Chapter 22

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When we returned to camp, my first thought was to look for Rufus. Leaving him alone for so long made me worried. He came running up to us with a big doggy smile on his face, tongue hanging out and I scooped him up in my arms. "Hey boy, sorry for leaving you for so long." I smiled as if he could understand English. "My goodness your getting heavy aren't you?" Holding him was getting more difficult than it used to be. He was certainly growing fast.

"Arthur! John, Charles and Javier are waiting for you at the Greys' plantation." Dutch stepped out of him tent when he saw us return.

Arthur sighed "I barely got off my horse."

"There's money in this, son." Dutch insisted. "We just need to find this confederate gold."

Arthur turned to me. "I don't know how long I'll be, you stay here though okay?"

I nodded. "Be safe." I told him as usual and gave him a kiss before he got back on Blackjack and rode off down the path.


I decided I should help out with some chores to make up for my absence and as I was sat scrubbing clothes I noticed Kieran sat by

They were both so shy talking to each other I couldn't help but smile. Their conversations were often filled with awkward silences and shy smiles, they were two very sweet people.

"You look very pretty today, Mary-Beth." Kieran spat out the words like they had taken all his courage to say. "Not that you don't look pretty every day- because you do. You look pretty every day- you are pretty." By the time he got his words out, he was red as a tomato.

Mary-Beth chuckled. "Thank you Kieran."

He made some excuse about needing to feed his horse and scurried off.

I laughed. "Kieran's sweet."

"He is." Mary-Beth smiled. "I don't know why he's so nervous to talk to me, I don't bite."

"I don't know maybe he's just shy." I shrugged.

"I know, ain't it cute?" She giggled and returned to her book.

The rest of that day was spent doing chores and playing with Jack. As the sun set, I read Jack a bed time story and stroked the boys mousy brown hair until he fell asleep. I loved that boy like my own nephew, it was never a bother to look after him when Abigail asked.

When Arthur returned, I could tell by his expression he wasn't happy. I got up quietly so as not to disturb Jack from his sleep and went over to him. "Are you alright?"

"Damn Greys made fools out of us. Had us steal some horses from the Braithwaites. Mr Grey told us we'd get five thousand dollars. We got 600 for the lot. They made us look like prized idiots!" He grumbled and sat by the fire. When Arthur was in one of these moods, it was best to just let him rant.

I sat next to him on the bench by the fire. "I don't see what we get from turning these two families against each other. Just seems like they're both playing you boys around." I said honestly. "Hopefully you find the gold soon."

Arthur nodded and stood up, he picked me up and I put my arms around him. "Come on, I need to blow off some steam."

"Arthur!" I laughed and put my head on his shoulder as he carried me off to our tent.

The Lucky Ones - Arthur Morgan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now