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the next morning, when kennedy woke, her head was pounding.

she looked around the room, noticing she was alone.

sighing, she stood up and went to the bathroom, noticing her dress was on the floor and she was only wearing a shirt, making her groan.

"please tell me i didn't do anything stupid last night." she muttered to herself as she did her business.

after washing her hands, she found a pair of sweatpants on the floor that she put on, walking out of the room to see a majority of her friends sitting at the kitchen counter looking like how she felt.

charles was making breakfast and grinned as he saw her.

she looks good in my clothes. he thought, watching as she rubbed her temples.

"morning." he said, flipping a pancake.

everyone out there turned to look at the american, eyes wide.

"kenny!" lewis said, rushing over to her and examining her for any injuries, ignoring the look on her face.

"what happened last night? i just remember taking shots and then everything else is just a blur." she told the group, carlos snorting.

"you couldn't remember where your place was so i brought you here, you just passed out after you took off your makeup." charles said softly, filling her in, ignoring the look from carlos, who he had told what had happened.

kennedy nodded, "thanks leclerc, i owe you one."

charles just smiled, "pancake?"

the girl nodded, taking a plate and eating with the other three.

"jo's still passed out, same with max. they had a shot competition after you left." lewis told the girl who winced.

"not so loud please." she whispered, making the three men laugh.

the four of them talked softly for a bit before max walked out, looking worse than any of them.

"water." he croaked and charles stifled a laugh, getting him a glass of water.

max took maybe two sips before running to the bathroom and puking.

at that moment, josie also came out, looking a bit like max, rushing to charles' bathroom and doing the same.

josie made it out before max did, having a look of confusion on her face before she saw kennedy sitting at the counter.

"god! i was so worried, you left your phone in your purse last night, i have it don't worry, and charles didn't answer my text last night!" the girl said, rather loudly.

kennedy winced, "yeah, apparently i slept here last night." she said, gesturing to the outfit she was wearing.

josie's eyes went wide, "did-"

"no! no, i just apparently passed out after i changed." she said, shutting down the girl.

josie turned to look at charles who was nonchalantly eating some pancakes, but carlos was giving her eyebrows.

"right." she said, stretching out the word.

"i don't know about you guys, but i want to go try this little cafe down the street." carlos said to the little group, max leaving the bathroom and finishing his water.

"i'm down! kens you can borrow some clothes if you want." josie agreed, looking at the girl who was nodding.

"it's really good, i usually go there after i go to the gym." charles told carlos who smirked.

"so that's how you almost made that man fall down last night." he said and kennedy looked at them.

"what?" she asked, her eyes narrowed.

"c'mon, i'll tell you while we get ready. i have an extra toothbrush too." josie said, leading the blonde to the room.

"so, mind telling me what happened last night?" max asked quietly, sitting down where kennedy was.

"mr. lover boy here let kenny sleep in his bed, and she wasn't wearing pants." carlos said softly, wiggling his eyebrows.

"not to mention she told him like her whole life story." lewis added on while the ferrari driver in question just smiled.

max just shook his head, grinning, "oh boy, we're going to be hearing about this for the next twenty years." he joked.

deep down, he was a little jealous it wasn't him taking care of her.

in josie and lewis' room, kennedy had changed and the girls were now getting ready for the day.

"so, is there a reason your dress is on the floor of charles' room?" josie asked and kennedy shook her head.

"i have no idea, last night is all just a blur."

the girl just sighed, looking at her phone, nobody really texting her or emailing.

"you girls ready?" lewis called into the room.

kennedy looked in the mirror, she looked hungover.

she had on a pair of dark green bike shorts, a grey sweater with wellness on it, and some chunky tennis shoes.

"yeah! give us a second!" josie called back, handing the blonde an extra pair of sunglasses.

kennedy took them with a sigh, throwing her hair back into a messy ponytail.

"wow, you both look extremely hungover." max laughed as the girls left the room.

"yeah yeah, let's get going. coffee sounds extremely good right now." kennedy sighed.

the group left the house, making their way down the street to the little cafe, josie and lewis leading the way.

"so, i might've left out a part last night." charles started as he joined kennedy at the back of the group.

"please tell me we didn't do anything stupid." the american groaned, making charles chuckle softly.

"no we didn't," he started, making kennedy look at him inquiringly, "you did tell me about george, and your mom."

kennedy looked at him, appalled. "i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to trauma dump." she apologized, the look on her face making charles shake his head.

"no, no, it's okay. i was just curious though." the driver said and kennedy nodded, "you said last night that you wouldn't date another driver, why?"

kennedy just sighed, recalling the conversation she had with her dad about boys. "it's just that, well, my schedules already so crazy, and like you guys are always gone as well. i just don't think i would be able to handle it. i have no idea how josie and lewis do it." she explained.

charles nodded understandingly, "i could understand that. but what if the driver is willing to make it work?"

"are you talking about yourself leclerc?" kennedy asked with raised eyebrows, a smile playing on her lips.

the driver just hummed, a smile on his face, "maybe, or maybe i'm playing wingman for my redbull buddy over there."

kennedy just laughed, making charles blush. "maybe in time, but i like being friends before any romantic feelings take place."

"good to know." he said, giving her a smile, dimples on full view.

kennedy caught herself staring at his face, making her snap her head around to see the cafe in view.

fuck, he has a nice smile, and a nice face. fuck stop thinking this. she panicked.

"oh look, were almost there." she stated, rushing ahead to talk to josie and lewis, desperately trying to run away from her feelings.

carlos and max hung back for a second, wanting to know what charles had said to scare her off.

instead, they found him with the biggest smile on his face and stars in his eyes.

"oh no, not again."

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