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the moments leading up to the race were full of anxiety from the two models.

"they're going to do great guys." james reassured, putting hands on both womens shoulders.

josie gave james a shakey smile and put her headphones on.

kennedy looked at her dad and shook her head, "will you ever tell me what you and charles talked about?" she asked.

james laughed, putting his headphones on and giving her a wink.

kennedy rolled her eyes and followed suit, the race lights just starting to light up.

the race went underway and both women were jumpy.

"i'm going to get drinks, coffee or liquor for you ladies?" james asked, halfway through the race.

"liquor." both women said at the same time, making the man smile.

james headed to the bar and got the women drinks, himself only a coffee.

as he walked back over, he saw the two girls holding onto each other.

he smiled at the sight, having josie being in kennedy's life was like having another daughter.

he gave the two girls their drinks and they took them with grateful smiles.

as the last few laps came around, josie shouted as lewis crashed, getting a did not finish.

"fuck!" she yelled, running a hand through her hair.

kennedy rubbed the girls back soothingly, but josie was too upset.

"i'm going down to see him. i'll see you guys back at the hotel." josie told the father and daughter, both giving her a sad smile.

"he raced well jo, he'll get them next season." kennedy said and josie just nodded, giving her friend a kiss on the cheek and leaving.

kennedy turned back to watch max cross the finish line first, then charles, making her smile. she knew that the ferrari driver would be upset about it, but she was still proud of him, and of course max as well.

herself and james headed down to the track, kennedy congratulating max first, giving him a hug.

"i'm so proud of you!" kennedy grinned and max laughed.

"just another win for the books!" he said happily before his smile softened, "could i talk to you after podium? i just have a question." he asked and the blonde nodded.

"yeah of course! anything for my rumored boyfriend right?" she joked, pushing his arm.

he just gave her a big smile back and went to celebrate with his team.

kennedy turned to find her dad, only to see him already with the ferrari's, shaking the hand of the team principal and being surrounded by red.

the blonde just rolled her eyes, following him into the crowd.

before she could get very far, a hand landed on her arm.

she turned to see her new favorite driver and smiled at him.

"great race leclerc." she said with a grin.

the driver didn't say anything but pulled her close to him.

"really? going non-verbal on me leclerc?" kennedy joked as charles rolled his eyes.

"shut up and let me kiss you rhodes." he said before leaning into kiss her.

time slowed down as their lips met, everything around them fading into white noise.

a drop of sweat that fell off charles forehead landed on the girls nose, making her pull away and scrunch her nose.

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