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after charles, max, and lewis all left, kennedy and josie were alone for the first time in months.

kennedy however, couldn't have been more upset.

"kenny, honey, please talk to me." josie called from the other side of her locked door.

"no!" kennedy yelled, sobbing in her bed, which still smelled like charles aftershave.

truthfully, she just wanted to bury herself in a hole and die there, but unfortunately they had a shoot to get to in two hours.

"kens. please." josie said, knocking softly on the door.

kennedy sniffled before getting up and unlocking her door.

"oh honey, what happened?" josie asked as kennedy collapsed in her arms.

"i fucked it all up." she cried.

josie just rubbed the girls back as her body shook in sobs.

after a few minutes, when kennedy calmed down, they sat on the bed, josie still soothing her.

"what happened kens?" she asked again softly.

the blonde sniffled and shook her head, "the night before they left, charles and i were sitting on the couch and he had asked me out. i told him i could only go as friends, explaining i didn't want to get hurt again. and he told me he didn't want to be just friends! i kind of just stared at him, and he went on about how he likes me, explaining everything he likes about me and i don't know! i'm terrified because i like him! i even get goddamn butterflies around him! but instead of telling him that, i just told him we would never work and friends is the best he would get! he just kind of shut down after that and he hasn't talked to me or texted and has been ignoring my calls and messages! i just don't know what to do! i fucked up!" by the end of her rant, she was back to sobbing.

josie just pulled the girl into a hug, "hey, hey, it's okay. everything is fixable." she murmured to her.

"i can't fix this! have you seen the gossip sites recently?" she asked the brunette.

josie shook her head as kennedy pulled up her phone to the most recent article.


formula one driver, charles leclerc has been spotted in singapore with the beauitful charlotte sine. the couple were spotted laughing together at a nice resturant as well as walking around sight seeing.

leclerc was last seen in london, hanging out with fellow driver max verstappen and verstappen's rumored beau, model kennedy rhodes.

could things be getting serious again between the driver and sines?

josie read the article and looked at her best friend, seeing the girls heart break.

"oh kenny, i'm sorry." she pulled the american in for another hug.

"i just, it's like i can understand it. she beautiful, she's probably an actress or a model. and she probably speaks more than one language! god, i want to hate her but she's just so pretty." kennedy cried.

"it's going to be okay kens. i promise. it's just a gossip site, maybe you could text him and see." she said and kennedy shook her head.

"i tried! look!" she exclaimed, pulling up her messages with the driver.

josie scrolled through the messages and sighed. charles really wasn't replied and not even reading them.

"i just can't believe i was so stupid to like a man who would do this." she sobbed into josie, her tears soaking josies sweater.

josie just sighed and stroked kennedys hair, smoothing it down.

"i know honey, i know." she whispered.

the two stayed like the for a while, josie just trying to calm kennedy down.

after the blonde had run out of tears, she looked at her friend, "i'm sorry jo, i know we have a shoot in an hour." she sighed, wiping at her face.

"it's okay kens, let's get you cleaned up and we can get ready." the woman said, helping kennedy off her bed and leading her to the bathroom.

kennedy washed her face and brushed her teeth, trying to get all signs of crying out.

when she looked back up in the mirror, she sighed at her appearance looked like.

her face was tired, her eyebags were heavy and her eyes were blood shoot. her hair, which she had always taken pride in, was everywhere.

she looked like she had gone through hell, which to her it felt like.

"hey, chin up kenny. you know matilda will do wonders for your makeup and hair." josie said, watching the girl observe herself.

the american nodded, heading to her closet to change into a pair of white jeans and a black sports bra, sliding on a black turtleneck over it.

when she walked out, josie sat her down at the vanity and brushed out her hair.

"i can have lewis or carlos talk to him if you want kenny. they might be able to knock some sense into him." josie told her as she pulled blonde hair into a sleek bun.

"no, it's okay. i just need to get over it. he moved on, so now i have to." she said firmly.

josie just sighed and looked at her work, "perfect. let's go get coffee." she told the girl and they both headed out to kennedy's favorite coffee shop, where she had been a couple days prior.

josie watched as kennedy looked at a corner and pursed her lips, remembering where charles had made max and her laugh so hard she was choking on her coffee.

"hi, what can i get you today?" a cute barista asked the two women.

"a chai tea for me, hot with a shot of espresso, a large. and, kenny?" josie said, looking at the blonde.

kennedy snapped out of her thoughts and gave the barista a smile, "just a large london fog for me." she said.

the barista smiled before turning to make their drinks.

"i think i'm going to make a salon appointment, i need to do something with my hair." kennedy thought out loud, scrolling on her phone.

"that's a good idea, i might join you." josie nodded along.

"you know jo," kennedy said as their drinks were brought out to them, "i think lewis might propose soon."

josie smiled brightly, "yeah, i've been kind of getting hints. god! that would be something, wouldn't it?"

kennedy gave her friend a small smile, her eyes filled with happiness for her best friend.

"it really would be."

don't kill me bri!

still love you!


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