Chapter 14

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A few days passed and Arthur and Dutch had been deputised by Sherif Grey, Dutch's charisma and some liquor no doubt. Arthur had made some adjustments to his/ our tent. Whenever I referred to it at his he always told me it was ours. That was nice.
The sides that were not sheltered, either by the wagon or canvas now were with a zip door at the front and we had a deer skin on the floor, meaning I could get dressed in there without worries of anyone seeing me.

Arthur had gone out to explore the land, he said he had never been so far East before. From what I gathered so far, despite our pretty camp site, it was hot, muggy and full of insects. I knew there were gators in the swamps not far East of here but I did not care to find out for myself. Arthur wasn't too happy about the new location.

"We're a long way from the West and real open country."

I stood on watch duty, rifle in hand. An important yet boring job. I saw Arthur ride down the path on Blackjack, it was the rule to ask who was approaching but I would know him blind.

"Y/n." He smiled and slowed down to talk to me. "I have a gift for you."

I smiled and walked alongside him. In perfect timing, Sean came to take over watch duty. He greeted Arthur and I with a simple "Hello English." He was so very Irish.

"Really? What is it?" I asked.
Arthur dismounted Blackjack and told me to close my eyes and hold my hands out. I did as he said and he gently handed me something big yet light. I could feel a thin, wooden neck and a round body with metal strings running along the frame. "A guitar!" I opened my eyes and saw a beautifully carved wooden guitar in my hands. "Oh Arthur thank you so much! How on earth did you get this?" I ran my fingers along the strings and they rung out a sweet sound.

"I bought it off a man I found playing it on his porch. I remembered you mentioned that one time you wanted one." He told me and I hugged him tightly. "Wha'd'ya think?"

"Oh I love it thank you so much." This was the most thoughtful gift I'd ever been given. "I need to figure out how to play it right away!" I ran and sat in the long grass around the camp excited to try it out.

Javier came over, interested because he had a guitar himself. "If you ever need lessons I'd be happy to help." He offered. We had briefly spoken, he was always friendly. One of Dutch's most loyal followers, he had dark hair in a ponytail and a goatee moustache. He always wore a black bowler hat and a colourful poncho around his shoulders.

"That would be great Javier thank you." I smiled.

Arthur came and sat with us, watching me with a smile as Javier showed me some basic chords. I struggled at first, my fingers were weak in my left arm from where the muscles in my arm had been damaged by Colm's knife. After some practice, I got the hang of it. I could play guitar for hours it was so relaxing and it was such a good distraction, finally getting something after trying for a while was very satisfying.

"You'll be better than me soon." Javier smiled and I laughed.

"I doubt that but thank you."

"Well I best be getting on, enjoy though." He told us and stood up before going to clean his pistols.

Arthur didn't take his eyes off me and I blushed. "What?"

"I just like watching." He shrugged. "When you gonna sing me a song?" He asked and laid back in the grass.

"Never." I laughed. "That's embarrassing."

"So you'll sing in saloons but not to me? Ouch." He put his hand on his chest pretending to be hurt.

"That's different, they're strangers. I actually care about what you think." I said feeling a little shy and I continued to pluck and strum some notes.

The Lucky Ones - Arthur Morgan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now