'Driscoll. It was then I realised he was not helping me, he was just keeping me alive. After everything that had happened to me, Sadie, Dutch and others at this man it made me even more afraid.

"You're stupid to keep me here, Arthur will come for me and he'll kill the lot of you." I threatened. I was sure Arthur would come looking for me, hopefully he would be joined by others. But how would he even know where I was? Would I die down here? Now I would find out if what he said about caring about me was true or not.

"Oh I'm sure he will come for his little whore." Colm smirked. "I hope he does. We outnumber your little gang 1 to 3."
That was when I realised I was here as bait. It was all a trap. I spat at him and it hit him right in the face. Colm just seemed amused. "That's a fine horse you have out there."

"She's pretty old and knackered. She's not what she once was." I lied because I didn't want them taking her or selling her. That horse was precious to me.

"We'll I hope she ain't too tired to send this back to old Dutch." He smirked and held up the cloth covered in my blood. "Although... we might need something else to send the message." He looked at me thoughtfully and it set me on edge. I feared for my life but I kept my face an unreadable mask, I couldn't let him know that. He took out his knife and cut off a lock of my hair, wrapping it in the cloth. Colm called one of his associates who came in. "Put this on her horse, send it on its way."

The man nodded and left in a hurry. "Now Miss. Its time you answered some questions." He was so calm it was even more terrifying. "Where is Dutch's camp?"

I didn't say anything I just shook my head.

"Where is it?" He demanded and kneed me hard in the stomach.

I grunted in pain and tried to take some deep breathes after he winded me. "I don't know I'm not from here." I lied.

"I don't believe you!" He punched me across the face.

He could beat me black and blue but I would not rat on the people that had given me a home. They were the closest thing I had to a family and I would rather die in this basement than have them suffer for my stupidity.

"Then maybe you know how much money is there?" I shook my head trying not to cry and he put his knife to my throat. "How much is there?" He demanded. "Or should I kill you like I killed your daddy?"

"I don't know." I cried. "I'm a woman they don't involve me in that business." I decided to use the clueless woman tactic. It went against everything I stood for but if it kept me alive then it kept me alive. "You know I'm no use dead."

The Lucky Ones - Arthur Morgan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now