Chapter 13

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Arthur went out the next day with some of the boys including Dutch to scout the new area and sniff around for opportunities. I had not seen the town outside camp yet but at that moment I was still settling in and was warier than ever about riding alone, especially in unfamiliar country.

I kept the campfire burning careful not to burn myself as a rearranged the wood. The amber embers glowed as the fire made a satisfying crackle. "Hey y/n." I turned to see that Abigail had come over. She looked as though she had not had a good rest in a while. Her raven black hair was tied in a bun. "Would you mind keeping Jack entertained for me for a while. You don't have to I'd just love a moments peace and quiet." She sighed. With one hand on her hip she wiped her forehead with the other.

"Of course." I smiled and stood up "You have a well earned rest and I'll see you in a few hours."

Abigail smiled appreciatively and took my hands. "Thank you I really do appreciate it."

"Any time you need." I told her and went to find Jack who was playing in the mud with sticks and stones.

"Hi auntie y/n." He smiled. I found it cute how he called everyone Uncle and Auntie.

"Hey Jack." I smiled and knelt down to be at his level. "What are you playing?"

"I'm making mud pies. I asked pa to help me but he's always so busy." Jack sighed. "Would you like a mud pie? They're really yummy!"

I nodded playing along with him. "Yes please." The boy smiled happily and handed me a rock with clay mud on it. I tried not to look disgusted at the mud sticking to my hands and pretended to eat it. "Mmm so good." I smiled.

Jack laughed. "Thanks! Would you like another?"

"Why don't we go wash our hands and then go out for a ride, wherever you want to go. We can go fishing or we can play games, all up to you." I smiled.

Jack nodded excitedly and thought for a moment. "I wanna go somewhere I can pick flowers for mama!"

"What a wonderful idea she'll love that." We went to wash our hands in the crystal clear waters of the lake and I let him dry his little hands on my skirt.

He excitedly ran over to Dolly and I followed. It seemed like the poor boy was desperate for a friend. Everyone at camp tried to spend time with him but he was a six year old boy in a very adult environment. He couldn't go to school and make friends there like other children his age. "Your horse is so pretty what's her name?"

"Dolly." I told him and he reached up to pet her soft nose.

He giggled when Dolly started licking his hand. "Dolly that tickles!"

"You ready to get on?" I asked and he nodded. I put my hands under his arms to lift him. "One...two...three...Whoosh!" I lifted Jack up onto Dolly and he laughed amused and pretended that he was flying.

We rode out of camp, I was careful not to go too fast because the last thing I wanted was for the poor boy to fall off. That would make me a terrible babysitter.

"Your horse is not as big as Uncle Arthur's." Jack said as we trotted down the path.

"True but she's much faster. Wanna see?" I held the reigns and Jack held the horn of the saddle. He had grown up on horses he knew how not to fall off despite how little he was in comparison.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" He nodded enthusiastically and I laughed.

"Alright hold on!" I moved one of my arms to hold Jack on and we galloped down the path.

He laughed and held on tight. "Whoooo faster, horsey, faster!" After a while I slowed back down careful not to over do it. "That was fun!"

We stopped when I saw a field full of beautiful purple flowers, swaying in the summer breeze and got off, lifting down Jack. "Will these do for mummy?" I asked him.

The Lucky Ones - Arthur Morgan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now