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monday morning rolled around, and the blonde american did not want to get out of bed.

she had already packed the night before so all she had to do was get up, go to the gym, and shower.

unfortunately she did not want to do any of those things and just lay in bed.

when her third alarm went off, she finally groaned and rolled over, getting up.

she tossed on one of her many work out sets and headed down to the apartment gym, doing a quick thirty minute workout.

she headed back up to the apartment, deciding what she wanted for breakfast, but ultimately deciding on just a smoothie and maybe some coffee.

she quickly showered and put on her outfit. it was just a simple outfit, a grey t-shirt, blue jeans, and some sneakers.

"hey kenny-" josie started, "oh you're up already." she finished when she walked in and saw the girl sitting at her desk, loading her laptop and a notebook into her tote bag.

"hm? oh yeah, i wanted to go to the gym this morning, get out some anxiety and stress." she said, looking up at her friend.

josie just wiggled her eyebrows, "why not let charles take out some of your stress?" she joked, making kennedy scrunch her nose and blush.

"i don't like him." kennedy persisted, ignoring the butterflies when she thought of how he smiled at her back in monaco.

during the shoot, it somehow got out that kennedy was going to the race the following weekend, and now everyone that she works with is conviced that she's dating one of the drivers.

the amount of times the blonde had told someone "no, we're just friends" was insane.

josie, however being her best friend, didn't buy into her bullshit, "alright sure, but if i have to find out something happens between you two through a gossip site i'll be pissed."

after kennedy promised she would tell her if anything happened, she ordered her uber to the airport.

"be safe this weekend though, and if anything happens you know you can always talk to lewis, he'll be there the whole time." josie stated as kennedy brought her bags to the door.

"i know, thank you! i hope you have a good weekend with your family, i'll text you when we get to monza." the blonde said as josie pulled her in for a hug.

"i love you kens, don't do anything stupid." josie mumbled.

"love you too josie, i'll be okay. if anything happens lewis will be there." she reassured.

the two bid their goodbyes as kennedy walked out the door, heading for the uber that was waiting there for her.

on the drive, the ferrari driver gave her a call.

"hey leclerc." kennedy said, picking up the call.

"hey! just wanted to make sure you're up, we just landed so we're going to refuel. but i was actually calling for another reason." he said and the girl furrowed her brows.

"okay? what's the reason?"

there was a moment of silence before she heard carlos on the other end, "just ask her!"

"ask me what?" she asked and charles chuckled.

"carlos and i are craving a coffee, could you pick some up for us? we'll pay you!" he said and the blonde giggled.

"i'll see what i can do." she said before putting the phone to her shoulder and asking the driver if they could swing by a starbucks to pick up coffees.

thankfully, the driver agreed and kennedy put the phone back to her ear.

"you don't need to repay me, this is the least i could do since you're letting me fly with you on your jet. just text me your order." she said, the man sighing but texting her their orders.

"i'll see you in a bit." the girl said before hanging up and turning to her driver, "did you want a coffee? i'm more than happy to get you one as well."

the driver gave her a smile, "thank you, honestly just an americano is fine." he said and she nodded, putting in the order.

soon, the girl was pulling up to the airport with her three coffees, already giving the driver his.

she made sure to tip him extra well for the little detour.

"kennedy!" she heard and looked out to see carlos standing at the door, charles right behind him, both with massive smiles on their faces.

the girl grinned, rolling her suitcase and tote bag over, the tray of coffees in her other hand.

the boys raced down the stairs, rushing towards her.

"you are my savior." carlos said, taking the coffees out of her hands and giving her a kiss on the cheek, making the girl blush furiously.

charles was behind him and took her suitcase from her, also giving her a hug, trying to ignore the fluttering sensation in his chest as she smiled at him.

"thank you again, this is fucking amazing." kennedy said as the two walked towards the plane, charles handing off the bag to someone.

"it's really no problem, thank you for picking up coffee. we were dying." he laughed and the girl shook her head.

the two got on the place, carlos already seated and sipping on his hot coffee.

the other two drinks were sitting on a table between two seats and when the two sat down across from each other, carlos gave charles a little grin.

not like he had planned for them to sit together. never.

"wow, this is just wow." kennedy said as she looked around, sipping her iced drink.

charles watched the girl, a smile playing on his lips.

"have you never been in a private plane before?" carlos asked and the girl shook her head.

"no, i have, but usually i'm too hungover to appreciate it or still drunk." she told him, charles chuckling.

"well, hopefully we have more plane rides together." carlos grinned, looking between the two which made kennedy blush.

the stupid blush was always giving away her feelings.

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