Chapter 10

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But I'm in so deep
You know I'm such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger?

The week that followed consisted of being closely attended to by all the girls in turn. Mary-Beth would brush my hair for me and she would sit and read to me. She had a lovely soft voice and I wasn't able to hold a book, reading was just as pleasurable for her as it was for me and she was happy to be let off chores to read her romance books. It was a dream come true for her.

Tilly was more handy with practical things like changing the dressing on my wound. The stitches didn't hurt so much anymore, but I was taking regular pain killers for the first couple of days. She brought in the game on dominoes and played that with me to keep me entertained.

Karen helped me change clothes, it was embarrassing that I couldn't even do that myself but when I told her that she just replied with "Just because you're in a rough patch doesn't mean you can't still be pretty. Don't worry I got you." Which made me chuckle a bit. She would tell me any camp gossip I'd missed. I noticed she talked about Sean a fair bit here and there, there was definitely something going on but I don't think either of them knew what.

Sadie brought me food at mealtimes and she would sit with me for ages. I thought it would be a chore but she always seemed reluctant to go when it was time to get on with the rest of her day. She was funny and she kept me in good spirits with surprising ease.

These girls had helped me so much and I was forever grateful. I was aware that I wasn't loads of fun at the minute, I wasn't really able to do much but they treated me no differently and they never made me feel like a burden. I had so much love and appreciation for such amazing friends.

What shocked me the most was how much Arthur would check in with me, it was multiple times a day. However I did not get my hopes up that the days of Good Mornin' and not much else were over. It was probably just because I was wounded.

I was around lunch time when Arthur checked in with me. He came in and sat down, the door was open to my tent letting the sunlight in, I hated to be in a dark and dingy space for so long. Miss Grimshaw said that the airflow would do me good. "Hi Arthur." I smiled a bit. I still wasn't even a allowed to sit up although I wasn't sure why.

"How you doin' " he asked and sat down beside me.

"Hmm let's see." I said sarcastically and pretended to think. "Just the same as I was when you last came this morning. I'm not really getting up to much." I sighed.

"Sorry I just like to check you're okay." He chuckled, unfazed by my attitude.

"Well it's not like I can get up and go anywhere. You better not be only coming in because you feel guilty or something. You spent ages practically ignoring me now you don't leave me alone." I tried to sit up, sick of lying down for so long and my head immediately hurt. The swelling had gone down but there was a violet blue bruise on the side. I winced and held my head until the pain subdued.

Arthur frowned a bit taken aback and he seemed like he didn't really know what to say. "It's not that."

"I'm sorry." I sighed. "I've seen nothing but the four walls of this tent in a week. I've had a lot of time to sit alone with my thoughts. There's not much else to do. I didn't mean to snap at you."

"Don't worry about it." He shook his head. "I'd be antsy too. I was just about to go collect a debt from a Thomas Downes. It's miserable work I hate it but Strauss wants me to and so does Dutch."

I frowned "And how do you do that? I doubt you just ask politely for him to hand it over." I immediately thought of my father and the O'Driscolls coming to collect his debt. I didn't want to imagine Arthur doing something like that.

He looked down at the floor "Well no I don't. I don't like it. There's no honour in taking what little people have from them. Goes against everything Dutch stands for I don't get it."

"Then don't go." I said simply. "There are other ways to make money. And I can't explain it I just have a really bad feeling about you going there for some reason. I don't know why." I didn't know if it was because of my past or what but I just had an overwhelming feeling of dread at the idea of Arthur going over to Downes ranch. "And I'm horribly weak and you simply must stay with me my days could be numbered" I said dramatically.

"Okay I won't go." He shrugged.

"Really it was that easy?" I smiled.

"I've been living with Miss Grimshaw for years, you learn to listen to women, they're usually right." He chuckled. "Which brings me on to something I need to talk to you about." His smile had disappeared and he was avoiding eye contact. Arthur looked...nervous? No way.

My brow furrowed wondering what he could possibly have to say. "Oh?"

"I don't really know how to say this but...maybe you were right y/n." Arthur was looking at the floor again, it was strange seeing him so shy.

"I'm always right I'll need you to be more specific Me Morgan." I smirked.

"Well, after we got you back from the O'Driscolls I realised you were right. I had avoided you to keep you safe and look what happened. I'm a damn fool. I thought you was gonna die and I'd never be able to tell you how I really feel." He seemed so shy telling me this, I swore I could see his cheeks going a bit red but every word that he spoke sounded earnest and true.

"And how do you feel?" I asked him slowly, my heart racing.

He looked up and his deep blue eyes met mine "I love you y/n, I'm a fool for running from it."

I was silent for a moment in absolute shock but I couldn't help but smile brightly. "I love you Arthur. And yes you are a fool." I grinned.

He laughed "I know I am so uh I guess what I'm trynna say is, will you be my girl y/n?"

I quickly nodded unable to contain my excitement "I always was yours Arthur." I smiled.

He smiled and put his hand on the side of my face that wasn't hurt, careful not to hurt me and kissed me gently. Butterflies raced around my belly like they were going round a race horse track. I pulled him in with my good arm, running my fingers through his hair and kissed him back. For a second I didn't feel weak anymore, the pain had gone and all I could think about was him and the electricity in every touch.

The Lucky Ones - Arthur Morgan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now